Author Topic: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php  (Read 280812 times)

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Offline fotograf74

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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #60 on: December 24, 2005, 09:24:36 PM »
Canīt find the line:
$user_id = ($this->read_cookie_data("userid")) ? $this->read_cookie_data("userid") : GUEST;

in my session.php

Offline TheOracle

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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #61 on: December 25, 2005, 01:48:10 PM »
In your includes/sessions.php file,

find :



and the line right below is the one you're looking for - which should be

this one :


$user_id = ($this->read_cookie_data("userid")) ? ...

replace that entire line

with this one :

Code: [Select]

$user_id = ($this->read_cookie_data("userid")) ? intval($this->read_cookie_data("userid")) : GUEST;

Merry Christmas.

Offline fotograf74

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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #62 on: January 08, 2006, 01:25:31 PM »
Sorry in my sesions.php I canīt finde this line

Code: [Select]
 *                                                                        *
 *    4images - A Web Based Image Gallery Management System               *
 *    ----------------------------------------------------------------    *
 *                                                                        *
 *             File: sessions.php                                         *
 *        Copyright: (C) 2002 Jan Sorgalla                                *
 *            Email:                                    *
 *              Web:                             *
 *    Scriptversion: 1.7                                                  *
 *                                                                        *
 *    Never released without support from: Nicky (   *
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 *                                                                        *
 *    Main part is adapted from of phpBB, (C) 2001 The phpBB Group        *
 *    phpBB is released under the GNU General Public License              *
 *                                                                        *
if (!defined('ROOT_PATH')) {
"Security violation");

//--- Start Configuration -----------------------------

// Define here the name of the session. Default of phpBB is "sid".

// Define here the name of the banlist and config database tables.
// Maybe you only need to change the table prefix if you another
// than the phpBB default "phpbb_".

// Set her the corresponding database fields of the user table.
// If there is no corresponding field in the new user table,
// leave the value blank. Normally no need to change.
$user_table_fields = array(
"user_id" => "user_id",
"user_level" => "user_level",
"user_name" => "username",
"user_password" => "user_password",
"user_email" => "user_email",
"user_showemail" => "user_viewemail",
"user_allowemails" => "",
"user_invisible" => "user_allow_viewonline",
"user_joindate" => "user_regdate",
"user_activationkey" => "user_actkey",
"user_lastaction" => "user_session_time",
"user_location" => "user_session_page",
"user_lastvisit" => "user_lastvisit",
"user_comments" => "",
"user_homepage" => "user_website",
"user_icq" => "user_icq"

// Set here the URL to your phpBB forum. WITH trailing slash!
$url_app           "";

// Set here different URL's to your phpBB forum.
// Normally no need to change.
$url_register      $url_app."profile.php?mode=register";
$url_lost_password $url_app."profile.php?mode=sendpassword";
$url_control_panel $url_app."profile.php?mode=editprofile";
$url_mailform      $url_app."profile.php?mode=email&u={user_id}";
$url_show_profile  $url_app."profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u={user_id}";
$url_login         $url_app."login.php";
$url_logout        $url_app."login.php?logout=true";

//--- End Configuration -------------------------------


get_user_table_field($add$user_field) {
  return (!empty(
$user_table_fields[$user_field])) ? $add.$user_table_fields[$user_field] : "";

Session {

$mode "get";
$session_info = array();
$user_info = array();

Session() {
$this->session_timeout $board_config['session_length'];
$this->user_ip $this->get_user_ip();
$this->user_location 1;
$this->current_time time();

session_pagestart($user_ip$thispage_id) {

$cookiename $board_config['cookie_name'];
  $cookiepath $board_config['cookie_path'];
  $cookiedomain $board_config['cookie_domain'];
  $cookiesecure $board_config['cookie_secure'];

  if ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_sid']) || isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_data']) )
  $this->session_id = isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_sid']) ? $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_sid'] : '';
  $sessiondata = isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_data']) ? unserialize(stripslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_data'])) : array();
  if (!is_array($sessiondata)) {
    $sessiondata = array();
  $this->mode "cookie";
  $sessiondata = array();
  if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[SESSION_NAME])) {
$this->session_id $HTTP_GET_VARS[SESSION_NAME];
      elseif (isset(
$this->session_id $HTTP_POST_VARS[SESSION_NAME];
      else {
$this->session_id false;

// Does a session exist?
if ( !empty($this->session_id) )
$valid_session 1;
if (!$this->load_session_info()) {
$this->session_info['session_user_id'] = GUEST;
$valid_session 0;
$this->user_info $this->load_user_info($this->session_info['session_user_id']);

if ( $valid_session )
$SID = ( $this->mode == "get" ) ? SESSION_NAME.'=' $this->session_id '';

if ( $this->current_time $this->session_info['session_time'] > 60 )
   SET session_time = 
$this->current_time, session_page = $thispage_id
   WHERE session_id = '
   AND session_ip = '

if ( $this->user_info['user_id'] != GUEST )
   SET user_session_time = 
$this->current_time, user_session_page = $thispage_id
   WHERE user_id = " 
    setcookie($cookiename '_data'serialize($sessiondata), $this->current_time 31536000$cookiepath$cookiedomain$cookiesecure);
   setcookie($cookiename '_sid'$this->session_id0$cookiepath$cookiedomain$cookiesecure);
   return $this->user_info;

  $user_id = ( isset($sessiondata['userid']) ) ? $sessiondata['userid'] : GUEST;
  $this->user_info $this->session_begin($user_id$user_ip$thispage_idTRUE);
  return $this->user_info;


session_begin($user_id$user_ip$page_id$auto_create 0$enable_autologin 0) {

$cookiename $board_config['cookie_name'];
  $cookiepath $board_config['cookie_path'];
  $cookiedomain $board_config['cookie_domain'];
  $cookiesecure $board_config['cookie_secure'];

  if ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_sid']) || isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_data']) )
  $this->session_id = isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_sid']) ? $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_sid'] : '';
  $sessiondata = isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_data']) ? unserialize(stripslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookiename '_data'])) : array();
  $this->mode "cookie";
  $sessiondata = array();
  if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[SESSION_NAME])) {
$this->session_id $HTTP_GET_VARS[SESSION_NAME];
      elseif (isset(
$this->session_id $HTTP_POST_VARS[SESSION_NAME];
      else {
$this->session_id false;

  $last_visit 0;
  $expiry_time $this->current_time $board_config['session_length'];

  $this->user_info $this->load_user_info($user_id);
  $user_id $this->user_info['user_id'];

    if ( 
$user_id != GUEST )
  $auto_login_key $this->user_info['user_password'];

  if ( $auto_create )
if ( isset($sessiondata['autologinid']) && $this->user_info['user_active'] )
   // We have to login automagically
   if( $sessiondata['autologinid'] == $auto_login_key )
// autologinid matches password
   $login 1;
   $enable_autologin 1;
   // No match; don't login, set as anonymous user
   $login 0;
   $enable_autologin 0;
   $user_id GUEST;
  // Autologin is not set. Don't login, set as anonymous user
$login 0;
   $enable_autologin 0;
   $user_id GUEST;
   $login 1;
  $login 0;
$enable_autologin 0;
$user_id GUEST;

  // Initial ban check against user id, IP and email address

  $sql "SELECT ban_ip, ban_userid, ban_email
   FROM " 
   WHERE ban_ip IN ('" 
$user_ip_parts[1] . $user_ip_parts[2] . $user_ip_parts[3] . $user_ip_parts[4] . "', '" $user_ip_parts[1] . $user_ip_parts[2] . $user_ip_parts[3] . "ff', '" $user_ip_parts[1] . $user_ip_parts[2] . "ffff', '" $user_ip_parts[1] . "ffffff')
   OR ban_userid = 
if ( $user_id != GUEST )
$sql .= " OR ban_email LIKE '" str_replace("\'""''"$this->user_info['user_email']) . "'
   OR ban_email LIKE '" 
substr(str_replace("\'""''"$this->user_info['user_email']), strpos(str_replace("\'""''"$this->user_info['user_email']), "@")) . "'";
$result $site_db->query($sql);

if ( $ban_info $site_db->fetch_array($result) )
if ( $ban_info['ban_ip'] || $ban_info['ban_userid'] || $ban_info['ban_email'] )
header("Location: $url_login");

// Create or update the session
   SET session_user_id = 
$user_id, session_start = $this->current_time, session_time = $this->current_time, session_page = $page_id, session_logged_in = $login
   WHERE session_id = '" 
$this->session_id "'
   AND session_ip = '
if ( !$site_db->query($sql) || !$site_db->affected_rows() )
$this->session_id md5(uniqid($user_ip));

   (session_id, session_user_id, session_start, session_time, session_ip, session_page, session_logged_in)
   VALUES ('
$this->session_id', $user_id$this->current_time$this->current_time, '$user_ip', $page_id$login)";

if ( $user_id != GUEST )
$last_visit = ( $this->user_info['user_session_time'] > ) ? $this->user_info['user_session_time'] : $this->current_time;

   SET user_session_time = 
$this->current_time, user_session_page = $page_id, user_lastvisit = $last_visit
   WHERE user_id = 

$this->user_info['user_lastvisit'] = $last_visit;

$sessiondata['autologinid'] = ( $enable_autologin && $this->mode == "cookie" ) ? $auto_login_key '';
$sessiondata['userid'] = $user_id;

$this->user_info['user_id'] = $user_id;
$this->session_info['session_id'] = $this->session_id;
$this->session_info['session_ip'] = $user_ip;
$this->session_info['session_user_id'] = $user_id;
$this->session_info['session_logged_in'] = $login;
$this->session_info['session_page'] = $page_id;
$this->session_info['session_start'] = $this->current_time;
$this->session_info['session_time'] = $this->current_time;

setcookie($cookiename '_data'serialize($sessiondata), $this->current_time 31536000$cookiepath$cookiedomain$cookiesecure);
setcookie($cookiename '_sid'$this->session_id0$cookiepath$cookiedomain$cookiesecure);

$SID = ( $this->mode == "get" ) ? SESSION_NAME.'=' $this->session_id '';

return $this->user_info;

login($user_name ""$user_password ""$auto_login 0$set_auto_login 1) {
header("Location: $url_login");

logout($user_id GUEST) {
header("Location: $url_logout");

delete_old_sessions() {
$expiry_time $this->current_time $board_config['session_length'];
            WHERE session_time < 

$sql "SELECT session_id
            FROM "
$result $site_db->query($sql);
    if (
$result) {
$session_ids_sql "";
      while (
$row $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
$session_ids_sql .= (($session_ids_sql != "") ? ", " "") . "'".$row['session_id']."'";
    if (!empty(
$session_ids_sql)) {
              WHERE session_id NOT IN (

return_session_info() {

return_user_info() {

freeze() {

load_session_info() {
    if (empty(
$this->session_id)) {
$ip_sql = ($this->mode == "get") ? " AND session_ip = '$this->user_ip'" "";
$this->session_info = array();
$sql "SELECT *
            FROM "
            WHERE session_id = '
$this->session_info $site_db->query_firstrow($sql);
    if (empty(
$this->session_info['session_user_id'])) {
    else {
$sql "SELECT sessionvars_name, sessionvars_value
              FROM "
              WHERE session_id = '
$result $site_db->query($sql);
      while (
$row $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
$this->session_info[$row['sessionvars_name']] = $row['sessionvars_value'];

load_user_info($user_id GUEST) {

    if (
$user_id != GUEST) {
$sql "SELECT u.*, l.*
              FROM "
              WHERE "
.get_user_table_field("u.""user_id")." = $user_id AND l.user_id = ".get_user_table_field("u.""user_id");
$user_info $site_db->query_firstrow($sql);
      if (!
$user_info) {
$sql "SELECT *
                FROM "
                WHERE "
.get_user_table_field("""user_id")." = $user_id";
$user_info $site_db->query_firstrow($sql);
        if (
$user_info) {
$lightbox_id get_random_key(LIGHTBOXES_TABLE"lightbox_id");
                  (lightbox_id, user_id, lightbox_lastaction, lightbox_image_ids)
$lightbox_id', ".$user_info[$user_table_fields['user_id']].", $this->current_time, '')";
$user_info['lightbox_lastaction'] = $this->current_time;
$user_info['lightbox_image_ids'] = "";
    if (empty(
$user_info[$user_table_fields['user_id']])) {
$user_info = array();
$user_info['user_id'] = GUEST;
$user_info['user_level'] = GUEST;
$user_info['user_lastaction'] = $this->current_time;

    foreach (
$user_table_fields as $key => $val) {
      if (isset(
$user_info[$val])) {
        if (
$val == "user_allow_viewonline") {
$user_info[$key] = ($user_info[$val] == 1) ? 1;
        else {
$user_info[$key] = $user_info[$val];
      elseif (!isset(
$user_info[$key])) {
$user_info[$key] = "";
    if (isset(
$user_info['user_active']) && $user_info['user_active'] == 0) {
$user_info['user_level'] = USER_AWAITING;

set_session_var($var_name$value) {
$sql "SELECT session_id
            FROM "
            WHERE sessionvars_name = '
$var_name' AND session_id = '$this->session_id'";
    if (
$site_db->is_empty($sql)) {
              (session_id, sessionvars_name, sessionvars_value)
$this->session_id', '$var_name', '$value')";
    else {
              SET sessionvars_value = '
              WHERE sessionvars_name = '
$var_name' AND session_id = '$this->session_id'";
$this->session_info[$var_name] = $value;

get_session_var($var_name) {
    if (isset(
$this->session_info[$var_name])) {
    else {
$sql "SELECT sessionvars_value
              FROM "
              WHERE sessionvars_name = '
$var_name' AND session_id = '$this->session_id'";
$value $site_db->query_firstrow($sql);
      if (
$value) {
$this->session_info[$var_name] = $value['sessionvars_value'];
      else {

drop_session_var($var_name) {
            WHERE sessionvars_name = '
$var_name' AND session_id = '$this->session_id'";
    return (
$site_db->query($sql)) ? 0;

get_user_ip() {

getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') != '' )

    if ( preg_match("/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/"getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'), $ip_list) )
    $private_ip = array('/^127\.0\.0\.1/''/^192\.168\..*/''/^172\.16\..*/''/^10..*/''/^224..*/''/^240..*/');
    $client_ip preg_replace($private_ip$client_ip$ip_list[1]);

$ip_sep explode('.'$client_ip);
  return sprintf('%02x%02x%02x%02x'$ip_sep[0], $ip_sep[1], $ip_sep[2], $ip_sep[3]);

get_user_location() {
    return (
defined("IN_CP")) ? "Control Panel" preg_replace(array("/([?|&])action=[^?|&]*/""/([?|&])mode=[^?|&]*/""/([?|&])phpinfo=[^?|&]*/""/([?|&])printstats=[^?|&]*/""/[?|&]".URL_ID."=[^?|&]*/""/[?|&]l=[^?|&]*/""/[&?]+$/"), array(""""""""""""""), addslashes($self_url));

  function url($url, $amp = "&amp;") {
    global $l;
    $dummy_array = explode("#", $url);
    $url = $dummy_array[0];

    if ($this->mode == "get" && !preg_match("/".SESSION_NAME."=/i", $url)) {
      $url .= preg_match("/\?/", $url) ? "$amp" : "?";
      $url .= SESSION_NAME."=".$this->session_id;

    if (!empty($l)) {
      $url .= preg_match("/\?/", $url) ? "$amp" : "?";
      $url .= "l=".$l;

    $url .= (isset($dummy_array[1])) ? "#".$dummy_array[1] : "";
    return $url;
function url($url$amp "&amp;") {
$dummy_array explode("#"$url);
$url $dummy_array[0];
$url str_replace('&amp;''&'$url);
    if (!
defined('IN_CP')) {
      if (
strstr($url'index.php')) {
$url str_replace('index.php'''$url);
      elseif (
strstr($url'search.php')) {
        if (
strstr($url'page=')) {
          if (isset(
$matches[1])) {
$split explode('?'$url);
$url $split[0];
$query = @$split[1];
$url   str_replace('search.php''search.'.$matches[1].'.htm'$url);
$query str_replace('page='.$matches[1].'&'''$query);
$query str_replace('&page='.$matches[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('page='.$matches[1], ''$query);
            if (!empty(
$query)) {
$url .= '?' $query;
        else {
$url str_replace('search.php''search.htm'$url);
      elseif (
strstr($url'lightbox.php')) {
        if (
strstr($url'page=')) {
          if (isset(
$matches[1])) {
$split explode('?'$url);
$url $split[0];
$query = @$split[1];
$url   str_replace('lightbox.php''lightbox.'.$matches[1].'.htm'$url);
$query str_replace('page='.$matches[1].'&'''$query);
$query str_replace('&page='.$matches[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('page='.$matches[1], ''$query);
            if (!empty(
$query)) {
$url .= '?' $query;
        else {
$url str_replace('lightbox.php''lightbox.htm'$url);
      elseif (
strstr($url'categories.php')) {
        if (
strstr($url'cat_id=') && strstr($url'page=')) {
          if (isset(
$matches1[1]) && isset($matches2[1])) {
$split explode('?'$url);
$url $split[0];
$query = @$split[1];
$url   str_replace('categories.php''cat'.$matches1[1].'.'.$matches2[1].'.htm'$url);
$query str_replace('cat_id='.$matches1[1].'&'''$query);
$query str_replace('&cat_id='.$matches1[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('cat_id='.$matches1[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('page='.$matches2[1].'&'''$query);
$query str_replace('&page='.$matches2[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('page='.$matches2[1], ''$query);
            if (!empty(
$query)) {
$url .= '?' $query;
        elseif (
strstr($url'cat_id=')) {
          if (isset(
$matches[1])) {
$split explode('?'$url);
$url $split[0];
$query = @$split[1];
$url   str_replace('categories.php''cat'.$matches[1].'.htm'$url);
$query str_replace('cat_id='.$matches[1].'&'''$query);
$query str_replace('&cat_id='.$matches[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('cat_id='.$matches[1], ''$query);
            if (!empty(
$query)) {
$url .= '?' $query;
        else {
$url str_replace('categories.php''cat.htm'$url);
      elseif (
strstr($url'details.php?image_id=')) {
        if (
strstr($url'image_id=') && strstr($url'mode=')) {
          if (isset(
$matches1[1]) && isset($matches2[1])) {
$split explode('?'$url);
$url $split[0];
$query = @$split[1];
$url   str_replace('details.php''img'.$matches1[1].'.'.$matches2[1].'.htm'$url);
$query str_replace('image_id='.$matches1[1].'&'''$query);
$query str_replace('&image_id='.$matches1[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('image_id='.$matches1[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('mode='.$matches2[1].'&'''$query);
$query str_replace('&mode='.$matches2[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('mode='.$matches2[1], ''$query);
            if (!empty(
$query)) {
$url .= '?' $query;
        else {
          if (isset(
$matches[1])) {
$split explode('?'$url);
$url $split[0];
$query = @$split[1];
$url   str_replace('details.php''img'.$matches[1].'.htm'$url);
$query str_replace('image_id='.$matches[1].'&'''$query);
$query str_replace('&image_id='.$matches[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('image_id='.$matches[1], ''$query);
            if (!empty(
$query)) {
$url .= '?' $query;
      elseif (
strstr($url'postcards.php?image_id=')) {
        if (isset(
$matches[1])) {
$split explode('?'$url);
$url $split[0];
$query = @$split[1];
$url   str_replace('postcards.php''postcard.img'.$matches[1].'.htm'$url);
$query str_replace('image_id='.$matches[1].'&'''$query);
$query str_replace('&image_id='.$matches[1], ''$query);
$query str_replace('image_id='.$matches[1], ''$query);
          if (!empty(
$query)) {
$url .= '?' $query;
    if (
$this->mode == "get" && strstr($url$this->session_id)) {
$url .= strpos($url'?') !== false '&' '?';
$url .= SESSION_NAME."=".$this->session_id;
    if (!empty(
$l)) {
$url .= strpos($url'?') ? '&' '?';
$url .= "l=".$l;
$url str_replace('&'$amp$url);
$url .= isset($dummy_array[1]) ? "#".$dummy_array[1] : "";
//end of class

//--- Start Session -----------------------------------
$board_config = array();
$result $site_db->query($sql);
$row $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
$board_config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];

//Start Session
$site_sess = new Session();

// Get Userinfo
$session_info $site_sess->return_session_info();
$user_info $site_sess->return_user_info();

//--- Get User Caches ---------------------------------
$num_total_online 0;
$num_visible_online 0;
$num_invisible_online 0;
$num_registered_online 0;
$num_guests_online 0;
$user_online_list "";
$prev_user_ids = array();
$prev_session_ips = array();

if (
defined("GET_USER_ONLINE") && ($config['display_whosonline'] == || $user_info['user_level'] == ADMIN)) {
$time_out time() - 300;
$sql "SELECT ".get_user_table_field("u.""user_id").get_user_table_field(", u.""user_level").get_user_table_field(", u.""user_name").get_user_table_field(", u.""user_invisible").", s.session_user_id, s.session_time, s.session_ip
  FROM "
.get_user_table_field("u.""user_id")." = s.session_user_id AND (s.session_time >= $time_out OR ".get_user_table_field("u.""user_lastaction")." >= $time_out)
.get_user_table_field("u.""user_id")." ASC, s.session_ip ASC";
$result $site_db->query($sql);
  while (
$row $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
    if (
$row['session_user_id'] != GUEST) {
      if (!isset(
$prev_user_ids[$row['session_user_id']])) {
$is_invisible = (isset($row[$user_table_fields['user_invisible']]) && $row[$user_table_fields['user_invisible']] == 0) ? 0;
$invisibleuser = ($is_invisible) ? "*" "";
$username = (isset($row[$user_table_fields['user_level']]) && $row[$user_table_fields['user_level']] == ADMIN && $config['highlight_admin'] == 1) ? sprintf("<b>%s</b>"$row[$user_table_fields['user_name']]) : $row[$user_table_fields['user_name']];
        if (!
$is_invisible || $user_info['user_level'] == ADMIN) {
$user_online_list .= ($user_online_list != "") ? ", " "";
$user_profile_link = (!empty($url_show_profile)) ? preg_replace("/{user_id}/"$row['session_user_id'], $url_show_profile) : ROOT_PATH."member.php?action=showprofile&amp;".URL_USER_ID."=".$row['session_user_id'];
$user_online_list .= "<a href=\"".$site_sess->url($user_profile_link)."\">".$username."</a>".$invisibleuser;
$is_invisible) ? $num_visible_online++ : $num_invisible_online++;
$prev_user_ids[$row['session_user_id']] = 1;
    else {
      if (!isset(
$prev_session_ips[$row['session_ip']])) {
$prev_session_ips[$row['session_ip']] = 1;
$num_total_online $num_registered_online $num_guests_online;

"num_total_online" => $num_total_online,
"num_invisible_online" => $num_invisible_online,
"num_registered_online" => $num_registered_online,
"num_guests_online" => $num_guests_online,
"user_online_list" => $user_online_list,
"lang_user_online" => str_replace('{num_total_online}'$num_total_online$lang['user_online']),
"lang_user_online_detail" => str_replace(array('{num_registered_online}','{num_invisible_online}','{num_guests_online}'), array($num_registered_online,$num_invisible_online,$num_guests_online), $lang['user_online_detail']),
$whos_online $site_template->parse_template("whos_online");

Offline Ston4Img

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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #63 on: January 08, 2006, 03:17:29 PM »
The Lini "$this->delete_old_sessions();" was in the current download included with the modification (the Post from "theOracle")

Offline V@no

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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #64 on: January 08, 2006, 08:27:23 PM »
Please read the replys before you complain :P ;)

no this line :$user_id = ($this->read_cookie_data("userid")) ? $this->read_cookie_data("userid") : GUEST;

I integrated phpBB 2.0.15 .
that version does not have this hole, dont worry about this fix ;)
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Offline madace77

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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #65 on: January 18, 2006, 03:59:20 PM »
Is this fix already implemented in the version i'm about to get from the Download section?

Offline V@no

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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #66 on: January 18, 2006, 11:59:25 PM »
Unless you are getting version newer then v1.7.1 (which is not out yet) then no, these fixes are not implemented into current version.
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Offline Morgan

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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #67 on: March 15, 2006, 10:25:29 PM »
Is this fix important for integrated 4images 1.7 version for Runcms/E-Xoops? I can't find a code to replace in sessions.php, seems that there is no such line - user's login/logout integrated with CMS. I use russian language in 4images 1.7 and Runcms 1.2-)

Offline V@no

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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2006, 12:52:03 AM »
Perhaps if you would attach your sessions.php (as a .txt file), then I could answer your question ;)
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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #69 on: May 03, 2006, 10:18:59 AM »
Theres another fix for sessions.php:
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Offline bazm

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Re: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Security fix in sessions.php
« Reply #70 on: August 15, 2018, 07:56:09 AM »
Find $string = preg_replace('#</(applet|meta|xml|blink|link|style|script|embed|object|iframe|frame|frameset|ilayer|layer|bgsound|title|base)[^>]*>#i',"",$string);
and replace with
$string = preg_replace('#</(applet|meta|xml|blink|link|style|script|embed|object|iframe|frame|frameset|ilayer|layer|bgsound|title|base)[^>]*(>|$)#i',"",$string);