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Topics - Mystic

Pages: [1]
 I have looked through all the posts and saw a couple about the download button, but nothing specifically to what I am looking for. I would like the visitor to be able to upload a thumbnail and the larger image, but then I would like the Download button to point to the zip file on their site or to an Html webpage on their site, whichever they choose.

In the Admin Panel under "Add Images" there is a field for Download Url. What would be the coding to add that to the member_uploadform. I tested it in the Admin panel and it worked with the zip file, but doesn't work if add a url like  or It tries to zip the url. What coding could be used so the download button could go to a plain html page?

I suppose also I could just delete the Download button icons and add a text field below for the Download Url, but the the Download stats would not increment. Thanks for any ideas.

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