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Topics - Asjanja

Pages: [1]
Please, help me! I've upload my gallery to another server and now I have this error trying to open index page of my gallery:

Template Error: Couldn't open Template ./templates//category_dropdown_form.html

As I see my CHMODs are correct...

My gallery:
Version 1.7.3

Chit Chat / Some categories can't be opened
« on: March 01, 2008, 05:46:27 PM »
I've already told about this problem here. I thought that the question is in the MP3 Player MOD but I was said that it's not the cause of my error.

But I have some troubles using this mod after I change my host...
I have two categories in my gallery where there are mp3 files only. I can open pages with each of these files and play them in this flash player. But I can't open a category with these files... "Page not found" always appeares or empty index.php file is opened with my Dreamweaver.

I think the reason of the error is in this MOD because the other categories (with pix) can be opened well.

My gallery:
Version: 1.7.3
Problem categories:

I try to open these categories from here

Please, somedy tell me, where is the mistake?

Pages: [1]