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Messages - wassimo

Pages: [1] 2
* V@no have no clue what you are trying to do and what is the question...
hall at u, Vano lolz

first i wanna show thumb size after resize images to thumbs

the other thing i wanna to know is that : how can  i  do that php page

it's just a logo
and when u change the size the logo still in the middle and in the end of the image are blure from the top  to the bottom
and from the right to the left

that's it


i was thinking how to get thumb size

i hope some one can help me with this
 take a look at this first
change                                         702 and 514 to any number u want and u will get the size that u want how couldi do that
secound thing i want to bring thumb size not MEDIA  thimbg size just like that {thumb_size}

and thanks alot

no reply << poor  ):

let me guess
it needs that

$usrname ARRAY ()

replace select from array  but i don't know how to write that in php

wow know how i do it

choice first lightbox from drop down menu after that press on the favortie button


hmmme great mod

how can member  change which lightbox hold image

i mean  move the image from lightbox 1 to 2


thanks alot veno i really love 4imags
hope i get support  coz i don't know much PHP this is mode i use
and i'm waiting

if !isset defualt : <img src defualt   /> unkown user

thanks for edit but no replay


hello every one   i need some help please
this is the secound time i ask for this help

as here

All i need is shortcut of users

if any user post comment like this way  >>>       :devusername:

[ :dev] + user name + [ :]

it appears user id or any field of user columens

hope u help me

by the way i have smiles mod BBcode

thanks alot

good , thanks for posting this must so useful ~!

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Contact Form
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:17:10 PM »
thanks alot < nice mood  :D

جرب الاتي

اعمل باك اب قبل لتعمل التعديلات الاتيه
اذا كنت تستخدم الاصدار ومافوق
ضروري هذه الخطوة تكون في ملف
global.php  بدلا من ذلك
 if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['search_new_images']) || isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['search_new_images'])) {
$search_new_images 1;

 علقه او احذفه

ابحث عن

$search_new_images 1;

اضف بعده

  $search_new_images = (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['search_new_images'])) ? trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['search_new_images']) : urldecode(trim($HTTP_GET_VARS['search_new_images']));

التعديلات الاتية ضروري  تكون في ملف search.php

ابحث عن
if ($search_new_images && $show_result == 1) {
$search_id['search_new_images'] = 1;

اضف بعده
if ($search_new_images == 2) {
$search_id['search_new_images'] = 2;

ابحث  عن

if (!empty($search_id['search_new_images']) && $search_id['search_new_images'] == 1) {
$new_cutoff time() - 60 60 24 $config['new_cutoff'];
$sql_where_query .= "AND i.image_date >= $new_cutoff ";

اضف بعده

if (!empty($search_id['search_new_images']) && $search_id['search_new_images'] == 2) {
     if (
$user_info['user_level'] != GUEST) {        
$new_cutoff $user_info['user_lastvisit'];
     else {  
$new_cutoff time() - 60 60 24 $config['new_cutoff'];  
$sql_where_query .= "AND i.image_date >= $new_cutoff ";

include/page_header.php  في ملف 

ابحث عن

"url_new_images" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."search.php?search_new_images=1"),

اضف بعده

"url_new_images_last" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."search.php?search_new_images=2"),

ابحث عن :

"lang_new_images" => $lang['new_images'],

اضف بعده

"lang_new_images_last" => $lang['new_images_last'],

في ملف lang/xxx/main.php

ابحث عن

$lang['new_images'] = 

اضف بعده

$lang['new_images_last'] = "New images since last visit";

في ملف   templates/xxx/home.html

في اي مكان انت تريد  اضف هذه

<a href="{url_new_images_last}" title="If logged in, click to see all images added since your last visit"><b>{lang_new_images_last}</b></a>&nbsp

في ملف


اضف هذه السطر

"lang_new_images" => $lang['new_images'],
b]  /* [MOD] New Images since last visit -- Begin */
"lang_new_images_last" => $lang['new_images_last'],
/* [MOD] New Images since last visit -- End */[b]
"lang_top_images" => $lang['top_images'],

تحياتي wassimo

great tut  :twisted:

great mod really love it ^-^ , but can i  show user rates per profile visible for all,?

suggestion if we repalce numbers of rates with images , from 1 rate to 100 image 1  , and  from 100 rates to 150 other pic shows on profile is it possible ?

& thanks

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Ban v1.7
« on: January 28, 2011, 04:52:06 PM »
it's amazing mood really  thanks V@no ~, but , how i can  show that , user denied to all users and guest who look on his profile ?
i mean same ban message appears to all not only user  ^-^   :P

other suggestion,  if user baned , none can comment on his  images o profile etc.... ^-^ is it possible  ?

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: Signature image v2.3
« on: January 28, 2011, 04:08:45 PM »
thanks ,  How did u know that i love MTV logo ^-^

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