Installation, Update & Configuration / 4images & Synology NAS
« on: January 08, 2020, 01:56:14 AM »
I already posted over in the Error forum but there doesn't seem to be much input.
I'm having trouble migrating my 4images gallery over to a Synology NAS system. I've successfully migrated two different WordPress sites over but cannot figure out how to get the 4images gallery over. I've tried, unsuccessfully, to do a new install as well - check out my error message thread here: https://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=33076.0
I'm getting:
An unexpected error occured. Please try again later.
Could not connect to the database server (localhost, gallery).
I've confirmed my database information is correct. I'm using PHP 7.0 and Apache 2.2
Based on this thread: https://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=24690.0, I've updated the correct folders to 777 and 666
Is there a known compatibility issue with Synology?
I'm sure it's something simple that I am missing. It seems odd that I can't install a fresh copy either.
Any input would be much appreciated.
I'm having trouble migrating my 4images gallery over to a Synology NAS system. I've successfully migrated two different WordPress sites over but cannot figure out how to get the 4images gallery over. I've tried, unsuccessfully, to do a new install as well - check out my error message thread here: https://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=33076.0
I'm getting:
An unexpected error occured. Please try again later.
Could not connect to the database server (localhost, gallery).
I've confirmed my database information is correct. I'm using PHP 7.0 and Apache 2.2
Based on this thread: https://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=24690.0, I've updated the correct folders to 777 and 666
Is there a known compatibility issue with Synology?
I'm sure it's something simple that I am missing. It seems odd that I can't install a fresh copy either.
Any input would be much appreciated.