I did little modification, based on this mod, that add keyword list to admin panel (textarea, not dropdown form).But first:
1. It will add keyword list only to form "check new images"
2. I'm not a programmer and perhaps it is no correct way to do this, but it work for me.
Open includes/functions.php, locate this code at the very bottom:
Change it to the following:
// --------------- Add a list of keywords to the admin form "check new images" BEGIN -------------------------------
function get_keyword_list_admin() {
global $lang, $site_sess, $site_db;
$keyword_dropdown = "";
$keyword_dropdown .= "<textarea name=\"search_keyword_list[]\" cols=\"30\" rows=\"8\" class=\"setperpageselect\">\n";
$sql = "SELECT `image_keywords` FROM ".IMAGES_TABLE." WHERE 1 order by `image_keywords` DESC";
$result = $site_db->query($sql);
$array = array();
while(list($Name) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
// Commented out until enforcement of user/category/image permissions is developed
// if (!check_permission("auth_viewimage", $image_row['cat_id']) || !check_permission("auth_viewcat", $image_row['cat_id'])) {
if(!empty($Name)) {
$explode_array = explode(" ",$Name);
for($ctr=0; $ctr < count($explode_array); $ctr++){
$temp = $explode_array[$ctr];
$array[] = $temp;
$array1 = array_unique($array); // Remove duplicate values from the array
if (!empty($array1)) {
natcasesort($array1); // Sort the array by A-Z, case insensitive
foreach($array1 as $val) {
$keyword_dropdown .= $val."\n";
$keyword_dropdown .= "</textarea>\n";
return $keyword_dropdown;
//----------------------------- Add a list of keywords to the admin form "check new images" END ---------------------------
Open admin/checkimages.php, locate this code:
$title = $lang['field_keywords_ext'].((isset($file_src)) ? get_iptc_insert_link($file_src, "keyword", "image_keywords_".$ii) : "");
Change it to the following:
$title = $lang['field_keywords_ext'].((isset($file_src)) ? get_iptc_insert_link($file_src, "keyword", "image_keywords_".$ii) : "")."<br />".get_keyword_list_admin();