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Messages - loz

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Tried searching for a button I can add to 4images which adds all images on the page you're viewing to the lightbox. Is this possible and can anyone help?


No, not using a different domain name to send out emails.

Mail server does tolerate the localhost usage.

Honestly, try it on this forum if you own it and see that it won't send the confirmation of activation to the user via email.

If the emails weren't sending at all then the link you provided would have been helpful. However, it is only this one email that is not sent out - in fact, I don't think the script is even set-up to send out an email when the Admin changes the user level from 'Registered Users (Not activated)' to 'Registered Users'.

This is a script problem, not an SMTP or mail problem. You try changing Account Activation to 'by Admin' on your board and see if it works - i bet it won't send the final activation email to the user.



You probably meant there are no specific solutions for this. If so, you're right since every e-mail server configurations has their differences.

Now, I'd suggest to check your mail logs (if you have access - if not - contact your hosting service in order to be verified) to see what might be the issue that might affect your case. ;)

That wouldn't be the case though if all other emails were being sent, would it? It's just the confirmation email is not being sent. Surely the script hasn't got a way of sending out emails to the user after the Admin activates the account.



When you set the 'Account activation' settings to 'by Admin', as each user registers they are sent an email to confirm that they have registered and will become activated after the admin has approved the registration. This email is sent and received perfectly. Admin also receives an email informing them they have to approve a registration by clicking on a link - all of this works fine.

What doesn't happen
is that after admin has activated the new user's registration via the 4images site, the activation email to say they have been successful and can now login to participate doesn't get sent to their email address.

I presume the 4images script has a bug with sending the activation email when the Account Activation is set to 'by Admin', because all other types of emails from 4images are sent except this particular one. I have changed SMTP settings and there's no difference, the Activation confirmation email to the user is never sent!

I've looked around the forum for an answer to this (which has been raised) but there is no solution yet. Please help.



Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Powerpoint .ppt file download
« on: November 21, 2005, 12:55:24 PM »
Sorry, it's on a local intranet. I'm sure it's something to do with the MIME types or maybe a browser issue.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Powerpoint .ppt file download
« on: November 17, 2005, 01:10:47 PM »

I've uploaded a few Powerpoint files to my website using the batch upload mod method. I've also installed the 'download' folder module to allow users to download larger image sizes using the download button. The Powerpoint files upload and display correctly but when you click on either download or zip the file opens in the browser displaying a whole load of text jargon.

I've amended includes/upload_definitions.php adding the correct MIME definition:

$mime_type_match['ppt'] = array("application/vnd", "application/mspowerpoint", "application/ms-powerpoint", "application/mspowerpnt", "application/vnd-mspowerpoint", "application/", "application/powerpoint", "application/x-powerpoint", "application/x-mspowerpoint");

I've also included 'ppt' as an allowed extension in the control panel settings page but nothing seems to solve this problem.

Please help!

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / getimagesize workaround
« on: November 16, 2005, 04:00:06 PM »

I've been noticing a slow down in the categories page due to the 'getimagesize' function. I've tried stripping it out in functions.php and it works better now.

However, could someone create a mod that makes the 'getimagesize' function work only on the details.php page to show the dimensions of the image below the main image. Therefore on the categories page, the dimensions of the image are not displayed and the page loads quicker because php doesn't have to read every file in the category to find dimensions.

I've tried several workarounds but none work properly. It seems as though the categories.php and details.php pages link to the same 'getimagesize' function in functions.php. A script which prevents the categories.php page from generating the 'getimagesize' info and allow details.php to request image dimensions would fix this problem.



Hi Sorry it's taken a while to reply. If you want to make some fields required and some not, change the last editable in the includes/db_fields_definitions.php


If I want to make the photographer field required, use this like so:

$additional_user_fields['user_firstname'] = array($lang['user_firstname'], "text", 1);

If you don't want it required change the 1 to a 0 like so:

$additional_user_fields['user_firstname'] = array($lang['user_firstname'], "text", 0);

I hope this helps.

By the way, depending on the version of 4images you have, the script should automatically add the fields into the admin section. I'll try and have a look into the searching for users using the new fields - should be something in admin/users.php

Is there any way in which I can utilise the Batch Upload process to recognise the Download folder for appropriate images as I have tons of images to upload that are in several categories?

Well, this is a request for an alternative MOD to create a Batch Upload process with the download mod. Where else do you want me to put this thread???


I've installed the 'Download' module which enables users to download a larger version of the image when they click on the download button. Now, I need to import lots of images preserving the folder structure but also allow the thumbnails as well as the download images to be recognised.

I've tried the 'Batch Upload' module but it doesn't recognise thumbnails and the larger download images. Can someone please tell me how to achieve this matter correctly?



I've implemented the 'Alternate directory for download files' tutorial made by Chris found here:

Here's a quick introduction to the topic. I was looking to make an alternative directory on the server for really big images. Chris made a script that would mean if I included a new folder called 'big' and placed it inside each directory, I could upload all the larger images to this folder. When visitors tried hitting the download button on the details page, it would then download the images in the 'big' folder from that category (if there was one, otherwise it would download the detail page image).

Now what I need to do is to make the Lightbox section give the option to download all the 'details' page images as well as the current default setting of downloading 'big' images.

Please help. Thanks,


Here's the instructions. If I were you, I'd copy and paste this into a word editor because this code view on the bulletin board doesn't help.

Code: [Select]
To add new user text fields to the database so that you know more details about who is registering please follow these instructions.


Step 1
Open: includes/db_field_definitions.php


##### Find code:

// Example for additional user fields

##### After, unquote the following (just remove '//' from the beginning of the line):

//$additional_user_fields['user_adress'] = array($lang['user_adress'], "text", 1);

##### To add more fields just copy and paste this line you've edited without the // at the beginning and then change the name of 'user_adress' to something relevant you want to have as a field i.e. 'user_telephone'. To not make this field required change the 1 near the end of the line to 0.######


Step 2
Open: lang/english/main.php


##### Find code:

$lang['lost_password_msg'] = "In case you forgot your password, enter the email address you have used for registration.";

##### After, add:

$lang['user_adress'] = "Address:";

##### If you have included any more fields in the previous step repeat adding this line, replacing 'user_adress' with your field(s) name i.e. 'user_telephone'. Also change the "Address:" to the field(s) name i.e. "Telephone:" ######


Step 3
Open: templates/default/register_form.html


##### Find Code:

            <td class="row1"><b>{lang_email}</b></td>
            <td class="row1"><input type="text" name="user_email" size="30" class="input" value="{user_email}" /></td>

##### After, add:

            <td class="row2"><b>{lang_user_adress}</b></td>
            <td class="row2"><input type="text" name="user_adress" size="30" value="{user_adress}" class="input" /></td>

##### If you have included any more fields in the previous steps repeat adding this line, replacing user_adress with your field(s) name i.e. user_telephone. Please note there are three instances of user_adress you will need to change. Also, remember to change both <td class="row2"> to <td class="row1"> and alternate each time you need to repeat step 3 so that your background table cells alternate in colour. ######


Step 4
Open: templates/default/member_edit_profile.html


##### Find code:

            <td class="row1"><b>{lang_invisible}</b></td>
            <td class="row1">
              <input type="radio" name="user_invisible" value="1"{user_invisible_yes} />
              <input type="radio" name="user_invisible" value="0"{user_invisible_no} />

##### After, add:

            <td class="row2"><b>{lang_user_adress}</b></td>
            <td class="row2"><input type="text" name="user_adress"  size="30" value="{user_adress}" class="input" /></td>

##### As like the previous steps, if you have any other fields replace the user_adress with the relevant field name. Same with the row2 information found in step 3. ######


Step 5
Add database fields via 'PHPMyAdmin' tool or similar database admin program.


Visit your database and locate "4images_users" table in your database. Open this table and after user_email add a new column for every field you want naming the field user_adress or whatever you've named the previous fields in the last few steps.


Step 6
Save all changes to the files in steps 1-4 and then upload them to the correct directories.



Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / eCard sends image
« on: May 13, 2005, 01:47:10 PM »
Could someone tell me how to make the eCard send a text email with the detail image attached ?

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