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Topics - Computerman

Pages: [1]
i have a problem, if I upload an image 1440x900 I see this image in this resolution if i click on a thumbnail image. I need a mod, that only image see resize in a category, but don't resize a original image. Why? Because more image is more large that a normal resolution!

Exist this mod?

If you need this is a query for mysql:

INSERT INTO 4images_images (cat_id, user_id, image_name, image_keywords, image_active, image_media_file, image_allow_comments) VALUES (3, 1, 'Prova2', 'pippo pluto', 1, '19.jpg', 1)

where cat id is a category (you show a id of category in your admin pannel)
where user id is a member (you show a id member in your admin pannel)
where image_name is a name of images you want upload

if you prepare a more immage, you change only "image name" and insert more query and more image in one moment  :P

I need an option like this:

This option: "Размер фотки: 560x362 пикселей"

sorry for my english!!!

I have a question, can i remove the allert "Copyright by 4images - Image Gallery Management System" when i press the third button of the mouse in home page? If the answer is can I do?

Pages: [1]