hai V@em
I am Brazilian and alone I know to say Portuguese, I am using a translator online, I wait that it understands me!
I have 4Images Gallery 1.7.3, made all steps as you he described, I made he ties tres times and he happened the same thing. in the hour to edit profile it appears the table of avatar, but it does not appear no identification of avatr, the unicas things that appear are: a field and one botao of search to the side, one lists blank, and when I make upload of avatar, it appears. he would like that he helped me in this, and when I give upload in one another different one it only appears when I bring up to date the page! Do not have a skill of when you to give upload ja to appear the new? e the list, does not have as when vc to select, to appear the image to the side, to know as is to avatar, before choosing? Good I would like that you I repondesse in English and later procurase a translator and to place in mine lingua, I would help very
debtor and great work