General / Allgemeines > Programming
working with string patterns...
my second example in my first post works now, i forgot:
so here is version as "function":
function special_rtrim($string){
preg_match_all('#\([^\)]*\)#', $string, $matches);
$last_match = array_pop($matches[0]);
$string = preg_replace('#\('.$last_match.'\)#' ,"",$string);
return $string;
//$string="This is my data (want to keep this data) (want to delete this data and brackets)";
$string="this is another test #3 (2012) (september) (get rid of me data)"; //needs to become "this is another test #3 (2012) (september)"
//$string="this is test#1 (2012) (delete this data)"; //needs to become "this is test#1 (2012)"
//$string="this is some data test#2 (data to delete)"; //needs to become "this is some data test#2"
$string = special_rtrim($string);
echo $string;
mfg Andi
That did it! :D
Someday I will have to sit down and understand those patterns better. I think that is holding me back in allot of ways...
Thank you Rembrandt for your help!
Thank you andy.
Software University
Übersetzung Englisch Deutsch
--- Quote from: Rembrandt on August 19, 2012, 09:10:19 PM ---my second example in my first post works now, i forgot:
so here is version as "function":
function special_rtrim($string){
preg_match_all('#\([^\)]*\)#', $string, $matches);
$last_match = array_pop($matches[0]);
$string = preg_replace('#\('.$last_match.'\)#' ,"",$string);
return $string;
//$string="This is my data (want to keep this data) (want to delete this data and brackets)";
$string="this is another test #3 (2012) (september) (get rid of me data)"; //needs to become "this is another test #3 (2012) (september)"
//$string="this is test#1 (2012) (delete this data)"; //needs to become "this is test#1 (2012)"
//$string="this is some data test#2 (data to delete)"; //needs to become "this is some data test#2"
$string = special_rtrim($string);
echo $string;
mfg Andi
--- End quote ---
thats so good thanks
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