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Topics - jeyjoo

Pages: [1] 2
I have to create a new social photogallery/forum for a client. The idea has to be similar to In particular:

- Potentially 1000s of registered users
- it must be as interactive as possible
- once images are added, uses can comment and start discussions about the images
- latest comments feed down the right hand side of the page (facebook style), inviting users to join the discussions
- users save their favourite designs in an idea box (I suppose I can use the light box for this)

Does 4images fit the bill here? I have used it before, but purely for photo gallery. My new project must have the social interaction element where users can converse.

Many thanks,

Discussion & Troubleshooting / image upload errer
« on: March 05, 2012, 03:08:56 PM »
I use 4I 1.7.6. Here's my image gallery
Out of the blue, I have started getting the following image upload error message:

Error uploading image file: flower-on-water.jpg
flower-on-water.jpg: Copy error. Please check the directory permissions.

Browsing the forum, advice is to check doc/installations, though this has not helped, as I have been using the gallery for a year now and have not changed any permissions (was working fine yesterday, today I get an error!)

Any ideas.


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Anyone use SEOMOZ on their gallery?
« on: February 03, 2012, 10:44:45 AM »
My image gallery is - and uses 4Images 1.7.6

I have optimized my gallery for SEO in most ways possible, with great results.
I still have one problem. SEOMoz crawl diagnostics complains that I have duplicate page content, no meta description or title tags in the files mysite/gallery/download.php?image_id=xxxx

Has anyone know a fix for this.

Many thanks.

I am running v 1.7.6
My image gallery is

When I make changes to a PHP file, there is often a delay of several hours before the change is visible on the website. Gotta feeling that this it is a caching issue, but it certainly makes editing difficult.
Any ideas.


Installation, Update & Configuration / Duplicate image gallery
« on: December 07, 2011, 10:56:40 PM »

I am on version 1.7.6. I am also high
My image gallery is

I would like to duplicating my own gallery and adapting it on a seperate website for a client.
Is this as simple as copy paste and delete images and thumsb or am I missing something?
In particular has anyone done this already?

Help appreciated,


I am running versione 1.7.6
My image gallery is

Is there a mod to create a second/multiple description box(es)

I am looking at duplicating my own gallery and adapting my gallery for a different use. It has all the SEO mods, is optimised for search and fast loading - shame to start from scratch!


Im on version 1.7.6
My gallery is
I was wandering if there is a way to cache images, thumbnails, sprites (everything that will not subject to updates) to improve page speed.


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Old images have disappeared
« on: October 28, 2011, 07:48:02 PM »
As of today, I have the following problem:

- All old images and thumbnails (from at least 3 months ago) have disappeared from my gallery (they showing a 404 file missing).
- titles, and descriptions are still exista

I have made no recent changes, so have no idea why this is.

My image gallery is
You can see the issue looking at a category view (all old pictures are missing thumbnail) e.g.

Any ideas appreciates.

Programming / Error404 page
« on: October 09, 2011, 04:10:13 PM »
Version 1.7.6
Image gallery homepage -
Current 404 redirects to my homepage 404 page (not that of my gallery).
I've tried dding the line below to my top level .htaccess without any luck

Code: [Select]
ErrorDocument 404 /error.html
Any ideas?

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Canonical URL mod (SEO)
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:05:37 PM »
Does anyone know of if there is a canonical URL mod.

Each image in my gallery can have at least 2 URLs depending on whether it came through search results or not. For example, the following URLs refer to the same image:

To counter this I want to add a canonical URL in the head section of my each page - of the form:

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

The canonical link is supported by Google, and tells asearch angine which of the mutliple URLs to give importance to (link juice).

Does anyone know of a mod for this.

Much appreciated

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Reduce server load mod
« on: August 09, 2011, 01:15:25 PM »
I am trying to find a mod that reduces server load - uses session.php.
Can ayone point me in the right direction - I think this mod exists.

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / SEO - static URL
« on: August 05, 2011, 09:58:59 AM »
I use a paid SEO tool. I have optimized for search all the images in my gallery, with good results - I am getting lots of hits from search engines.

The only on-page SEO benefit I am missing using 4images is give each page a static URL.
Currently each image has a canonical URL -
For SEO purposes, the URL should be static (and preferably contain the image keywords). URLs with dynamic parameters have been shown to have dramatically worse performance in search engine rankings than static URLs.

Is there a mod rewrite or ISAPI rewrite to change the URL to be static (removing all instances of ?, =, etc.)


Feedback & Suggestions / Image Gallery helped my SEO
« on: July 25, 2011, 11:33:30 PM »
I used 4homepages to create an online image gallery more to fulfill a passion for photography. I added the gallery to the website for my Sheffield Web Design -
However, In the end the gallery has really helped boost my website visitors (and this has a knock on effect on your Google ranking). I optimised my site for SEO, and am getting a hefty number of hits from search engines.

Very satisfied! :D

I have created my download and rollover buttons, but need to modify the following code to include mouseover, mousedown mouseout e.t.c

<img src=\"".get_gallery_image("download.gif")."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />

Much appreciated

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Twitter plugin
« on: March 01, 2011, 11:43:21 AM »

I am using version 1.7.6
My gallery is at

Currently a user clicks tweet button, and the main search page is tweeted. Can I set up so each time an image page gets tweeted, the actual current page URL gets tweeted?
The tweet code toto tweek is below. I would need to change the url to be tweeted (data-url) to that of the current page url:


any ideas?

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