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Topics - bash-t

Pages: [1]
Hallo zusammen.

Ich weiß, dieses Thema wurde zwar schon des Öfteren hier im Forum angesprochen, aber ich habe noch keine zufriedenstellende Lösung gefunden. Ausserdem meine ich, dass die bisher beschriebenen Probleme mit Sonderzeichen eher die reine Anzeige der Beschreibung, Bildtitel etc. zum Thema hatten, welches Nicky mit der jeweiligen Encodierung der Datenbank erklärt hat.

Ich habe allerdings folgendes Problem: Wenn ein Bild im Dateinamen bereits ein Sonderzeichen enthält (also bspw. Täßt Image.jpg (absichtlich keine korrekte deutsche Rechtschreibung ;) )), so wird die Datei im ACP bei "Check new Images" bereits falsch encodiert dargestellt.
Hier ein kleiner Screenshot, der dies erklärt:

Ein Klick auf den Link zum Bild an dieser Stelle führt logischerweise auch nicht zum Ziel.
Wenn das Bild in der DB gespeichert wird, sieht das Ergebnis folgendermaßen aus:

Titel, Beschreibung, Tags sehen alle gut aus, nur der Dateiname ist falsch encodiert.

Um dem auf den Grund zu gehen, habe ich mir im ACP das Checkimage Formular in der Detailsicht einmal angesehen: der Lesbarkeit des Threads als Hyperlink eingefügt)

Daraufhin habe ich mir die checkimages.php genauer angesehen.
(Hinweis: ich habe die bereits modifizierte Version 2.6.2 aus folgendem Thread verwendet

Daraufhin habe ich folgende Modifikationen vorgenommen:
 $file_type get_file_extension($image_list[$key][$i-1]);
$auto_iptc_now = ($imageinfo = @getimagesize(MEDIA_PATH.$cat_path."/".$image_list[$key][$i-1], $info) && $auto_iptc) ? 0;
$image_name get_file_name($image_list[$key][$i-1]);

Ersetze durch:
$file_type get_file_extension(utf8_decode($image_list[$key][$i-1]));
$auto_iptc_now = ($imageinfo = @getimagesize(MEDIA_PATH.$cat_path."/".utf8_decode($image_list[$key][$i-1]), $info) && $auto_iptc) ? 0;
$image_name utf8_decode(get_file_name($image_list[$key][$i-1]));

show_table_separator("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"addimage_".$ii."\" value=\"1\"".$checked." /> ".$image_list[$key][$i-1], 2);
Ersetze durch:
show_table_separator("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"addimage_".$ii."\" value=\"1\"".$checked." /> ".utf8_decode($image_list[$key][$i-1]), 2);

$file_src MEDIA_PATH.$cat_path."/".$image_list[$key][$i-1];
Ersetze durch:
$file_src MEDIA_PATH.$cat_path."/".utf8_decode($image_list[$key][$i-1]);

Ersetze durch:

$link "<a href=\"".MEDIA_PATH.$cat_path."/".$image_list[$key][$i-1]."\" target=\"_blank\">".$image_list[$key][$i-1]."</a>";

Ersetze durch:
$link "<a href=\"".MEDIA_PATH.$cat_path."/".utf8_decode($image_list[$key][$i-1])."\" target=\"_blank\">".utf8_decode($image_list[$key][$i-1])."</a>";

Hinweis: Ein Version der checkimage.php jeweils vor und nach dieser Modifikation habe ich als Datei angehangen.

Nach den Änderungen sieht das Ergebnis auf der ACP Seite so aus: der Lesbarkeit des Threads als Hyperlink eingefügt)

Bis auf die ITPC Informationen, die seltsamerweise bei dem Bild mit Sonderzeichen (und nur bei diesem) fehlen, sieht das Ergebnis eigentlich recht gut aus!

Der Datenbankeintrag stellt mich auch soweit zufrieden:

Allerdings erscheint beim Aufruf der Testseite: eine 404er Fehlermeldung, obwohl ein Aufruf im Browser auf das Bild direkt (äßt Image_01.jpg) funktioniert.

Nun befinde ich mich aber langsam in einer Sackgasse

Es müsste nachgeforscht werden, weswegen
a) die ITPC Informationen nicht aus den Metainformationen des Bildes gezogen werden. (Hängt vermutlich mit meinen Änderungen an der checkimages zusammen, aber ich sehe den Fehler nicht).

b) Wieso wird das Bild nicht angezeigt, trotz korrekter Speicherung des Dateinamens in der Datenbank. Ich vermute noch ein paar notwendige Anpassungen an der functions.php. Dort die Methoden get_file_path und get_media_code. Jeweils die ersten Parameter erhalten den Dateinamen, der evtl. wieder encodiert werden müsste. Allerdings bin ich dort noch auf keinen grünen Zweig gekommen.

Wenn sich jemand an der Stelle besser auskennt und wüsste was zu ändern ist - ich wäre überaus dankbar! :)

Viele Grüße und meinen Dank an diejenigen, die sich die Mühe gemacht haben diesen Post komplett durchzulesen :)


Hello everybody!
Since KurtW's mods went away, I was missing a way to place an image-rating without page reload. So I programmed a mod, that will let the user rate a picture with stars, like seen on Youtube e.g.
I made the frontend in base of the Star-Display of waynenort of this Thread: Thanksgiving to him from my side for providing the code!

Some annotations before I will start:
This will be my first mod. So please take this into consideration if you comment my mod (which I really would appreciate) :-)

I made a few screenshots, so that you can take a picture:
Initial look of a non-rated image:
- Image not longer available -

While mouse-over, the stars and the label changes:
- Image not longer available -

Rate image without page reload. Immediately see the changes in the rating
- Image not longer available -

It is still not possible to flood the rating:
- Image not longer available -

Let's go now:

Summary of files affected

[change] details.php
[change] includes/constants.php
[change] includes/functions.php
[change] includes/page_header.php
[change] lang/(your_lang)/main.php
[change] templates/(your_template)/details.html
[change] templates/(your_template)/header.html
[change] templates/(your_template)/rate_form.html
[change] templates/(your_template)/style.css

[new] ajaxrating.php
[new] scripts/ajaxrating.js
[new] scripts/yui/2.7.0/build/connection/connection-min.js
[new] scripts/yui/2.7.0/build/json/json-min.js
[new] scripts/yui/2.7.0/build/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js
[new] templates/(your_template)/images/stars.gif
[new] templates/(your_template)/rate_form_readonly.html

1. Open details.php


Insert before:
//--- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating --------------by Bash-T---
"ajax_rating_labels_0" => $lang['ajax_rating_labels'][0],
"ajax_rating_labels_1" => $lang['ajax_rating_labels'][1],
"ajax_rating_labels_2" => $lang['ajax_rating_labels'][2],
"ajax_rating_labels_3" => $lang['ajax_rating_labels'][3],
"ajax_rating_labels_4" => $lang['ajax_rating_labels'][4],
"ajax_rating_labels_5" => $lang['ajax_rating_labels'][5],
"ajax_rating_messages_0" => $lang['ajax_rating_messages'][0],
"ajax_rating_messages_1" => $lang['ajax_rating_messages'][1],
"ajax_rating_messages_2" => $lang['ajax_rating_messages'][2],
"ajax_rating_messages_3" => $lang['ajax_rating_messages'][3],
"ajax_rating_points" => $lang['ajax_rating_points']
//--- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating --------------by Bash-T---

2. Open includes/constants.php

Replace with:

3. Open includes/functions.php
$rate_form "";
  if (
check_permission("auth_vote"$image_row['cat_id'])) {
$rate_form $site_template->parse_template("rate_form");

Replace with:
//--- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating --------------by Bash-T---
$rate_form "";
  if (
check_permission("auth_vote"$image_row['cat_id'])) {
$rate_form $site_template->parse_template("rate_form");
  else {
$rate_form $site_template->parse_template("rate_form_readonly");
/*The original code goes here:
  $rate_form = "";
  if (check_permission("auth_vote", $image_row['cat_id'])) {
    $site_template->register_vars("rate", $lang['rate']);
    $rate_form = $site_template->parse_template("rate_form");
  $site_template->register_vars("rate_form", $rate_form);*/
//--- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating --------------by Bash-T---

4. Open lang/(your_lang)/main.php
$lang['voting_success'] = "Ihre Bewertung wurde gespeichert";
$lang['voting_error'] = "Bewertung ungültig!";
$lang['already_voted'] = "Sie haben dieses Bild bereits bewertet!";

Replace with:
//$lang['voting_success'] = "Ihre Bewertung wurde gespeichert";
   //disabled due to AJAX rating MOD
//$lang['voting_error'] = "Bewertung ungültig!";
   //disabled due to AJAX rating MOD
//$lang['already_voted'] = "Sie haben dieses Bild bereits bewertet!";//disabled due to AJAX rating MOD

At the very end Locate:

Insert before:
//--- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating --------------by Bash-T---
$lang['ajax_rating_labels'] = array (
=> "Noch nicht bewertet",
=> "Öde",
=> "Nichts besonderes",
=> "Sehenswert",
=> "Echt cool",
=> "Genial!"
$lang['ajax_rating_messages'] = array (
=> "Bewertung ungültig"//voting_error
=> "Vielen Dank für Deine Bewertung!"// voting_success
=> "Du hast das Bild bereits bewertet."//already_voted
=> "Weitere Bewertungen sind für dieses Bild deaktiviert."
$lang['ajax_rating_points'] = "Punkte";
//--- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating --------------by Bash-T---

5. Open templates/(your_template)/details.html
At the very top locate:
Code: [Select]
Insert after:
Code: [Select]
<!-- ----------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating -------------- by Bash-T -->
<!-- START ----------------------------------------- -->
<script type="text/javascript">
display_percentage : false, //set to true if a percentaged value shall be shown beneath the stars.
display_lables: true, //set to true if a ranking label shall be displayed beneath the stars at mouseover.
//do not modify the properties below!
num : 0,
successfully_voted : false,
labels : [ '{ajax_rating_labels_0}' , '{ajax_rating_labels_1}', '{ajax_rating_labels_2}', '{ajax_rating_labels_3}', '{ajax_rating_labels_4}', '{ajax_rating_labels_5}'],
msgs : [ '{ajax_rating_messages_0}' , '{ajax_rating_messages_1}', '{ajax_rating_messages_2}']
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/ajaxrating.js"></script>
<!-- ----------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating -------------- by Bash-T -->
<!-- END ----------------------------------------- -->

Note: The code above will give you two configuration triggers:
Code: [Select]
display_percentagechange this attribute to true, then a number will be posted right beside the stars, that will show you the current rating level in percent (0% - 100%)
Code: [Select]
display_lablesif you set this attribute to true, a label will be shown beside the stars, showing a textual kind of rating. The values of the $lang['ajax_rating_labels'] array will be shown here.

Note: the variable {rate_form} of the following code will provide both: displaying the rating and give the user the chace to place a rating (if it is allowed for this category).
Therefore it is no need to use the {if rate_form} tag, as it will be checked within the variable.
Code: [Select]
{if rate_form}
                  <br />
<div align="center">{rate_form}</div>
                  {endif rate_form}

Replace with:
Code: [Select]
<div align="center">{rate_form}</div>
Put the following code anywhere on your details page (usually directly below the div tag posted beforehand:
Code: [Select]
<span id="ajax_rating_count">{image_votes}</span> {lang_votes} | <span id="ajax_rating_rate">{image_rating}</span> {ajax_rating_points}
6. Open templates/(your_template)/header.html
Code: [Select]
{if has_rss}
Insert before:
Code: [Select]
<!-- ----------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating -------------- by Bash-T -->
<!-- START ----------------------------------------- -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/yui/2.7.0/build/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/yui/2.7.0/build/json/json-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/yui/2.7.0/build/connection/connection-min.js"></script>
<!-- ----------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating -------------- by Bash-T -->
<!-- END ----------------------------------------- -->

Open templates/(your_template)/rate_form.html
Replace the whole file with the following code:
Code: [Select]
<!-- ----------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating -------------- by Bash-T -->
<!-- START ----------------------------------------- -->
<form method="post" id="ajax_rate_form">
<div id="star"><br style="clear: both;" />
 <ul id="star0" class="star" onmousedown=",this)" onmousemove=",this)">
<li id="starCur0" class="curr" title="{image_rating}" style="width: 0px;"></li>
 <div style="color: rgb(136, 136, 136);" id="starUser0" class="user" percent="0"></div>
 <div id="star_rating_label" class="user"></div>
 <div id="star_rating_msg" class="user"></div>
<input type="hidden" name="rating" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="rateimage" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{image_id}" />
<br style="clear: both;" />
<form method="post" action="{self}">
  <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <td class="head1">
        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" class="row1">
            <td valign="bottom">
              <select name="rating" class="select">
                <option value="">--</option>
                <option value="5">5</option>
                <option value="4">4</option>
                <option value="3">3</option>
                <option value="2">2</option>
                <option value="1">1</option>
              <input type="hidden" name="action" value="rateimage" />
              <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{image_id}" />
              <input type="submit" value="{rate}" class="button" name="submit" />
<!-- ----------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating -------------- by Bash-T -->
<!-- END ----------------------------------------- -->

7. Open templates/(your_template)/style.css
At the very end insert:
Code: [Select]
/*--- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating --------------by Bash-T---*/
#star { LIST-STYLE: none; MARGIN: 0; PADDING: 0; WIDTH: 85px; HEIGHT: 20px; LEFT: 0px; TOP: -5px; POSITION: relative; FLOAT: left; BACKGROUND: url('images/stars.gif') repeat-x; CURSOR: pointer; }
#star li { PADDING: 0; MARGIN: 0; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block; WIDTH: 85px; HEIGHT: 20px; TEXT-DECORATION: none; text-indent: -9000px; Z-INDEX: 20; POSITION: absolute; PADDING: 0; }
#star li.curr { BACKGROUND: url('images/stars.gif') left 25px; left:0px; FONT-SIZE: 1px; }
#star div.user { LEFT: 15px; POSITION: relative; FLOAT: left; FONT-SIZE: 11px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; COLOR: #717E7D; }
/*--- [MOD] Ajax Star Rating --------------by Bash-T---*/

8. Open includes/page_header.php

//--- Save Rating -------------------------------------
if ($action == "rateimage" && $id) {
$rating intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['rating']);
$cookie_name = (defined("COOKIE_NAME")) ? COOKIE_NAME "4images_";
$cookie_rated = isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookie_name.'rated']) ? unserialize(stripslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookie_name.'rated'])) : array();
  if (
$rating && $rating <= MAX_RATING && $id) {
    if (!isset(
$session_info['rated_imgs'])) {
$session_info['rated_imgs'] = $site_sess->get_session_var("rated_imgs");
$split_list = array();
    if (!empty(
$session_info['rated_imgs'])) {
$split_list explode(" "$session_info['rated_imgs']);
    if (!
in_array($id$split_list) && !in_array($id$cookie_rated)) {
$session_info['rated_imgs'] .= " ".$id;
$session_info['rated_imgs'] = trim($session_info['rated_imgs']);
$cookie_rated[] = $id;
$cookie_expire time() + 60 60 24 4;
setcookie($cookie_name.'rated'serialize($cookie_rated), $cookie_expireCOOKIE_PATHCOOKIE_DOMAINCOOKIE_SECURE);
$msg $lang['voting_success'];
    else {
$msg $lang['already_voted'];
  else {
$msg $lang['voting_error'];

and delete this block or comment it like this one:

//--- Save Rating -------------------------------------
/* [MOD] Ajax Star Rating. Code block disabled. Modified code in /ajaxrating.php
if ($action == "rateimage" && $id) {
  $rating = intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['rating']);
  $cookie_name = (defined("COOKIE_NAME")) ? COOKIE_NAME : "4images_";
  $cookie_rated = isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookie_name.'rated']) ? unserialize(stripslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookie_name.'rated'])) : array();
  if ($rating && $rating <= MAX_RATING && $id) {
    if (!isset($session_info['rated_imgs'])) {
      $session_info['rated_imgs'] = $site_sess->get_session_var("rated_imgs");
    $split_list = array();
    if (!empty($session_info['rated_imgs'])) {
      $split_list = explode(" ", $session_info['rated_imgs']);
    if (!in_array($id, $split_list) && !in_array($id, $cookie_rated)) {
      $session_info['rated_imgs'] .= " ".$id;
      $session_info['rated_imgs'] = trim($session_info['rated_imgs']);
      $site_sess->set_session_var("rated_imgs", $session_info['rated_imgs']);
      $cookie_rated[] = $id;
      $cookie_expire = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 4;
      setcookie($cookie_name.'rated', serialize($cookie_rated), $cookie_expire, COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, COOKIE_SECURE);
      update_image_rating($id, $rating);
      $msg = $lang['voting_success'];
    else {
      $msg = $lang['already_voted'];
  else {
    $msg = $lang['voting_error'];

In the attached zip file you will find all the files, that are marked as [new] in the agenda above.
Please keep the directory structure and provide the html files in your specific template.

If everything worked well, then you should see the new star-rating element at the place, where you put the {rate_form} Tag.

Please let me know what you think of this mod.

Kind regards,

18.08.09 15:15
 - Fixes CSS Display Bug in IE. Perform Step 7 again to display the stars properly in Internet Explorer
17.08.09 22:59
 - Edited some HTML Comments, as they seem to not close correctly in some case.
17.08.09 21:22
 - IE Display Bugfix in ajaxrating.js - download attatched zip for update
17.08.09 17:22
 - Step 8 fixed (a closing "}" was missing)
 - Demo HP added

16.08.09 20:32
 - Step 8 added.

Pages: [1]