I've seen many topics about this but i still don't found an answer ralated to my problem.
My site is dealing with pics, but to make the visit for my users more pleasent, i addet some categorys like "FUN" and "Other" to my site. But that pictures have really nothing to do with the site, and when a new user visit the site, he sees pictures from all categorys.
What i want to do, is exclude particular categorys from:
- Random new images on the main site
- Random image (on the left)
- and from the search, when a user clicks on "new images"
The third point is most important for me. So, for the new images on the main page i tried
WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id NOT IN (".get_auth_cat_sql("auth_viewcat", "NOTIN" ) ."140,5)
but it's not excluding the pictures from 140 and 5.
Can someone please post the three lines i need, i would really appreciate it.