hi! i have some problem, i read this help,this
OPEN /4images/scripts/4images.js (if not available /4images/templates/default/header.html)
but,i can't fine "4images.js" in my scripts file, so i will paste this code in header.html, right??
//--- Slideshow changes -------------------------------
function openslideshow(url,window_width,window_height,new_window) {
if (new_window == 2 || new_window == 1) {
var width_avail = screen.availWidth-15;
var height_avail = screen.availHeight-60;
var width_full = screen.width;
var height_full = screen.height;
// Callculate the spaces from left and top to center the new window:
var left_space = ((width_avail - window_width) > 0) ? parseInt((width_avail - window_width) / 2) : 0;
var top_space = ((height_avail - window_height) > 0) ? parseInt((height_avail - window_height) / 2) : 0;
if (new_window == 2) {
window_width = width_avail;
window_height = height_avail;
left_space = 0;
top_space = 0;
url += "&maw="+(window_width-97)+"&mah="+(window_height-194)+"&msw="+width_full+"&msh="+height_full;
} // if complete picture (whole window)
slideshow_window = window.open(url,"slideshowwindow","resizable=yes,dependent=yes,hotkeys=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no,width="+window_width+",height="+window_height+",left="+left_space+",top="+top_space+"");
} // if new_window
else {
} // else new_window
} // openslideshow
and, where are add to this code in the header.html, i add to last below, but it's can't work!! error,i fine this code show to my homepage!!
so~how do i work??