I've got a problem - my signature does not show any pictures, it just gives a standard media pic instead.
[problem resolved, image deleted]
The specificity of my gallery is that it's created for a small community of friends, all categories are visible "only for registered users", may that be the reason?
If that could be fixed, then is it possible to show the latest picture thumb, not a random one?
Config part of the script (no changes were made below this block):
// ------- Config -----------
$random_image = 1; //show random image
$random_fast = 1; //if your mysql account doesn't have permission to create/delete temporary tables, set this to 0
$debug = 1; //turning this on, will ignore expiration time, meaning every request will create a new image. change this to 0 before u publish your signature!
$expire = 20; //seconds before image will be expired and recompilled with new random image and information (lower this will encrease server load!)
$type = "png"; //image type: png or jpeg
$quality = "50"; //image quality when used jpeg
define('ROOT_PATH', './'); //path to your 4images root dir with trailing slash! must be ralative ( ./ or ../ or combination of these) and NOT full internet or local (http://example/4images/ or /www/blah/4images/)
$signature_template_dir = "./signatures/"; //directory with signature template images WITH TRAILING SLASH!!!
$signature_template = "signature2.png"; //default signature template image filename
$signature_template_random = 1; //use random template image? (0 = no | 1 = yes)
$path = "/tmp/"; // WRITEBLE dir (chmod 777), where compilled image will be stored (does not requere access from web)
$tmpfname = $path."signature.tmp"; // filename for the compilled image (extension does not metter)
$tmptname = $path."signature.id"; // filename for the file where some extra info will be stored in (image id)
$template = "default"; //name of the template which icons will be used, if thumbnail not found
$sitename = "On-line Gallery Statistics"; //signature header
$fonts_dir = ""; //directory with custom fonts WITH TRAILING SLASH! (leave blank if no fonts)
$fonts = array(); // an array with font names the first number is the number that u can use in $fsize variable, it must be sequenced! and first item must have number 6 or larger!
//an example array:
$fonts = array(
6 => "micross8px.gdf",
7 => "micross9px.gdf",
8 => "micross10px.gdf",
9 => "micross12px.gdf"
$fsize = 2; //font type (1 to 5 for build-in fonts and 6 to XX for your custom fonts (see $font array above)
$offset = 7; //offset from the left, right and bottom, uses for random image and the text (not used if random image disabled)
$offset2 = 99; //extra offset from the left (place where random image will be embeded if its enabled. Not used if random image disabled)
$spacing = 11; //height of each line of text
$start = 21; //offset from top (space where header shows)
$tiny = 9; //an extra space at the begining of each line (needed for offset from the random image space)
$not_in_cat = "0"; //list of categories which should not be included for random image, separated by coma (i.e. "1,2,3,7") "0" - means disabled
$auth = 0; //permission level for auth_viewimage (0 = All, 2 = Members, 3 = Private or 9 = Admin) Refer in /includes/constants.php
$peruser = 1; //alow per user random image (images uploaded by XX user. Usage: signature.php?user=XX)
$noimage = "jpeg.gif"; //icon name if no random image was found
$new_cutoff = 7; //Days when images treated as new
$lang_images = "Images: ";
$lang_users = "Members: ";
$lang_cat = "Categories: ";
$lang_new_user = "Newest member: ";
$lang_online = "Online: ";
$lang_comments = "Comments: ";
// --------- End Config ----------
Many thanks in advance!