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I can't set permissions for a user or a group

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So I create a group of registered people.
I gave them the permission to download pictures to some category without admin's "yes"

But at the same time I want my guests to download pictures but with my "yes"

If I made this category "private" rights, it'll be Ok or I should do smth?

I am trying to set up a user attached to a user group whereby I can specify one or two categories only for them speciifically. This will be for private, internal reference, therefore I do not want to remove this category from "registered user" and so public view.  I have gone to edit category and tried all types of config across permissions and this does not seem possible to do.  A private user therefore must see all categories available to registered users as well to prevent removing access to the registered users of a particual category by making it "private".  Is there some other way around this?


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