REQUEST_URI would be the command to return to the previous page ?
I,ve visited your wbesite. Neat stuff you've got there. I really like the template and the thumbnail mood, looks great. Too bad you didn't changed the forum template. I've allready accomplished that task
here, so if you'd like to give it a try I can help you with the problems you'll face whille moding the forum template (I see that you have prosilver, i choosed subsilver beacause it's a litle simpler, but the issues should be the same).
Would you be kind enough to tell me how you've built your stats box? Are you querying the database or just using phpbb script for user stats ?
Oh, and the featured content box has anny admin script ?
I'm finished with the templating task. All 5 CMS look the same, only minor glitches in diferent browser, so I'll try again your integration method and I'll be learning PHP starting from tomorrow, so I can make my own adjustments. I would like to have control on user access on the gallery by creating a VIP category reserved only for proven artists (also on blog but there's another forum to discuss that problem) and the methods to aply to it so I can aprove (I'm thinking at a form and a recomandation system). Wish you could give me some links that you found usefull while working on the integration. For the moment w3schools is my first target, and after that
this little tut on PHPbb costum page integration. Hope I'll gain enogh knowledge to be abble to work on your integration or maybe work a new method. I know it's a gargatuam task that I'm taking on but I can't aford for the moment to pay somebody else to this job...
Now I'll be going to sleep, I'm extremly tired
I'll be posting soon.