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Topics - CaribeJoe

Pages: [1]
Discussion & Troubleshooting / Error uploading image file:
« on: April 10, 2003, 10:11:33 PM »
What does that mean?

There is no error defined. Just that label.

I'm getting it when I try to upload an image.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / What does a thumbnail program do?
« on: April 10, 2003, 10:04:01 PM »
In Admin CP I selected a thumbnail program.

I also defined max for both the image size and the  thumbnail size.

When I open the dialog to up load a photo, I am offered the photo path and another for a thumbnail. That does make sense to me.

If the purpose of the thumbnail program is to create a thumbnail autmatically from the image, why must I offer a thumbnail and not simply the photo itself?

And if the thumbnail progam does not create thumbnails, why bother with a thumbnail program?

I've recently created My Caribbean Photo Albums but I don't have any scanned stuff to post so I can check that it is working properly.

If someobe has a few photos to ofer, I'd appreciate the upload. If they are Caribbean photos, that's great - I'll leave them up. If they are not I'll take them down after th etest is checked out.

Send me a reply eher on the board and I'll email you a user name and password.


I can't speak about other releases but I can regarding Mozilla 3.1 (the current release) and Opera 6.05 for Windows.

In Mozilla (Win), when you right click on a 4homepages image, even the board's embedded images such as the header logo, the copyright notice does pop open - but so does the usual menu. The menu is fully functional, including the usual choices to save a copy of the image or open it in Photoshop.  

In Opera (Win), it's even more transparent. The disabler "copyright notice" doesn't even appear. just the usual right click menu.

I suspect that what I am reporting applies to all Linux browsers (Kimmander, Mozilla, Nautilus, etc.).  I'lll jump over there and check it but unless I post a mesage to the contrary in the next hour or so, I think you can assume it's also the case

What does this mean in the board settings?

Period of user account activation in days.
0 disables function, user accounts will not be deleted.

This is totally opaque.

The default is 14 days.

What happens to whom at the end of 14 days?  And who, if anyone gets what notification and how that whatever it is will happen or has happened?

Whay am i getting these error msgs when I create a new category?

Warning: mkdir() failed (Permission denied) in /home/virtual/site10/fst/var/www/html/gallery/admin/categories.php on line 78

Warning: mkdir() failed (Permission denied) in /home/virtual/site10/fst/var/www/html/gallery/admin/categories.php on line 81

Warning: mkdir() failed (Permission denied) in /home/virtual/site10/fst/var/www/html/gallery/admin/categories.php on line 78

Warning: mkdir() failed (Permission denied) in /home/virtual/site10/fst/var/www/html/gallery/admin/categories.php on line 81
Category added

What do these following settings do? I'd like to know before I det them.

View Category   

View Image -  if I deny a type of member to view a category, wouldn't that mean that any images in it are turned off too?   And if I I allow a category to be seen but not an image> what is that perso seeing? Just a folder icon that can't be clicked on?

Download - why allow some and not others to download? and what are they downloading?   

Upload   - what is the difference between upload and direct upload?

Direct Upload -

Send eCard - what is an eCard?

Read Comments - where do comments appear?

Post Comment - same question. And what limits are there on the size of comments?

Installation, Update & Configuration / Waht is "lightbox"?
« on: April 05, 2003, 04:56:12 AM »
I realize this may be a very simple and obvious issue for those in the know, but if the application is going to have acceptance, these are reasonable questions.

What is a Lightbox?

I am looking at a screen that offers:

Lightbox       Delete lightbox
Found: 0 image(s) on 0 page(s). Displayed: image 0 to 0.
Lightbox last updated: 04.03.2003 16:56    

No images stored in your lightbox.

But not a single clue as to how to what lightbox does, why it does and how to implement it. There are no links or prompts or anything to tell me what to do with the above information.

All I'm seeing that offers the possibility of interaction is a non-functioning "download" button. Why is it there now if it isn't fucntional on this screen?

What would I be downloading?  I can guess (which I shoud not have to) that I can download after I have uploaded but why would I need to download something that I uploaded in the first place? Or is "download" really "delete"?

Very confusing and no guidance anywhere.

Does everyone wanting to use the program have to pester all the cognoscenti with basic questions just to use this thing?

The CP settings offer a yes or no for GZip. The settings also say that Zlib needs to be installed.

Use GZip compression
"Zlib" needs to be installed on your server

That introduces questions that seem to not be addressed either in the setup instructions or in a Help file either on the site itself or here in this support forum.

Why would a site owner choose to install GZip or not?

Are there alternative programs that one might use?

What are their relative merits?

What is Zlib?

Exactly where must it be installed?

Are thri any configuration issues for either of these items?

Is there dicussion anywhere here in any forum here on the relative merits of Image Magic vs GD vs whatever?

Why would a site owner choose one over the other in is particular circumstances?

Feedback & Suggestions / Is there a Help file somewhere?
« on: April 04, 2003, 07:28:32 PM »
If there is an english-language Help file somewhere, I'd appreciate kowing about it.

If not, ich kann ein bischen Duetsch lesen. Ich werde, mit jemand, arbeiten zusammen eine Hilfe auf englisch zu schreiben.

Jemand?  bitte?

This is a complaint, which is not usually the way to get help but I'm only telling it like it is.

To start with, the download page does not make it clear that BOTH the 1.7 zip file AND the language pack must be downloaded for languages other than German.  There is an assumption that this is understood.  It suffers from the basic defect that plagues all assumptions.

The only way for a non-German speaker to discover that both are required  is to downloaded the English language version, unzip it and find instructions with reference to needing 1.7 a-prioi.  It woud be much more useful if the download page simply said "non-German users, download 1.7 and your language of choice."
Also, in the English pack are 2 files called "installation.txt". Never saw such a thing before and it has no justification. There should be either one file of that name or two files with different names. But not two identically named.
The logical thing would be to combine them into a single file.

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