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=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.11=========================================================- [1.7 - 1.7.10] Security fix for XSS issue in admin/categories.php- [1.7 - 1.7.10] Security fix for sql injection in admin/categories.php- [1.7 - 1.7.10] Security fix for open redirect vulnerability in admin/index.php- [1.7 - 1.7.10] Security fix for XSS issue- Fixed auto-login in sessions.php- Fixed email notification to user after activation by admin ( Fixed sql error if apostrophe in name of image ( Changed DB default settings from TYPE to ENGINE ( template with 960px width used as defaultGeänderte Dateien / Changed Files:---------------------------------------details.phprss.phpadmin/categories.phpadmin/index.phpadmin/users.phpdata/database/default/mysql_default.sqlincludes/db_mysql.phpincludes/functions.phpincludes/search_utils.phpincludes/sessions.php
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.10=========================================================- [1.7 - 1.7.9] Security fix for Multiple Path disclousure ( [1.7 - 1.7.9] Security fix for sql injection in admin/categories.php ( [1.7 - 1.7.9] Security fix for path disclosure in paging.php ( [1.7 - 1.7.9] Security fix for input validation error ( [1.7.7 - 1.7.9] Fixed {categories},{details},{index},{lightbox},etc tags don't work ( [1.7.9] Fixed DB Error: Bad SQL Query: INSERT INTO 4images_wordmatch (image_id, ... ( Improved password encryption using salted hashes (new file includes/security_utils.php)- New Version of Rebuild Search Index Plugin ( Added settings to define type of indexing of fields (fulltext, keywords, phrase)- Fixed search in additional fields- Fixed wrong width in error.html template- Fixed issue calculating ExposureTime in EXIF data- Fixed orphan search words are not deleted correctly if multiple image ids are passed to remove_searchwords()- Minor fixes in text fixes in lang/deutsch/admin.php- Changed default settings for CAPTCHANeue Dateien / New Files:---------------------------------------admin/plugins/rebuild_searchindex.phpincludes/security_utils.phpGeänderte Dateien / Changed Files:---------------------------------------global.phpdownload.phpinstall.phplightbox.phpmember.phpregister.phpsearch.phpadmin/categories.phpadmin/checkimages.phpadmin/images.phpadmin/thumbnailer.phpadmin/users.phpadmin/validateimages.phpincludes/constants.phpincludes/csrf_utils.phpincludes/functions.phpincludes/page_header.phpincludes/paging.phpincludes/session.phpSprache / Language:---------------------------------------admin.php
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.9=========================================================- Added CSRF protection system (see docs/CSRF.english.txt or docs/CSRF.deutsch.txt)- Security Fix for XSS issue in admin/admin_functions.php- Fixed "Support for PHP4" ( Fixed "multi-word search in 1.7.8" ( Fixed "Uploadfehler nach Update von 1.7.7 auf 1.78" ( Fixed "Can't login" ( Fixed "Check new images - thumbnail not saved if already existed." ( Fixed "Database Backup shows only *.sql files (no *.sql.gz)" ( Fixed "Beschreibung nicht in Suche eingeschlossen" ( Dateien / New Files:---------------------------------------- includes/csrf_utils.phpGeänderte Dateien / Changed Files:---------------------------------------global.phpmember.phpadmin/admin_functions.phpadmin/admin_global.phpadmin/backup.phpadmin/checkimages.phpadmin/images.phpadmin/validateimages.phpadmin/plugins/migrate_keywords.phpincludes/constants.phpincludes/page_header.phpincludes/search_utils.phpincludes/sessions.phpSprache / Language:---------------------------------------- admin.php - edited: $lang['field_keywords_ext'] - added: $lang['cni_thumbnail_rename_success'] - added: $lang['cni_thumbnail_rename_error'] - added: $lang['cni_copy_success'] - added: $lang['cni_copy_error'] - added: $lang['cni_copy_thumb_success'] - added: $lang['cni_copy_thumb_error'] - added: $lang['file_not_found']
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.8=========================================================- PHP 5.3 compatibility fixes- Improved security level of captcha handling- Removed error reporting overriding in search.php- Fixed typo in example of DB fields definitions- Fixed German translation typos and misspellings across language files- Fixed EXIF exposure time issue- Fixed use of double quoted string in configuration file ( Fixed an issue when max height has no affect on image resize ( Fixed showing username containing curly braces in who is online box- Fixed editing of templates into subdirectories from ACP ( Fixed an issue when .zip files can be corrupt on download ( Fixed an issue when some templating feature can not work properly if server auto prepends content prior output- Fixed an issue when due missing MIME type thumbnail upload may fail ( Fixed an issue when trying to edit media/* templates ( Implemeted population of alt and title attributes for thumbnail images with image name- Extended number of possible template variables for media/* templates ( Implemented comma separated keywords and plugin for migration from white-space separated keywords- Enchanced "Check new images" feature in ACP with V@no's mod ( Added plugin "Check files" ( Fixed a visual glitch when adding multiple users from ACPNeue Dateien / New Files:---------------------------------------- admin/plugins/files_check.php- admin/plugins/migrate_keywords.phpGeänderte Dateien / Changed / Language:---------------------------------------- admin.php - added new section for "check new images" (english and deutsch only)- install.php - added new variable for timezone selector $lang['timezone_select']
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.7=========================================================- Security fix for local inclusion vulnerability ( Security Fix for XSS issue in member.php- Fixed issue for search stop in english language ( Fixed issue for accepting blank new password when changing password ( Fixed incorrect text in additional fields in register.php ( Fix for redirects on sites with non-standard port ( Fix for losing IPTC data if converting images with ImageMagick- Fixed issue with wrong Administrator joindate after installation of 4images- Fixed issue Comments count not updated after user was deleted ( Fix for additional user fields not being used for guests ( Fix issue in top.php if the name of an image is an URL- Fix for wrong message in ACP if image was not deleted from database ( Fix for issue that redirects after login always to index.php ( Fixed issue if users submits a non existing email address in the password forgotten form- Fixed width of columns in detailed view (detail, EXIF, IPTC)- Change of the displayed error information if the MySQL connection does not work- Change from POST to GET in category dropdown - Changed <link rel="stylesheet"...> in header.html template for being W3C valid- Added favicon- Added thumbnails to RSS-feed- Added feature to sort categories- Added more conditional tags (categories, details,index, member, postcards, register, search, top) for using {if index}...{if index} for homepage, {if details}...{endif details} for details.php page, etc.- Added META-Tags in header.html template: robots, description, keywords, revisit-after, imagetoolbar.- Added spanish language pack by default- Added 2 new templates: 960 pixel width, 100 % widthNeue Dateien / New Files:---------------------------------------- Folder: lang/spanish/- Folder: templates/default_960px/- Folder: templates/default_full/- favicon.icoGeänderte Dateien / Changed Files:---------------------------------------global.phpinstall.phpmember.phptop.phpadmin/users.phpincludes/constants.phpincludes/db_mysql.phpincludes/image_utils.phpincludes/page_header.phpincludes/sessions.phplang/deutsch/admin.phplang/deutsch/main.phplang/english/admin.phplang/english/stop_searchterms.txt renamed to /lang/english/search_stopterms.txtGeänderte Templates / Changed Templates:---------------------------------------- header.html- category_dropdown_form.html- postcard_preview.html Sprache / Language:---------------------------------------- admin.php geändert/edited: $lang['permissions_edit_success'] (lang/deutsch/admin.php only)- main.php geändert/edited: $lang['activation_success'] (lang/deutsch/main.php only)
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.6=========================================================- Fixed bugs reported at Added success message after posting a comment- Disabled download button in lightbox if there are no download permissions for all images in the lightbox- "Delete lightbox" link is now hidden if the lightbox is empty- Added possibility to sort by filenames in CP image search form- Added onchange javascript for "per page" dropdownGeänderte Dateien / Changed Files:---------------------------------------- admin/admin_global.php- admin/images.php- includes/constants.php- includes/functions.php- includes/page_header.php- detail.php- download.php- lightbox.php- postcard.phpGeänderte Templates / Changed Templates:---------------------------------------- postcard_preview.html- lightbox.html- setperpage_dropdown_form.htmlSprache / Language:---------------------------------------- main.php translated iptc_* strings to german (lang/deutsch/main.php only) new: $lang['comment_success']
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.5=========================================================- Fixed issue with paging tags ( Fixed missing image name escaping in alt tags of thumbnails- Fixed redirect bug in admin/admin_global.php- Fixed problem with brackets in template vars- Updated URL for ICQ status image- Fixed sql query in download.php- Fixed logout problem where guests can delete other guests sessions- Fixed displaying non-active images on details.php- Improved download of big files- Bugfix: [1.7.4] BUG in userqroups.php & solution ( Bugfix: Bug im APC gefunden: "Bilder bearbeiten" in Vers. 1.7.4 ( Bugfix: 1.7.4 mit Umlauten in Kommentaren-/Suche - Comments-/Search ( Bugfix: [BUG] 1.7.4 Postcard Vorschau | Postcard Preview ( Bugfix: Cache Problem 1.7.4 | Index Seite Error 404 (änderte Dateien / Changed Files:---------------------------------------- admin/admin_global.php- admin/images.php- admin/usergroups.php- includes/cache_utils.php- includes/constants.php- includes/functions.php- includes/page_header.php- details.php- download.php- global.php- logout.php- member.php- postcard.php
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.4=========================================================- Fixed bug with in settings- Fixed bug with wildcard search- Removed phpinfo() from page_footer.php- Switched radio buttons in search_form.html to set search_terms to OR by default- Changed "Control Panel" to "Admin Control Panel" to avoid confusions with user control panel- Removed browser detection for Opera in download.php- Added "checkall"-checkbox to assign permissions to all categories at once- Bugfix: [1.7 - 1.7.3] Security fix for SQL injection in global.php ( Bugfix: [1.7 - 1.7.3] Security fix for Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability ( Bugfix: [1.7.3] RSS feed not valid ( Bugfix: [1.7 - 1.7.3] Wrong postcard ID shows a random image. ( Bugfix: [1.7 - 1.7.3] Thumbnailer in ACP doesnt work with single quote ( ' ) in filenames ( Bugfix [1.7.3] Kleiner Fehler in 1.7.3 (änderte Dateien / Changed Files:---------------------------------------- details.php- global.php- postcards.php- rss.php- search.php- includes/constants.php- includes/functions.php- includes/page_footer.php- includes/search_utils.php- admin/settings.php- admin/thumbnailer.php- admin/usergroups.phpGeänderte Templates / Changed Templates:---------------------------------------- search_form.html
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.3=========================================================- New feature: RSS Feeds (see docs/RSS.english.txt or docs/RSS.deutsch.txt)- New feature: CAPTCHA protection of forms (see docs/CAPTCHA.english.txt or docs/CAPTCHA.deutsch.txt)- New feature: Protection against hotlinking.- Important security fixes (XSS and SQL injection issues)- Small fix for <br> in postcard messages- Small fix for parse errors when having <?xml in templates- Fixed fatal error when third parameter of imagepng is higher than 9 with PHP5- Fixed wrong sorting for next/prev image- Fixed sharing sessions for multiple installations under the same domain- Fixed bug for wrong bbcode url parsing- Added new tag {image_url} which points to the detail page of an image and can be used in templates (ie. thumbmail_bit.html)- Added EXIF support (similar to IPTC support, thanks to Dennis Häfner)- Added rel="nofollow" attribute in automatically parsed urls ( Added support for {ifno ..} tags in addition to {ifnot ..}- Added anchor for direct access to comments in comment_bit.html (ie. for RSS)- Updated right-click-disable javascript in header.html to work with Firefox- Updated url for ICQ detail pages ( Database errors are now shown to admins only. Users will get a general error message.- Parsing of header and footer are moved into template class to allow assigning vars to them during script runtime- Bugfix: [1.7.2] Security fix for global.php ( Bugfix: [1.7.1 / 1.7.2] Security fix for SQL injection in session.php ( Bugfix: [1.7 - 1.7.2] Extra backslash in URLs (\/index.php ) ( Bugfix: [1.7.2] Fehler bei Registrierung, wenn User bereits existiert ( Bugfix: Weird problem when downloading from 4images ( Bugfix: Dateien / New Files:---------------------------------------- captcha.php- includes/captcha_utils.php- Folder: /captcha/- rss.phpGeänderte Dateien / Changed Files:---------------------------------------- categories.php- details.php- download.php- global.php- lightbox.php- index.php- member.php- postcards.php- register.php- search.php- top.php- includes/cache_utils.php- includes/constants.php- includes/db_mysql.php- includes/functions.php- includes/image_utils.php- includes/page_header.php- includes/sessions.php- includes/template.php- admin/admin_functions.php- admin/admin_global.php- admin/categories.php- admin/checkimages.php- admin/comments.php- admin/email.php- admin/home.php- admin/images.php- admin/thumbnailer.php- admin/usergroups.php- admin/users.php- admin/validateimages.phpSprache / Language:---------------------------------------- main.php new: $lang['captcha'] new: $lang['captcha_desc'] new: $lang['captcha_required'] new: $lang['exif_datetime'] new: $lang['exif_isospeed'] new: $lang['exif_exposure'] new: $lang['exif_aperture'] new: $lang['exif_focallen']Geänderte Templates / Changed Templates:---------------------------------------- comment_bit.html- comment_form.html- details.html- footer.html- header.html- member_profile.html- member_uploadform.html- postcard_preview.html- register_form.htmlNeue Templates / New Templates:---------------------------------------- exif_bit.html- rss.xml- rss_item.xml- images/rss.gif
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.2=========================================================- Security fixes- Subcategories in Control Panel categories overview can be expanded/collapsed- Tags in templates are only parsed if a value is assigned.- Bugfix for warning "Undefined index: Type in..." (DB Backup)- Fixed duplicated subjects in emails- Updated function for ICQ status- BBCode list items are now closed by [/*] for easier regular expressions matching by RSS tools/scrapers/mods- Bugfix to avoid assigning a category as subcat to an existing subcategory- In Control Panel, a small javascript calendar is shown next to each date input field- Added phpinfo() page to Control Panel- Added Logout link to Control Panel- Improved zip file creation- Improved support for other charsets- {ifno ...}{endifno ...} are now possible in templates- Bugfix: query problems with MySQL 5.0.x ( Bugfix: [1.7.1] Small error in functions.php ( Bugfix: 1.7, 1.7.1: "Modify eCard" / "eCard bearbeiten" button ( -> Solution differs from forum post- Bugfix: 1.7.1: {if blah} {endif blah} left in templates ( Bugfix: [FIX v1.7 / v1.7.1] Sending a postcard does not check image/cat view permissions ( Bugfix: [FIX v1.7 / v1.7.1] Media directory size shows negative value (ACP) ( -> Solution differs from forum post- Bugfix: [FIX v1.7 / v1.7.1] Blank page when trying create thumbnails. ( -> Solution differs from forum post (replacement function in functions.php)- Bugfix: [1.7.1] Conditional tags inside other conditional tags + {ifno ...}{endifno ...} ( -> Solution differs from forum post- Bugfix: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Changes in user permissions might update a usergroup the user in ( Bugfix: [1.7 / 1.7.1] GET requests override POST requests ( Bugfix: [1.7 / 1.7.1] "eCard" sends random image ( Bugfix: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Download images that not allowed to be viewed ( Bugfix: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Admin CP>Settings: anchor text links do not work ( Bugfix: [1.7 / 1.7.1] Deleting an image does not remove it from lightboxes ( Dateien / New Files:---------------------------------------- admin/calendar.js- admin/browserSniffer.js- admin/images/arrow_back.gif- admin/images/minus.gif- admin/images/plus.gif- admin/phpinfo.phpGeänderte Dateien / Changed Files:---------------------------------------- categories.php- details.php- download.php- global.php- index.php- lightbox.php- login.php- logout.php- member.php- postcards.php- register.php- search.php- top.php- includes/auth.php- includes/db_utils.php- includes/email.php- includes/functions.php- includes/image_utils.php- includes/search_utils.php- includes/template.php- includes/zip.php- admin/admin_functions.php- admin/admin_global.php- admin/backup.php- admin/categories.php- admin/cpstyle.css- admin/comments.php- admin/images.php- admin/index.php- admin/settings.php- admin/templates.php- admin/usergroups.php- admin/users.php- admin/validateimages.phpGeänderte Templates / Changed Templates:---------------------------------------- postcard_create.html- postcard_preview.html- bbcode.html
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7.1=========================================================- New caching system (Read docs/Cache.english.txt for further informations)- Changed session handling to PHP native sessions- The database table 4images_sessionvars is not longer in use. Its still referenced in the database dump, admin/backup.php and includes/contants.php for backward compatibility with integrations (phpBB, vBulletin)- Random category image is now disabled by default (define('SHOW_RANDOM_CAT_IMAGE', 0)- PHP5 compatibility- Improved GD2 detection- Improvements on functions in includes/functions.php (i.e. replaced preg_match() with faster str*() functions)- Replaced preg_match() with faster strpos() in class method Session::url() (includes/sessions.php)- Change input type to "password" for admin password in installation screen- Moved registration of {lang_user_online} and {lang_user_online_detail} from includes/page_header.php to includes/sessions.php- Added display of the category ID in the overview in Control Panel- Splitted query for $cat_cache due to performance reasons (global.php)- SMTP patch for includes/email.php. Thanks to blueshift ( Bugfix: Deleting of not activated users ( Bugfix: Database backup failing ( Bugfix: Back btn fails in Admin CP Edit Users/Images ( Bugfix: Subcategories columns dont show proportionaly? ( Bugfix: ACP - cant find images uploaded by not exist users ( Bugfix: Additional fields not being autofilled in "edit image" ( Bugfix: Cant display \\# (i.e \\2 or \\4 or \\9) ( Bugfix: Changed tag {remote_file} to {remote_media_file} in templates/default/member_uploadform.html- Bugfix: Cant upload images when not cat_id specifyed ( Bugfix: details.php with mode=lightbox next/prev maybe wrong ( Bugfix: Error msg when update/delete user with ' in his name ( Bugfix: Image dl counter doesnt update when dl from lightbox ( Bugfix: Quotes in category names ( Dateien / New Files:---------------------------------------- includes/cache_utils.phpGeänderte Dateien / Changed Files:---------------------------------------- categories.php- details.php- download.php- global.php- index.php- install.php- member.php- register.php- sessions.php- top.php- includes/constants.php- includes/email.php- includes/functions.php- includes/image_utils.php- includes/page_header.php- includes/page_footer.php- includes/template.php- includes/upload.php- admin/backup.php- admin/categories.php- admin/images.php- admin/users.phpGeänderte Templates / Changed Templates:---------------------------------------- member_uploadform.html
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.7=========================================================- Auto-Login gilt auch für Control Panel (ADMIN_SAFE_LOGIN auf 1 setzen in constants.php macht diese -nderung rückgängig)- Stylesheet für Clickstream- beim Hinzufügen/Bearbeiten von Bildern User wählbar- Statistiken zurücksetzen für einzelne Kategorien- System-Buttons (Leuchtkasten, Download etc.) können jetzt sprachabhängig angezeigt werden. Einen neue Ordner erstellen ("templates/<template_pack>/images_<language_name>") und Bilder darin plazieren. Darüberhinaus kann nun das Tag {template_lang_image_url} in den Templates verwendet werden welches den Pfad zu diesem Ordner sprachabhängig erzeugt.- Bilder freischalten: Bilddateien werden nun beim vom Server gelöscht wenn "löschen" gewählt wurde- Nächstes/vorheriges Bild auf der Detailseite werde nun abhängig davon abgezeigt woher der User kommt (Kategorien, Leuchtkasten, Suche)- Auto-Thumbaniler und Auto-Resizer erlauben nun Bildverkleinerung proportional oder mit fester Höhe oder Breite.- Es gibt jetzt drei Optionen für die Userfreischaltung: Keine, per Email, durch den Admin- Es wird nun auch eine Email mit den Zugangsdaten an neu registrierte User gesendet, wenn Account Aktivierung auf "Keine" steht.- Charset und direction können nun in den Sprachdateien für einzelne Sprachen festgelegt werden.- User können nun ihre eigenen Bilder un zugehörigen Kommentare bearbeiten/löschen. Jede Funktion kann einzeln in den Einstellungen deaktiviert werden.- Es könne nun mehrere Bilder/Kommentare/User auf einmal gelöscht werden.Geänderte Dateien / Changes files:---------------------------------------- admin/admin_functions.php- admin/admin_global.php- admin/backup.php- admin/categories.php- admin/checkimages.php- admin/comments.php- admin/email.php- admin/home.php- admin/images.php- admin/index.php- admin/resizer.php- admin/settings.php- admin/stats.php- admin/templates.php- admin/thumbnailer.php- admin/usergroups.php- admin/users.php- admin/validateimages.php- includes/auth.php- includes/constants.php- includes/db_utils.php- includes/email.php- includes/functions.php- includes/image_utils.php- inlcudes/page_footer.php- inlcudes/page_header.php- includes/search_utils.php- includes/sessions.php- includes/template.php- includes/upload.php- includes/upload_definitions.php- includes/zip.php- categories.php- details.php- download.php- global.php- index.php- install.php- lightbox.php- login.php- member.php- postcards.php- register.php- search.php- top.phpSprache / Language:---------------------------------------main.php neu: $lang['charset'] neu: $lang['direction'] gelöscht: $lang['invalid_username'] und $lang['invalid_passwort'] neu: $lang['invalid_login'] neu: $lang['image_edit'] neu: $lang['image_edit_success'] neu: $lang['image_edit_error'] neu: $lang['image_delete'] neu: $lang['image_delete_success'] neu: $lang['image_delete_error'] neu: $lang['image_delete_confirm'] neu: $lang['comment_edit'] neu: $lang['comment_edit_success'] neu: $lang['comment_edit_error'] neu: $lang['comment_delete_success'] neu: $lang['comment_delete_error'] neu: $lang['comment_delete_confirm'] geändert: $lang['register_success'] neu: $lang['register_success_none'] neu: $lang['register_success_admin']admin.php geändert: $lang['resize_dimension_desc'] geändert: $lang['convert_thumbnail_dimension'] neu: $lang['resize_proportions_desc'] neu: $lang['resize_proportionally'] neu: $lang['resize_fixed_width'] neu: $lang['resize_fixed_height'] neu: $setting['user_edit_image'] neu: $setting['user_delete_image'] neu: $setting['user_edit_comments'] neu: $setting['user_delete_comments'] geändert: $setting['auto_thumbnail_dimension'] neu: $setting['auto_thumbnail_resize_type'] neu: $auto_thumbnail_resize_type_optionlist geändert: $setting['account_activation'] neu: $account_activation_optionlistEmail templates: neu: register_activation_none.html neu: activation_success.html neu: admin_activation.html neu: register_activation_admin.html geändert: upload_notify.html ({validation_url} hinzugefügt)Templates:---------------------------------------- style.css (.clickstream hinzugefügt)- header.html {charset} und {direction} hinzugefügt- comment_bit.html bild tags angepasst- neu: member_editimage.html- neu: member_deleteimage.html- neu: member_editcomment.html- neu: member_deletecomment.html
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.6.1=========================================================- Bugs in search.php gefixt Bugfix bei der Suche mit "AND"- Bug beim Upload von mehreren verschiedenen Dateien über das CP gefixt- Sprachausgabe gefixt wenn Account-Aktivierung abgeschaltet ist- Bildbeschreibung erlaubt wieder HTML-Code- Bugfix bei der _berprüfung der Dateigröîe bei Bilderupload- Bugfix beim Auslesen der Bildgröîe und der IPTC-Tags- Bugfix beim Parsen der Email-Templates- Bugfix beim Verkleinern von Thumbnails- Bugfix bei "Check new images" bei Hinzufügen aus dem media-Verzeichnis Geänderte Dateien / Changed files: --------------------------------------- - includes/functions.php - includes/upload.php - includes/email.php - includes/db_utils.php - includes/constants.php - search.php - member.php - admin/admin_global.php - admin/admin_functions.php - admin/images.php - admin/resizer.php Sprache /Language: --------------------------------------- - main.php gesplittet: $lang['edit_profile_msg'] zu $lang['edit_profile_msg'] und $lang['edit_profile_email_msg']
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.6=========================================================- Bugs beim Download von Medien mit aktiviertem Safe Mode gefixt- User können wählen ob Sie Emails von den Administratoren empfangen wollen- Administratoren können nun einstellen, ob User nach der Registrierung Ihren Account per Email aktivieren müssen- In der Suchmaske kann jetzt auch nach Usernamen gesucht werden- Individuelle Befugnisse für jeden User- Leichtes Hinzufügen von neuen User-Feldern (siehe "includes/db_field_definitions.php")- URL Felder bei Bildern und Download URL akzeptieren relative Pfade- Automatische Thumbnailerstellung bei User-Uploads- Optimierung bezüglich des Suchindex Geänderte Dateien / Changed files: --------------------------------------- - includes/constants.php - includes/db_field_definitions.php - includes/db_mysql.php - includes/db_utils.php - includes/email.php - includes/functions.php - includes/search_utils.php - includes/sessions.php - includes/template.php - includes/upload.php - includes/upload_definitions.php - download.php - global.php - lightbox.php - login.php - member.php - postcards.php - register.php - search.php - admin/admin_functions.php - admin/admin_global.php - admin/backup.php - admin/categories.php - admin/checkimages.php - admin/email.php - admin/home.php - admin/images.php - admin/resizer.php - admin/settings.php - admin/thumbnailer.php - admin/usergroups.php - admin/users.php - admin/validateimages.php Neue Dateien / New files: --------------------------------------- - includes/image_utils.php Sprache / Languages: --------------------------------------- - admin.php neu: $setting['account_activation'] neu: $setting['auto_thumbnail'] neu: $setting['auto_thumbnail_dimension'] neu: $setting['auto_thumbnail_quality'] geändert: $setting['im_convert_path'] zu $setting['convert_tool_path'] - main.php neu: $lang['allow_admin_emails'] neu: $lang['search_by_username'] zusammengefasst: $lang['keyword'] und $lang['search_desc'] zu $lang['search_by_keyword'] Templates: --------------------------------------- - search_form.html Name der "search_field" Radios geändert Neues Textfeld für die Suche nach Usernamen - member_editprofile.html Zeile hinzugefügt für die Einstellung ob der User Emails vom Admin erhalten will - member_profile.html Schreibfehler: tarbet zu target
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.5=========================================================- Geschwindigkeits-Optimierung- Poskarten-Modul- Usergruppenverwaltung mit detailierter Rechtevergabe für jede Kategorie- Upload durch User möglich- Parsen von IPTC-Tags ( vereinfachte Integration von neuen Datenbankfelder für Bilder (siehe "inludes/db_field_definitions.php" für nähere Informationen)- Freies Anordnen der Kategorie-Reihenfolge- Statt Upload von Bilder können URLs als Quelle angegeben werden- Optionale Angabe einer URL für den Download-Link (z.B. zur Verlinkung auf Websites)- Medien können optional gezippt heruntergeladen werden- Alle im Leuchtkasten befindlichen Medien können in einem .zip heruntergeladen werden Geänderte Templates / Changed Templates: --------------------------------------- - category_bit.html - details.php - header.html - home.html - lightbox.html - member.html - member_profile.html - rate_form.html - register.html - search.html - thumbnail_bit.html Neue Templates / New Templates: --------------------------------------- - iptc_bit.html - member_upload_form.html - postcard_create.html - postcard_preview.html - postcard_send.html - top.html=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.0=========================================================- Bug bezüglich Erkennung von Dateiendungen in Groîbuchstaben gefixt.- In der Detailansicht der Bilder kann nun bei den Links zum nächsten oder vorherigen Bild zusätzlich zum Link die Bilddatei angezeigt werden.- Bug bezüglich doppelter Session Variablen in der Datenbank gefixt- Anzeige der neue Bilder erfolgt nun über die Suchfunktion. Datei new.php und entsprechendes Template new.html wurden entfernt.- Bilddateien werden bei fehlgeschlagener Bildverkleinerung nicht mehr gelöscht.
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.0 RC-2=========================================================- Language File und Template Verwaltung umgestellt. Keine Sprachausgabe mehr in den Templates.- Englisches Sprach-File hinzugefügt.- Eigene Templates für JPG, GIF und PNG- Suche komplett umgestellt. Suche erfolgt nun über einen Index und nicht mehr über die komplette Datenbank.- Kategorieverwaltung umgestellt. Es wird nun ein Ordner für jede Kategorie erstellt (Name ist identisch mit der ID der Kategorie). Grund: Linux hat einen erhöhten Verwaltungswaufwand bei Ordner mit mehr als 1024 Dateien.- Auf manchen Servern ging die Weiterleitung nach dem Einloggen ins Control Panel ins Leere. Dieser Bug ist (hoffentlich) gefixt.- Bugfix bezüglich MimeType-Erkennung bei Opera gefixt.
=========================================================ChangeLog Version 1.0 RC-1=========================================================First release