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Topics - airliner

Pages: [1]

Is that kind of a search engine possible to do within 4images.
The URL is

Those categories like: Select Aircraft type:, Select Airline are also there when a user uploads a picture.
I can add/remove categories for search engine/upload at the same time.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards


Installation, Update & Configuration / install 2 galleries
« on: September 07, 2009, 10:07:24 AM »
Hi folks,

It it possible to install two galleries in the same database with different table prefixes and let them share login sessions ???
Is it hard to modify ??
I'm a bit of a newbie guys .. but I gues that constant, session.php has to be modified pretty much?



I have a question.
I succefulley integrated 4images and vbuleltin board.
When I click on the index.php page in 4images gallery index everuthing is nice.

When I click on the serach.php page I get this:

Notice: Undefined index: userid in /home/ on line 45

Hi guys, just discovered this script.

I wonder though if there is a mod for watermarking. Adds a text like: Copyright username on the uploaded image.

Second issue is more important. Since I want to have an aircraft image page.

I wonder if there is a possibility for users when uploading a picture to fill in criteria via textboxes or/and drop down lists, like:

1. in which category the picture needs to be uploaded ( I bet that is done)

2. what type of image it is - meaning, user chooses from a drop down list which type of aircraft it is

3. user chooses on which airport the image was taken (text area)

4 ... etc ... custom field can be either textarea or drop down.

Is that possible ??

Thanx in adcance!

Pages: [1]