I run vista.
What a pity!
Well, if you use a mapped network drive called
w, you may change its letter, or else, edit the file
server/start.bat, and change:
IF "%Disk%"=="" set Disk=w
for any letter you need to use.
Don't forget then to change in
subst w: /D
to fit with your own letter.
GREAT TO SEE YOU BACK HERE, MAN!thanks for your experience.
About the "
nono" sound, I will make the computer's sound return to 100% after the splash screen appears
, or even delete any sound.
About the problem with some software as Skype, GoogleToolbarNotyfier... and more that start with Windows and listen to the port #80, we will add a feature to 4images Mobile Server to change the port that has to be listened (e.g: change to 8080). The MySQL port (3306), seems not to be affected by such programs.
In fact, we could change the native port to be 8080, for instance. Let us some times to try and furnish a good alternative.
Why use a virtual drive? 4images Mobile Server is based on Uniform Server 3.5 Apollo, and you can learn here why it uses a virtual disk:
http://center.uniformserver.com/uniserver/uniserver_intro.htmlJust noticed, the program doesn't exit properly it leaves tray icon, like its dies
4images Mobile Server uses
Aestan Tray Menu, that is no more maintained since july 2004. The tray icon keeping on after closing is a known bug.
We try to get a more recent free application, working with people at Framasoft, and trying to adapt it to 4images Mobile Server.
Well, 4images Mobile Server has been downloaded more than 2500 times since I posted first. People know that any support could be given at
Since the beginning, we never had any message about any unsolvable problem. In fact, we never had too any message to thank us...
Thanks to
mawenzi for his support about EXIF features.
I will post as soon as the changes are made.
Thank you very much, SunnyUK and V@no.