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Topics - TIMT

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How can I display in the Field "User" the Text "User" and in the field "Password" seven "Stars" (******)?
As soon the user click into the field the text "User" disappeared, the same with the "stars".

Thanks for helping me.


is there a possibility to put the number of hits automatically to 0 at the end of month?

I have to do that each month manually.

Thanks for helping me.



Is there a possibility to have next- and previous-buttons on the user-profile? So it would be easy to go from one user-profile to the next or back.
I've already implemented the memeberlist. The new features would be a great value add

Thanks for feedback


Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, Next- und Zurück-Buttons auf der Profil-Seite zu implementieren? So könnte man von einem Profil zum anderen klicken.
Die Memberliste habe ich implementiert. Die neue Funktionalität wäre eine zusätzliche Möglichkeit, Users kennenzulernen.

Danke für Feedback.



I have two different target group.
Now I'd like two different search.html.
The search functionality should be the same. Just the design, the information on the site, is different.

How can I do that?

Thanks for helping me.


Hi everybody

I have in the file style.css following definition:

.row1 {
  background-color: #c0c0c0;
  color: #000000;}

a:link {color: #EEEEEE;}
a:Visited {color: #EEEEEE;}
a:Hover {color: #FFE2A8;font-weight: bold;}
a:Acitv {color: #EEEEEE;}

In the File details.html I have following code:
<td width="130" align="left" valign="top" class="row1"><b> {user_name_link}</b></span></td>

How can I define the look (color, font, aso.) for the link {user_name_link}, when it musst be different from the general "link-defintion" in the css-file?

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Color-Search
« on: October 16, 2005, 11:50:07 PM »
Hi everybody

A color-search would be a great new feature for 4images.
It should be possible to select a color out of 10 different colors and then all pictures, in which the specific color is found (as a dominant color) are displayed as searchresult.

Has somebody time and knowledge to implement this chalenge?


Chit Chat / Wanted: PHP-Specialist
« on: October 15, 2005, 05:06:58 PM »
Hallo zäme

Kennt jemand einen PHP-Spezialisten, der kleinere Programmierungsaufträge für 4images ausführt? Es handelt sich dabei um Anpassungen, für die ich hier im Forum keine Lösungen finden kann.

Vielen Dank!


Hi everybody

Does somebody know a PHP-specialist, who can implement some little requests for 4images? I can't find modifications for this requests in this forum.



Hi everybody

I have the following category-structure:

Architecture (1)
Photo Clubs (2)
    Photo Club A (3)
        Architecture (4)
    Photo Club B (5)
        Architecture (6)

I'd like a new field in the table category. In this field I can define other categories.
Let's say I enter on the category "Architecture" (#1) the sub-categories  "Architecture" (#4 and #6)

Now I see in the Main-Category (#1) all picture out of the defined categories (#1, #4, #6).

That new features is important for me. So has each photo club his own categories, but the pictures are also shown in the main-category.

Thanks for helping me.



I show a random picture next to the category. Now I have a Subcategory with no picture and then a sub-sub-category with pictures

photo clubs (no pictures in it)
   photo club A (no pictures in it)
      Animals (with pictures in it - the picture next to the category is shown)
      Fantasy (with pictures  - the picture next to the category is shown)
      Architecture (with pictures  - the picture next to the category is shown)

Now I'd like to show a picture next to the category for each category, even there is no picture in it.
The picture could be a picture of the subcategory or a picture defined with the mod from V@no ([MOD] Category Image v1.0.1)

Is there any possibility?


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Picture Number
« on: September 24, 2005, 07:44:21 PM »

Each picture get a number. This is a uniq key. If I delete a picture, will this key (number) be available for a new picture?
Let's say I have a picture with the name "house". The picture number is 5.
Now I delete this picture and upload a new picture.
Is it possible, that this new picture gets the picture number 5?



I want to show only pictures from specifics categories as random pictures. Let's say, I have a category 10 and a category 15, and now I want to show only the pictures which belongs to this two categories as random pictures.

Is that difficult to implement? I'm a "non-coder" and I would be very happy, if somebody can help me.


Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / second section "PlugIns"
« on: September 11, 2005, 11:43:54 PM »
Hi everybody

Is it possible to create a second section "PlugIns" in the ACP? One for the 4images plugins and the second one for my individual plugins (sql-statements)?


Hi everybody

When I upload a picture with Firefox, everything works fine.
But when I uploas a picture with IE 6.0, I get the following errror message:
Invalid file type

The file type is a jpg. With others IE it works. So it has to be a specific setting for the IE 6.0, which "produce" this "wrong" error message.

Thanks for helping me.


Hi everybody

I wrote some php-scripts for sql-requests. Now I'd like to start this scritps from the ACP. I want a new section "Requests" (like "PlugIns").
In this new sections I want to have a link for each script.

How can I do that?

Thanks for your help.

Hi everybody

I have a request for the picture-upload. I hope somebody can help me. I would pay for the realisation of this request.

While uploading a picture there should be done the following checks:
1.   Has the picture the required width-to-height ratio of 3:2 or 4:3? When not, the picture has to be rejected. A limit of tolerance should be definable. (DONE)
2.   which is the format of the picture? Landscape format (1) or panel format (2).  The format should be stored in the database (value 1 or 2) (OPEN)
3.   assign the prefix according width-to-height ratio and format (OPEN)

Regarding the checks, the filename get a prefix:
32q_ (width-to-height ratio 3:2, landscape format)
32h_ (width-to-height ratio 3:2, panel format)
43q_ (width-to-height ratio 4:3, landscape format)
43h_ (width-to-height ratio 4:3, panel format)
A picture with the original name “house.jpg”, and a width-to-height ratio 3:2, and landscape format should get the filename “32q_house.jpg”. The new name is stored in the database.

In the database, in the table “4images_images”, there is a filed “image_format” (defined by me).
When a picture has a width-to-height ratio of 3:2, the value „11.5 x 16 cm“ should be stored.
When a picture has a width-to-height ratio of 4:3, the value „12 x 16 cm “ should be stored.

Check one (width-to-height ratio) is already done (upload.php).

Thank you for helping me.

Hallo zäme

Ich habe eine neue Anforderung an den Bildupload. Ich würde für die Realisierung der Anforderung auch etwas bezahlen.

Beim Upload der Bilder sollten folgende Checks vorgenommen werden:
1. Hat das Bild die erforderlichen Seitenverhältnisse 3:2 oder 4:3? Wenn nicht, wird das Bild abgelehnt, eine Toleranzgrenze sollte definierbar sein.
2. Welches Format weißt das Bild auf (Quer- oder Hochformat)?
3. Bestimmung Prefix für Dateiname

Je nach Resultat der Prüfungen soll der Dateiname mit einem der folgenden Prefixes versehen werden:
32q_ (Seitenverhältnis 3:2, Querformat)
32h_ (Seitenverhältnis 3:2, Hochformat)
43q_ (Seitenverhältnis 4:3, Querformat)
43h_ (Seitenverhältnis 4:3, Hochformat)

Ein Bild mit Seitenverhältnis 3:2 im Querformat mit Name „landschaft.jpg“ wird dann mit dem Namen 32q_landschaft.jpg auf dem Server und in der Datenbank gespeichert.

Weiter soll im Feld „image_format“ im Table „4images_images“ der Wert
„12 x 16 cm bei einem Bild mit Seitenverhältnis 4:3
und der Wert
„11.5 x 16 cm“ bei einem Bild mit Seitenverhältnis 3:2
gespeichert werden.

Punkt 1 hat ein Freund von mir realisiert. Die Prüfung erfolgt im Script upload.php, ab Zeile 121.. Den Script habe ich dir beigelegt.

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.


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