details.html is the template that displays image details along with the image itself (via one of the media templates)
By default, the details.html template uses text links for navigating to the next and previous images. Some people would prefer to also show the thumbnails of those images.
In the details.html template that ships with the downloaded distribution of 4images, there is the following code:
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<tr valign="top">
<td class="row2">
{if prev_image_name}{lang_prev_image}<br />
<b><a href="{prev_image_url}">{prev_image_name}</a></b>
<!-- <br /><br /><a href="{prev_image_url}"><img src="{prev_thumb_file}" border="1"></a> -->
{endif prev_image_name} </td>
<td align="right" class="row2">
{if next_image_name}{lang_next_image}<br />
<b><a href="{next_image_url}">{next_image_name}</a></b>
<!-- <br /><br /><a href="{next_image_url}"><img src="{next_thumb_file}" border="1"></a> -->
{endif next_image_name}</td>
As you can see above, there is already HTML code that can display the thumbnails. It is simply commented out. To activate the thumbnails, uncomment the thumbnail HTML links:
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<tr valign="top">
<td class="row2">
{if prev_image_name}{lang_prev_image}<br />
<b><a href="{prev_image_url}">{prev_image_name}</a></b>
<br /><br /><a href="{prev_image_url}"><img src="{prev_thumb_file}" border="1"></a>
{endif prev_image_name} </td>
<td align="right" class="row2">
{if next_image_name}{lang_next_image}<br />
<b><a href="{next_image_url}">{next_image_name}</a></b>
<br /><br /><a href="{next_image_url}"><img src="{next_thumb_file}" border="1"></a>
{endif next_image_name}</td>