the result was the same on both windows98 and 2000 with IE6. The guest view of the home index is fine but when you logged in as a registered user, the broken side bar shows up in two places, on the upload page, there's a gap on the lower left bar. i have the feeling that something could have been missing in the index.php. it's just a guess. i tried changing the html but couldn't fix it. i now re-uploaded the original download i got from your site and the result is still the same. i went to your site and it looks ok to me both from the guest as well as registered members. the html is fine i think...could be in the php scripts or somewhere but couldn't tell coz i'm no php expert. anyway, i hope you'll check the site again using the account i gave earlier. the guest viewing is fine but when u logged on as a user, you'll see the gaps that I've been saying. again, thanks.