How can I tweak the Keywoords code in the functions.php to give as results something like:
So if you have 3 keywords, it will show in the details page something like:
1, 2, 3
Instead of:
Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga
That means that for some reason I do not want to show the value of the keywords, but only the digits.
This is the code of functions.php:
if (!empty($image_row['image_keywords'])) {
$split_keywords = explode(" ", $image_row['image_keywords']);
$keywords = "";
$keywords_count = 0;
foreach ($split_keywords as $key => $val) {
$keywords .= (($keywords != "" ) ? ", " : "")."<a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."search.php?search_keywords=".urlencode($val))."\">".format_text($val, 2)."</a>";
else {
$keywords = REPLACE_EMPTY;
if (!check_permission("auth_readcomment", $image_row['cat_id'])) {
$image_row['image_allow_comments'] = 0;
Many thanks in advance for you help,