Hi to all.
I upload the mod
http://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=7700.0 . Everything is ok for admin uploads but there is a problem about registered users (members) upload. There is no problem on resizing while uploading by admin. I read forums but I couldn't find help about this.
But when users (members) upload the same image (same size, same width, same height) they getting this error:
Error uploading thumbnail file:
img----img.jpg: Image size invalid
There is a problem about registered users (members) upload resizing. How can I solve this? Please help me.
Sizes of trying to upload image and thumb
Size: 341 kb, width:1280 , height:960
My upload settings on admin panel:
Upload mode : Save files with new name
Valid file extensions: jpg, gif, png.
Max. width of thumbnail in pixel : 140
Max. heigth of thumbnail in pixel :140
Max. thumbnail size in KB: 100
Max. image width in pixel: 770
Max. image heigth in pixel: 770
Max. image size in KB: 2000
Notify by email upon user upload: yes
Additional email addresses for notification: ------
Delimit emails by comma.
Auto-create thumbnail: Yes
Thumbnail size in pixel: 100
Proportions: Resize proportionally
Thumbnail quality: 75
0 to 100