----------------- [ Tweaks ] -----------------Tweak 1On top of
ajaxcomments.php you can find the following settings:
define("COMMENT_RATING_ENABLE", true); //enable ratings for comments?
define("COMMENT_RATING_GUEST", false); //allow guests to vote?
define("COMMENT_RATING_OWN", false); //allow rate own comments?
define("COMMENT_RATING_HIDE", -3); //comment with rating below this number will be hidden by default (visitors still will be able read them by clicking at + icon)
define("COMMENTS_PAGES", true); //show pages for comments? must install http://www.4homepages.de/forum/index.php?topic=5830.0
define("COMMENTS_ORDER", 0); //sort comments 0 = ASC or 1 = DESC
Tweak 2If you did any modifications in details.php in comments related sections, you'll need do the same modifications in
ajaxcomments.phpI did copy/paste such parts from details.php into ajaxcomments.php with as little additional modifications as possible.
Also, if something doesn't work right and you go express you rage here, make sure you test with default template first.
----------------- [ Version history ] -----------------v1.0.4 (2009-12-21) (more info
here) (to update - re-download the package and replace
- CHANGED: on servers with PHP v4.3.0 or newer with
html_entity_decode enabled non-latin letters should be converted into proper charset.
v1.0.3 (2009-12-14) (more info
here) (to update - re-download the package and replace
- FIXED: with some charsets javascript would display garbage when posting comments.
- FIXED: misspelled constant, which affected displaying comment ratings properly.
v1.0.2 (2009-08-21) (more info
here thanks to bash-t) (to update - replace
- FIXED: when used
reCAPTCHA image was not automatically refreshed
v1.0.1 (2009-01-21) (more info
- FIXED: issue with non-latin letters didn't display properly in the comments. (re-download the package and replace
- FIXED JavaScript error in InternetExplorer after submitting a comment. (re-do
Step 7.6)
- CHANGED: anti-flood protection to 4images' default: 3 minutes between comments on the same image.
v1.0 (2009-01-15)
- first release