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Installing and pointingto Image Magick


Hi Guys,

as Image magick is not installed on my virtual server I tried to install it myself, but got all kinds of error messages.

Does any one of you have a tip on how to install it ?
And if installed what is the path (to a file or directory?) I need to put in the settings?

Thanks a lot for any help,

best regards,



you must have ROOT access to install ImageMagick...

just ask your host if they can install it..

type into shell:
whereis convert

in most cases:

Hi Nicky,

thanks for your quick answer; convert is is neither of these directories ( checked with Telnet).
When asking whereis convert is just comes back with:

But I discovered the path to GD and am just testing that now.
It seems to work with most files... thumbnails are great and small in size, but resizing a pic

Can you help me also with my other question
( )?

Thanks in advance,

with best regards,



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