please learn to be patient. People use to sleep, sometimes, here.
Don't know about OpenRealty, sorry.
But try this:
[MOD] new images on your homepage (external)and complete with this:
{new_images} from specific category to match with your favourite category.
Or else, that's the way I should do it:
3 new files have to be created:
- new_images.php (at the gallery root, where index.php is)
- templates/your_template/new_images.html
- templates/your_template/thumbnail_bit_extern.html
1 file has to be modified:
First, lest us create the file "
new_images.php", just copying a part of the file "
index.php". The code should be:
* *
* 4images - A Web Based Image Gallery Management System *
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *
* *
* File: new_images.php *
* Copyright: (C) 2002 Jan Sorgalla *
* Email: jan@4homepages.de *
* Web: http://www.4homepages.de *
* Scriptversion: 1.7.6 *
* *
* Never released without support from: Nicky (http://www.nicky.net) *
* *
* *
* Dieses Script ist KEINE Freeware. Bitte lesen Sie die Lizenz- *
* bedingungen (Lizenz.txt) für weitere Informationen. *
* --------------------------------------------------------------- *
* This script is NOT freeware! Please read the Copyright Notice *
* (Licence.txt) for further information. *
* *
$templates_used = 'new_images,thumbnail_bit_extern';
$main_template = 'new_images';
define('ROOT_PATH', './');
define('GET_CACHES', 1);
define('GET_USER_ONLINE', 0);
$user_access = get_permission();
if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['template']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['template'])) {
$template = (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['template'])) ? get_basefile(stripslashes($HTTP_GET_VARS['template'])) : get_basefile(stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['template']));
if (!file_exists(TEMPLATE_PATH."/".$template.".".$site_template->template_extension)) {
$template = "";
else {
$main_template = $template;
else {
$template = "";
if (!empty($template)) {
$clickstream = "<a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."index.php")."\">".$lang['home']."</a>".$config['category_separator'].str_replace("_", " ", ucfirst($template));
$site_template->register_vars("clickstream", $clickstream);
$cache_id = create_cache_id(
isset($user_info['lightbox_image_ids']) ? substr(md5($user_info['lightbox_image_ids']), 0, 8) : 0,
if (!$cache_page_index || !$content = get_cache_file($cache_id)) {
// Always append session id if cache is enabled
if ($cache_page_index) {
$old_session_mode = $site_sess->mode;
$site_sess->mode = 'get';
//--- Show New Images ---------------------------------
"has_rss" => true,
"rss_title" => "RSS Feed: ".format_text($config['site_name'], 2)." (".str_replace(':', '', $lang['new_images']).")",
"rss_url" => $script_url."/rss.php?action=images"
$imgtable_width = ceil(intval($config['image_table_width']) / $config['image_cells']);
if ((substr($config['image_table_width'], -1)) == "%") {
$imgtable_width .= "%";
$additional_sql = "";
if (!empty($additional_image_fields)) {
foreach ($additional_image_fields as $key => $val) {
$additional_sql .= ", i.".$key;
$num_new_images = 12;
$config['image_cells'] = 4;
$sql = "SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits".$additional_sql.", c.cat_name".get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_name")."
LEFT JOIN ".USERS_TABLE." u ON (".get_user_table_field("u.", "user_id")." = i.user_id)
WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (1, 2, 3)
ORDER BY i.image_date DESC
LIMIT $num_new_images";
$result = $site_db->query($sql);
$num_rows = $site_db->get_numrows($result);
if (!$num_rows) {
$new_images = "<table width=\"".$config['image_table_width']."\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"".$config['image_table_cellpadding']."\" cellspacing=\"".$config['image_table_cellspacing']."\"><tr class=\"imagerow1\"><td>";
$new_images .= $lang['no_new_images'];
$new_images .= "</td></tr></table>";
else {
$new_images = "<table width=\"".$config['image_table_width']."\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"".$config['image_table_cellpadding']."\" cellspacing=\"".$config['image_table_cellspacing']."\">";
$count = 0;
$bgcounter = 0;
while ($image_row = $site_db->fetch_array($result)){
if ($count == 0) {
$row_bg_number = ($bgcounter++ % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 2;
$new_images .= "<tr class=\"imagerow".$row_bg_number."\">\n";
$new_images .= "<td width=\"".$imgtable_width."\" valign=\"top\">\n";
$new_images .= $site_template->parse_template("thumbnail_bit_extern");
$new_images .= "\n</td>\n";
if ($count == $config['image_cells']) {
$new_images .= "</tr>\n";
$count = 0;
} // end while
if ($count > 0) {
$leftover = ($config['image_cells'] - $count);
if ($leftover >= 1) {
for ($f = 0; $f < $leftover; $f++) {
$new_images .= "<td width=\"".$imgtable_width."\">\n \n</td>\n";
$new_images .= "</tr>\n";
$new_images .= "</table>\n";
} // end else
$site_template->register_vars("new_images", $new_images);
//--- Print Out ---------------------------------------
"msg" => $msg,
"clickstream" => $clickstream
$content = ob_get_contents();
if ($cache_page_index) {
// Reset session mode
$site_sess->mode = $old_session_mode;
save_cache_file($cache_id, $content);
} // end if get_cache_file()
echo $content;
Now it's time to create the two template files in your template folder.
The code for your template file "
templates/your_template/new_images.html" should be:
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >
<td align="left" class="head1" valign="top"> Recent Images from {site_name}</td>
<td class="head1"><br />
{new_images} <br /></td>
The code for your template file "
<style type="text/css">
.pics {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
.new {
font-family: Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
font-size: 9px;
color: #FF0000;
<div align="center">{thumbnail_extern_openwindow}<br />
<span class="pics"><b>{image_name}</b> {if image_is_new}<sup class="new">{lang_new}</sup>{endif image_is_new} ({user_name_link})
<br /></span></div>
At last, please edit the file "
includes/functions.php". Find:
"thumbnail_openwindow" => get_thumbnail_code($image_row['image_media_file'], $image_row['image_thumb_file'], $image_row['image_id'], $image_row['cat_id'], $image_row['image_name'], $mode, $show_link, 1),
and insert just after:
"thumbnail_extern" => get_thumbnail_code($image_row['image_media_file'], $image_row['image_thumb_file'], $image_row['image_id'], $image_row['cat_id'], $image_row['image_name'], $mode, $show_link),
"thumbnail_extern_openwindow" => get_thumbnail_code($image_row['image_media_file'], $image_row['image_thumb_file'], $image_row['image_id'], $image_row['cat_id'], $image_row['image_name'], $mode, $show_link, 1),
Find next:
return $thumb;
and insert just after:
//--External thumbnails--------------------------------
function get_thumbnail_extern_code($media_file_name, $thumb_file_name = "", $image_id, $cat_id, $image_name = "", $mode = "", $show_link = 1, $open_window = 1) {
global $site_sess, $config;
if (!check_media_type($media_file_name)) {
$thumb = "<img src=\"".ICON_PATH."/404.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
else {
if (!get_file_path($thumb_file_name, "thumb", $cat_id, 0, 0)) {
$file_src = ICON_PATH."/".get_file_extension($media_file_name).".gif";
$image_info = @getimagesize($file_src);
$width_height = (!empty($image_info[3])) ? " ".$image_info[3] : "";
$thumb = "<img src=\"".$file_src."\" border=\"0\"".$width_height." alt=\"".$image_name."\" />";
else {
$file_src = get_file_path($thumb_file_name, "thumb", $cat_id, 0, 1);
$image_info = @getimagesize($file_src);
$width_height = (!empty($image_info[3])) ? " ".$image_info[3] : "";
$thumb = "<img src=\"".$file_src."\" border=\"".$config['image_border']."\"".$width_height." alt=\"".$image_name."\" />";
if ($show_link) {
if ($open_window) {
$thumb = "<a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."details.php?".URL_IMAGE_ID."=".$image_id.((!empty($mode)) ? "&mode=".$mode : ""))."\" onclick=\"opendetailwindow()\" target=\"detailwindow\">".$thumb."</a>";
else {
$thumb = "<a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."details.php?".URL_IMAGE_ID."=".$image_id.((!empty($mode)) ? "&mode=".$mode : ""))."\">".$thumb."</a>";
return $thumb;
//--End external thumbnails----------------------------
Then, the external site that desires to show your thumbnails has to include one of these two links in its page code:
PHP: <?php include ('http://path/to/your/gallery/new_images.php') ?>
HTML:<iframe src="http://path/to/your/gallery/new_images.php" width="500" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" name="new_images" align="center"></iframe>
(Width and hight are just an example. Adapt it as you prefer.)
You may modify this, in "
$num_new_images = 12;
$config['image_cells'] = 4;
to change the number of thumbails shown (12, here), and the number of thumbnails in each row (4, here).
Don't forget to change this:
WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (1, 2, 3)
to specify which category's thumbnails you desire to show.
Well, I hope I did not forget anything essential.
Feel free to ask any help.
Anyone here can help you as soon as he is awake...