meine Config teil
define('STATS_TOP_MEMBERS_LIMIT', 0); // define how many users should be displayed on top member stats
define('STATS_SHOW_OVERVIEW', 1); // board stats overview is displayed
define('STATS_SHOW_USERS', 0); // detailed monthly user statistics should be shown
define('STATS_SHOW_COMMENTS',0); // detailed monthly comment posting statistic should be shown
define('STATS_SHOW_IMAGES',1); // detailed monthly images statistic should be shown
define('STATS_SHOW_TOPUPLOADERS', 0); // displays top uploaders
define('STATS_SHOW_TOPCOMMENTER', 0); // displays top commenters (who gives the most comments)
define('STATS_SHOW_TOPCOMMENTED',0); // displays from which user the most images were commented by other
define('STATS_SHOW_TOPIMAGE_HITS_FROM_USER',1); // displays which images from users got the most hits
define('STATS_SHOW_TOPIMAGE_RATINGS_FROM_USER',0); // displays avg image rating (avg of all ratings by one imageowner)
define('STATS_SHOW_TOPIMAGES_VOTED',0); // displays Imageowner which got the most votes
define('STATS_SHOW_TOP_LASTACTIVEUSERS',1); // last active users // Invisible Users can be seen only by admin
define('STATS_SHOW_TOP_NEWUSERS',1); // Last registered Users / New Users
//For following Options several extra mods must be installed! Take look at the notes!
//define('STATS_SHOW_TOPPOSTCARDS_SENDER_USER',1); //displays who sends the most postcards // Note: Postcardsender Mod must be installed
//define('STATS_SHOW_TOPPOSTCARDS_FROM_USER',0); //displays top sended images as postcards from users // Note: [MOD] eCard Counter / Postkartenzähler must be installed
// define('STATS_SHOW_TOPDOWNLOADERS',1); // displays top downloaders // Note: User Download Counter Mod or usertable must be altered
// define('STATS_SHOW_VOTES', 1); // if you wish that detailed monthly vote statistics should be shown
// Note: Save Votes in DB type A must be installed and altered by votetime define('STATS_SHOW_TOPAGEGROUPS',1); // displays which age group has the most users // Note: Birthday Mod must be installed!
// define('STATS_SHOW_TOPIMAGE_VOTER',1); // displays Users by votes // Note: Save Votes in DB type A must be installed
// define('STATS_SHOW_TOPUSERS_SHOUTED',1); // displays Users by the times he shouted // Note: Shoutbox Mod must be installed and IS SHOUTBOX must be set to 1
// define('STATS_SHOW_TOPUSERS_PROFILEHITS',1); // displys Top User by Profile Hits // Note: Profile Hits Mod must be installed extra Mods
// Extra Options if you have several mods installed!
// define('STATS_IS_SHOUTBOX', 1); // if shoutbox mod is installed and in constants.php SHOUTBOX_TABLE is defined
// define('STATS_IS_GUESTBOOK', 1); // set to 1 if you have an guestbook / in constants.php GUESTBOOK_TABLE must be set
// define('STATS_IS_USERAVATARS', 1); // turn on, if you have installed [MOD] Member personal photo v1.1.1 by V@no define('STATS_USERAVATARS_PATH', ROOT_PATH.USERPICS_DIR); // define your avatar path e.g. /data/userpic/
// define('STATS_USERAVATARS_PATH', 'data/userpic/');