modifying PHP files that generate HTML files on the fly is really hard!
My best advice should be to forget about it and just try to make a template without any table, just using <DIV> tags, if you really need to.
Hopelessly, much people still use Internet Explorer 6, wich does not comply to CSS2, and even not to CSS1.
Would you accept to let 55% (IE7 is yet another problem
) of your visitors having a wrong display of your own website? (
I should, now, I'm so much bored!).
YOU are your own webmaster. Decide what to do...
thanks my freind.it worked good.but it is bug for 4images.i hope resolve this bug
4images was developed to provide users an easy installation, and an easy cutomization, creating a standard template system that anyone could mod.
What you need is very different from the original features. Maybe it will be implemented in 4images version 2.x. This script keeps on living and rising, thanks to developers.
Don't forget to thank the 4images' developers for their work you use now for free!
Best regards.