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Messages - † manurom

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Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Images per page help
« on: June 11, 2008, 09:19:44 AM »
Sorry, I do not understand where you keep on having any problem.

Please explain it as I was a 6 years old child.

Hello, tiamo86;
what template do you use, please?

By the way, the website does not show the 4images copyright. I'm trying to know if they bought the 4images copyright removal licence.

Your screen capture looks like Iceberg template, but I'd need to be sure... Then, anybody here could help you.

Modifikasyonlar / Re: Full SEO`lu ve Özel KW temalı 4images
« on: June 10, 2008, 06:37:01 PM »
pi24 did a really bad adaptation from a KurtW's template. Shame on him! When you don't know, you must not do anything.
Please download the original template here:, and keep all the author's copyrights. And, why not, thank KurtW for his ORIGINAL job.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: No Auto Recize
« on: June 10, 2008, 04:11:39 PM »
this could help you: [MOD] Scale Images to fit in browser

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Images per page help
« on: June 10, 2008, 11:28:04 AM »
the home page only shows the last 3 pictures, by default. So, paging does not work, and does not need to.
Template developers should remove setperpage_dropdown_form from their "home.html" file... :oops:

But in anyother page, like, it does.

If you really need to make paging work in your own homepage, look at there: add paging to index

Français / Un dégradé esthétique pour vos vignettes.
« on: June 09, 2008, 02:12:39 PM »
vous pouvez agrémenter vos vignettes, ou thumbnails, d'un joli effet de dégradé au survol de la souris.
Vous en aurez un exemple ici:

Pour obtenir cet effet, veuillez d'abord éditer le fichier includes/functions.php. Trouvez cette ligne, vers la ligne N°464 (4images version 1.7.6):
Code: [Select]
$thumb = "<img src=\"".$file_src."\" border=\"0\"".$width_height." alt=\"".format_text($image_name, 2)."\" />";
remplacez-la par ceci:
Code: [Select]
      $thumb = "<img style=\"opacity: 0.6;\" class=\"gradualshine\" onmouseover=\"slowhigh(this)\" onmouseout=\"slowlow(this)\" src=\"".$file_src."\" border=\"0\"".$width_height." alt=\"".format_text($image_name, 2)."\" />";
Aux environs de la ligne N°470, vous trouverez ceci:
Code: [Select]
      $thumb = "<img src=\"".$file_src."\" border=\"".$config['image_border']."\"".$width_height." alt=\"".format_text($image_name, 2)."\" />";
Remplacez-le par cela:
Code: [Select]
      $thumb = "<img style=\"opacity: 0.6;\" class=\"gradualshine\" onmouseover=\"slowhigh(this)\" onmouseout=\"slowlow(this)\" src=\"".$file_src."\" border=\"0\"".$width_height." alt=\"".format_text($image_name, 2)."\" />";
Editez alors le fichier "templates/votre_template/header.html", et trouvez:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{template_url}/style.css" />

Insérez juste après:
Code: [Select]
<style type="text/css">


<script type="text/javascript">

* Gradual Highlight image script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code

var baseopacity=30

function slowhigh(which2){
browserdetect=which2.filters? "ie" : typeof"string"? "mozilla" : ""

function slowlow(which2){

function instantset(degree){
if (browserdetect=="mozilla")
else if (browserdetect=="ie")

function cleartimer(){
if (window.highlighting) clearInterval(highlighting)

function gradualfade(cur2){
if (browserdetect=="mozilla" &&<1), 0.99)
else if (browserdetect=="ie" && cur2.filters.alpha.opacity<100)
else if (window.highlighting)


Voilà, c'est fait. Vous devez normalement profiter du même effet que celui qui est montré dans le lien cité plus haut.


thanks Manurom .. i hope my wish to sell premium template someday... enjoy
Hello, Mantra;
It's allways a pleasure to work with you, thanks.

Hope everything is well for you.

Best regards.

please find in attachment Vierstra's 4Greenish version 1.7.6.

Hello, all;
with Mantra's agreement, I updated all his templates to the version 1.7.6.

Yet with his agreement, you can download them for free at my own website, here, at manurom's 4images templates

Enjoy all.

But, please, let me repeat that you have to be fair and keep all Mantra's copyrights.
If not, you may not find in the future free templates. Templates developers should be bored to see so much often their licences not repected.
It would be a real damage.

I'm ready to retire the downloads if I believe Mantra's work is not respected as it should be.

Français / Re: problem apres l'installation !! besion de vos aides
« on: June 07, 2008, 03:07:33 PM »
impossible d'afficher votre galerie.

Pour votre problème:
realpath() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/youssefb/public_html/img/includes/sessions.php on line 84

Essayez ceci: éditez le fichier includes/sessions.php.

A la fameuse ligne numéro 84, vous allez trouver ceci:
Code: [Select]
        $this->session_key = md5('4images' . realpath(ROOT_PATH));
changez-le par ceci:
Code: [Select]
//        $this->session_key = md5('4images' . realpath(ROOT_PATH));
$this->session_key = md5('4images' . "/home/youssefb/public_html/img/");

Cela devrait résoudre le fait que l'utilisation de "realpath()" est interdite dans la configuration de votre serveur.

edit your html template files, like home.html, categories.html...
Code: [Select]
<td width="19" valign="top"><img src="{template_url}/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="19" height="19" /></td>

and replace by:
Code: [Select]
<td width="19" valign="top"><img src="{template_url}/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="19" height="19" /></td>
<td width="180" valign="top"><img src="{template_url}/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="180" height="1" /><br />New column content</td>

Please, to anyone who needs a standard template to be in three columns, post your demands here.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Login Problem - 1.7.6
« on: June 07, 2008, 10:24:53 AM »
seems to be related to a server problem.
Sessions seem not to be stored, while you can use cookies sessions.

Please contact your administrator, to let the temporary folder being writable.

Or else, make an empty folder, e.g. called "temp", outside of your website structure, with CHMOD 777.

Then, edit includes/sessions.php, and find:
Code: [Select]
Insert just before:
Code: [Select]
If you do not know the real path to your "temp" folder, create in it a file called "path.php", with this code:
Code: [Select]

Then, open your browser and go to: http://my_website/temp/path.php
The real path to path.php will be then displayed.

Copy it and put it instead of "/real/path/to/your/temp/folder/".

But, please, contact first your server administrator. The problem should be quickly solved.

first of all, as usual, make a backup of your old website and its database.

Assuming you have not installed any MOD that alters the database,

  • Copy the whole directory "data" from your old site to the new one, overwriting the existing directory.
  • Copy the file "config.php" from your old site root to the new site root.

That should be enough to make your new site work, if you did not previously alter the database with any MOD.

Don't forget: backup, backup, and backup are you best friends!


Hello, KurtW;
very good and efficient job, as usual, thanks!

this modification works with 4images default or derivated templates. KurtW offers an easy way to mod them, thanks to him.

Please tell us what template you use, in case of this one is too much different of that "standard" templates KurtW uses to manage.

Sometimes, template makers use their own HTML and CSS codes.
Discussion is open. We expect for your experience.

Hope everything will go well.

Templates & Styles (Requests & Discussions) / Re: generate table tag
« on: June 05, 2008, 12:55:18 PM »
modifying PHP files that generate HTML files on the fly is really hard!

My best advice should be to forget about it and just try to make a template without any table, just using <DIV> tags, if you really need to.

Hopelessly, much people still use Internet Explorer 6, wich does not comply to CSS2, and even not to CSS1.
Would you accept to let 55% (IE7 is yet another problem :evil:) of your visitors having a wrong display of your own website? (I should, now, I'm so much bored!).

YOU are your own webmaster. Decide what to do...

thanks my worked good.but it is bug for 4images.i hope resolve this bug
4images was developed to provide users an easy installation, and an easy cutomization, creating a standard template system that anyone could mod.
What you need is very different from the original features. Maybe it will be implemented in 4images version 2.x. This script keeps on living and rising, thanks to developers.
Don't forget to thank the 4images' developers for their work you use now for free!

Best regards.

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