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Messages - zakaria666

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I have a really silly problem. The RSS works perfectly on internet explorar as you would expect and the UI looks really cool on firefox. BUT, when i click on the RSS icon on the button on chrome. It just comes up with words, it doesnt work.

If any administrator here can send me a message and i shall forward my website on your PMs and you can see for yourself.



I finally it figured it out  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) arrrrrrrrrrrrrg 4images is so confusing  :lol:

I had to change the the permissions from private to registered. Vano you told me like 6 months ago, private was the same was registered. I think this needs to be changed, because it always confuses me. If 4images technicailly has only 3 levels of permissions then i think private should be integrate to registered.

Thanks man


This mod doesnt seem to work for default thumbnails. I.E gives default thumbnails (for example youtube thumbnail)...if the thumbnail of the media site video is not saved. So users can still click on videos with default thumbnails without a pop up coming up


Hello Vano

if you want support multi-language (templates/<your template>/images_<lang>), then use:

Im trynig to put images inside of the lang/main.php like this

Code: [Select]
$lang['user_buddy_pending'] = "<img src=\"{template_lang_image_url}/images/pending.gif\" />";
^^^ is this correct by your standards. Ive tried it and I get an X...

thank you for your help Vano


Hello and thanks for refering  me to this MOD. This is what I wanted but just to recap, this MOD will give a user a pop up when they try to browse around as a guest and not logged in right??

If so I have installed this MOD and nothing happens. What I mean is that Ive done exactly what this MOD has asked off me and Ive uploaded it to the server sir, and I can still browse around my site as a guest and no popup appears. I thought at first it was the browser, so i tried chrome and its the same on there is well

Am i doing something wrong or is the syntax on my side different from the Code u initially had when implenting this MOD.

thanks sir.

Thank u so much man. It work man  :)

Vano, I was wondering, can something be done the same thing that u did for me but when a user clicks an image if they arent logged in or registered then a pop  up will come up and ask them that the only way to view this image is to be registered. I hope u will answer me on this as i know ur very busy.

Thank u sir.


You are freakin amazing. It worked. Pure genius man!

Thank you 100x


Im sorry, what i meant by saying that it doesnt work is that nothing happened, I copy pasted the code from index.php then put it inside pm.php and even the buddy.php and just nothing happened it was exactly the same. Just displaying 1 random image.

I even changed {random_image} to {random_images} with the s at the end of image and that didnt work either, infact that random image didnt appear.

I just want to display more random images just like how the index page does. Before i limited it to 6 the index page was just displaying 1 random image until u showed me the code inside index.php and i changed it to 6 and now the index page display 6 image. The same thing i want to happen to pm.php and buddy.php and any other MOD. Is there a sort of trick i could to to display it in every page not just the index.php

Thanks again man.

Thank you Vano and remabrant on the last issue i had. It worked.

I just have an issue with putting more random images into other places. For example inside the index.php the below code is the random image part that display the 6 images i want. But on the PM MOD and Friend MOD or any other MOD for that matter, how do i show more random images. So when i click on inbox link, it shows me my messages but only 1 random image on the side. Now I know Vano and many will say to put this topic under the specific topic that I may have an issue with. Bt then that wil mean writing under every MOD ive ever installed and complaining about the same thing  :lol:. So having this 1 topic will solve the issue for all users who will want to show more random images on the side. The code below i took from index.php and put into pm.php and buddy.php but it didnt work.

I hope I havent done anything wrong. I hope I could recieve assistence on this. Thank u in advance to any help given.

Code: [Select]
//------- Random Images --------------
$sql = "SELECT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits".$additional_sql.", c.cat_name".get_user_table_field(", u.", "user_name")."
        LEFT JOIN ".USERS_TABLE." u ON (".get_user_table_field("u.", "user_id")." = i.user_id)
        WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (".get_auth_cat_sql("auth_viewcat").")
        ORDER BY RAND()
        LIMIT 6";
// end new
$result = $site_db->query($sql);
$num_rows = $site_db->get_numrows($result);

if (!$num_rows)  {
  $random_images = "<table width=\"".$config['image_table_width']."\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"".$config['image_table_cellpadding']."\" cellspacing=\"".$config['image_table_cellspacing']."\"><tr class=\"imagerow1\"><td>";
//  $random_images .= $lang['no_new_images'];
  $random_images .= "</td></tr></table>";
else  {
  $random_images = "<table width=\"".$config['image_table_width']."\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"".$config['image_table_cellpadding']."\" cellspacing=\"".$config['image_table_cellspacing']."\">";
  $count = 0;
  $bgcounter = 0;
  while ($image_row = $site_db->fetch_array($result)){
    if ($count == 0) {
      $row_bg_number = ($bgcounter++ % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 2;
      $random_images .= "<tr class=\"imagerow".$row_bg_number."\">\n";
    $random_images .= "<td width=\"".$imgtable_width."\" valign=\"top\">\n";

    $random_images .= $site_template->parse_template("thumbnail_bit");
    $random_images .= "\n</td>\n";
    if ($count == 1) {
      $random_images .= "</tr>\n";
      $count = 0;
  } // end while

  if ($count > 0)  {
    $leftover = (1 - $count);
    if ($leftover >= 1) {
      for ($f = 0; $f < $leftover; $f++) {
        $random_images .= "<td width=\"".$imgtable_width."\">\n&nbsp;\n</td>\n";
      $random_images .= "</tr>\n";
  $random_images .= "</table>\n";
} // end else

$site_template->register_vars("random_images", $random_images);

//----- End Random Images---------

Thank all for your replies.


I have done exactly what u have said, in below code...

Code: [Select]
{if is_userloggedin}  {lightbox_button}&nbsp;&nbsp;{postcard_button}&nbsp;&nbsp;{endif is_userloggedin}

However sir it doesnt seem to work, am i doing it correect.


When a person is not logged in and they click on an image then at the bottom of the image there are buttons for example download, download zip, lighbox etc and all have been faded out. Is there any way that i can remove these so that when the user then signs in the buttons will appear but when they sign off then the buttons arent there when before when the user signed off the buttons would be there but would be faded out. I hope u understand what im asking for.

thanks again and thank u 2 all in advance for helping  me

Hello sir. I just want to know how on this MOD on the left hand side to make the random images more than 1. On the index.php script the below is what i changed to "LIMIT 6" with the help of Vano.

Code: [Select]
        LEFT JOIN ".USERS_TABLE." u ON (".get_user_table_field("u.", "user_id")." = i.user_id)
        WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (".get_auth_cat_sql("auth_viewcat").")
        ORDER BY RAND()
        LIMIT 6";

and this problem doesnt just apply to this MOD but to many other MODS. I just want to know for this mod how i make the RANDOM images show more random images on the left hand side. So when i click on friendlist. The random images on the left had side is 1, i want to display a maximum of 6.

Thank man


Hello sir. I just want to know how on this MOD on the left hand side to make the random images more than 1. On the index.php script the below is what i changed to LIMIT 18

Code: [Select]
        LEFT JOIN ".USERS_TABLE." u ON (".get_user_table_field("u.", "user_id")." = i.user_id)
        WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id AND i.cat_id IN (".get_auth_cat_sql("auth_viewcat").")
        ORDER BY RAND()
        LIMIT 6";

and this problem doesnt just apply to this MOD but to many other MODS. I just want to know for the PM mod how i make the RANDOM images show more random images.

Thank man


Thank u Vano, it worked. I think 4images should be called  - - - - 4Images - Gallery system that will help you with almost any problem in the world  :P :P :P :P :P...

Thank u so much vano, u rock..

Peace in the middle east lool


U absolutely ROCKKKKKKKK. Ive done exactly what u said but mmmmm slight problem ok well not problem. Ok ill just come out with it, the thing is inside IE8 the alt attribute will tell the user which each image is, but in google chrome, the alt attribute does not seem to work and users wont know what each image is for. I know that google chrome isnt part of 4images  :P, but is there a solution..

Again thank u VANO, u r very helpful person

I apologize for this for for months, ive left this alone thinking it was my fault and that i will get bck to it later in the future, i have now come back to this issue.

the issue is this...

On every 4images, there are links at the top which say, "new images, top images" etc, now instead of it being a link i want to insert an image to it. So what i did was

<a href="{url_top_comments}"> <img src="example.png" />gggggggg </a>

In dreamweaver i can clearly see the image has been set, but when i upload and then refresh the page the image  is X, it does not show it. So has 4images purposely set it this way ?? or am i just really blind that im making a mistake somewhere?  :P

Thank u guys

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