Ej druze kako si mi ?
Htio sam da te pitam.. znas da mi jednom onaj dreamboard nije mogao.. pa si rekao da ces vidjeti sta je.. uglavnom kod mene je 1.7.4 i zelio bih da uradim upgrade na 1.7.6 jer tako imam mogucnost da uradim preko control panela domene, tacnije u onom fantastico..
Eh sad me interesuje sta ce da se desi posto mi pise ovo..
If you have modified the files, languages, themes or if you have added any third-party modifications to this installation of 4Images Gallery, it is possible that you may need to re-install your themes and/or reaaply your custom changes after using Fantastico to upgrade. We take no responsibility for the integrity of custom modified installations after Fantastico upgrades them. We recommend that you make your own backup of your database and script directory before proceeding even though Fantastico will automatically make one before upgrading.
Info: Your current installation will be backed up.
Click on Upgrade in order to proceed.
Pa mene interesuje sta mi se moze zeznuti ukoliko uradim upgrade jer mozda kada uradim upgrade i pokusam nastimati ponovo dreamboard, mozda forum bude radio.. ili imas neki drugi prijedlog na forum.