No, 4images doesn't support complex conditions, however you can use PHP code inside template. Just keep in mind, that template's code executed inside a function, therefor non-global variables are not accessible there without using global keyword (global $blah;)
Registered template tags can be access via $this->val_cache array
Here is an example you can use your additional field in template:
your template text/code
if ($this->val_cache['image_camera'] == "Canon")
some information witch will display the information only if image_camera is "Canon".
} //don't forget closing bracket, otherwise you'll get parse error!
this will be showed if the camera is not Canon.
A long time ago I had this theory that since 4images converts all {if blah} into PHP code anyway it would make sense that if template had all {if blah} already converted into PHP then the template parsing will be faster...for some reason it didn't turn out to be true, at least with fresh 4images v1.7 and default template.