DB Error: Bad SQL Query [MySQL 5.5]
1. Make sure that your database is clearly empty.
2. Import SQL Data from attachment file:
or make SQL Query:
# Table structure for table 4images_categories
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_categories;
CREATE TABLE 4images_categories (
cat_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
cat_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
cat_description text NOT NULL,
cat_parent_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
cat_hits int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
cat_order int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
auth_viewcat tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_viewimage tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_download tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_upload tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_directupload tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_vote tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_sendpostcard tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_readcomment tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_postcomment tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (cat_id),
KEY cat_parent_id (cat_parent_id),
KEY cat_order (cat_order)
# Table structure for table 4images_comments
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_comments;
CREATE TABLE 4images_comments (
comment_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
image_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
user_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
comment_headline varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
comment_text text NOT NULL,
comment_ip varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
comment_date int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (comment_id),
KEY image_id (image_id),
KEY user_id (user_id),
KEY comment_date (comment_date)
# Table structure for table 4images_groupaccess
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_groupaccess;
CREATE TABLE 4images_groupaccess (
group_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
cat_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
auth_viewcat tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_viewimage tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_download tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_upload tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_directupload tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_vote tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_sendpostcard tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_readcomment tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
auth_postcomment tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
KEY group_id (group_id),
KEY cat_id (cat_id)
# Table structure for table 4images_groupmatch
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_groupmatch;
CREATE TABLE 4images_groupmatch (
group_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
groupmatch_startdate int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
groupmatch_enddate int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
KEY group_id (group_id),
KEY user_id (user_id)
# Table structure for table 4images_groups
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_groups;
CREATE TABLE 4images_groups (
group_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
group_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
group_type tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '1',
PRIMARY KEY (group_id)
# Table structure for table 4images_images
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_images;
CREATE TABLE 4images_images (
image_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
cat_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
image_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
image_description text NOT NULL,
image_keywords text NOT NULL,
image_date int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
image_active tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
image_media_file varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
image_thumb_file varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
image_download_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
image_allow_comments tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
image_comments int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
image_downloads int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
image_votes int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
image_rating decimal(4,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
image_hits int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (image_id),
KEY cat_id (cat_id),
KEY user_id (user_id),
KEY image_date (image_date),
KEY image_active (image_active)
# Table structure for table 4images_images_temp
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_images_temp;
CREATE TABLE 4images_images_temp (
image_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
cat_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
image_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
image_description text NOT NULL,
image_keywords text NOT NULL,
image_date int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
image_media_file varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
image_thumb_file varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
image_download_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (image_id),
KEY cat_id (cat_id),
KEY user_id (user_id)
# Table structure for table 4images_lightboxes
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_lightboxes;
CREATE TABLE 4images_lightboxes (
lightbox_id varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
lightbox_lastaction int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
lightbox_image_ids text,
KEY lightbox_id (lightbox_id),
KEY user_id (user_id)
# Table structure for table 4images_postcards
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_postcards;
CREATE TABLE 4images_postcards (
postcard_id varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
image_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
postcard_date int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
postcard_bg_color varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
postcard_border_color varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
postcard_font_color varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
postcard_font_face varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
postcard_sender_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
postcard_sender_email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
postcard_recipient_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
postcard_recipient_email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
postcard_headline varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
postcard_message text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (postcard_id)
# Table structure for table 4images_sessions
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_sessions;
CREATE TABLE 4images_sessions (
session_id varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
session_user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
session_lastaction int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
session_location varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
session_ip varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (session_id),
KEY session_user_id (session_user_id),
KEY session_id_ip_user_id (session_id,session_ip,session_user_id)
# Table structure for table `4images_sessionvars`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_sessionvars;
CREATE TABLE 4images_sessionvars (
session_id varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
sessionvars_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
sessionvars_value text,
KEY session_id (session_id)
# Table structure for table 4images_settings
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_settings;
CREATE TABLE 4images_settings (
setting_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
setting_value mediumtext NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (setting_name)
# Dumping data for table 4images_settings
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('site_name', '4images - Image Gallery Management System');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('site_email', '');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('use_smtp', '0');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_host', '');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_username', '');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('smtp_password', '');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('template_dir', 'default');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('language_dir', 'deutsch');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('date_format', 'd.m.Y');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('time_format', 'H:i');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('convert_tool', 'none');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('convert_tool_path', '');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('gz_compress', '0');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('gz_compress_level', '6');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('cat_cells', '2');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('cat_table_width', '100%');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('cat_table_cellspacing', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('cat_table_cellpadding', '3');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('num_subcats', '3');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('image_order', 'image_name');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('image_sort', 'ASC');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('new_cutoff', '10');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('image_border', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('image_cells', '3');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('default_image_rows', '3');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('custom_row_steps', '10');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('image_table_width', '100%');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('image_table_cellspacing', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('image_table_cellpadding', '3');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('upload_mode', '2');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('allowed_mediatypes', 'jpg,gif,png,aif,au,avi,mid,mov,mp3,mpg,swf,wav,ra,rm,zip,pdf');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('max_thumb_width', '300');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('max_thumb_height', '300');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('max_thumb_size', '100');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('max_image_width', '1024');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('max_image_height', '1024');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('max_media_size', '2000');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('upload_notify', '0');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('upload_emails', '');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('auto_thumbnail', '0');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_dimension', '100');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_resize_type', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('auto_thumbnail_quality', '75');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('badword_list', '<i>tra-la-la</i> {<i>tra-la-la</i>}');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('badword_replace_char', '*');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('wordwrap_comments', '50');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('html_comments', '0');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('bb_comments', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('bb_img_comments', '0');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('category_separator', ' / ');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('paging_range', '5');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('user_edit_image', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('user_delete_image', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('user_edit_comments', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('user_delete_comments', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('account_activation', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('activation_time', '14');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('session_timeout', '15');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('display_whosonline', '1');
INSERT INTO 4images_settings VALUES ('highlight_admin', '1');
# Table structure for table 4images_users
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_users;
CREATE TABLE 4images_users (
user_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
user_level int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
user_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
user_password varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
user_email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
user_showemail tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
user_allowemails tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
user_invisible tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
user_joindate int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
user_activationkey varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
user_lastaction int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
user_location varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
user_lastvisit int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
user_comments int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
user_homepage varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
user_icq varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (user_id),
KEY user_lastaction (user_lastaction),
KEY user_name (user_name)
# Dumping data for table 4images_users
INSERT INTO 4images_users VALUES (-1, -1, 'Guest', '0493984f537120be0b8d96bc9b69cdd2', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '');
INSERT INTO 4images_users VALUES (1, 9, 'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', '', 1, 1, 0, 1016023608, '1e3457c0b2052a9633b886fd75ef91e0', 1016023608, '', 0, 0, '', '');
# Table structure for table 4images_wordlist
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_wordlist;
CREATE TABLE 4images_wordlist (
word_text varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
word_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
PRIMARY KEY (word_id),
UNIQUE KEY word_text (word_text)
# Table structure for table 4images_wordmatch
#DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 4images_wordmatch;
CREATE TABLE 4images_wordmatch (
image_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
word_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
name_match tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
desc_match tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
keys_match tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
UNIQUE KEY image_word_id (image_id,word_id)
3. Open file:
function split_sql_dump($sql) {
$sql = preg_replace("/\r/s", "\n", $sql);
$sql = preg_replace("/[\n]{2,}/s", "\n", $sql);
$lines = explode("\n", $sql);
$queries = array();
$in_query = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach ($lines as $line){
$line = trim($line);
if (!$in_query) {
if (preg_match("/^CREATE/i", $line)) {
$in_query = 1;
$queries[$i] = $line;
elseif (!empty($line) && $line[0] != "#") {
$queries[$i] = preg_replace("/;$/", "", $line);
elseif ($in_query) {
if (preg_match("/^[\)]/", $line)) {
$in_query = 0;
$queries[$i] .= preg_replace("/;$/", "", $line);
elseif (!empty($line) && $line[0] != "#") {
$queries[$i] .= $line;
return $queries;
function get_table_def_mysql($table, $crlf) {
global $site_db, $tables_info;
$dump = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;$crlf";
if (get_mysql_version() >= 32321) {
$site_db->query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 0');
if ($row = $site_db->query_firstrow("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table")) {
$dump .= str_replace("\n", $crlf, $row[1]);
echo $dump.";".$crlf;
return true;
$dump .= "CREATE TABLE $table (".$crlf;
$result = $site_db->query("SHOW FIELDS FROM $table");
while ($row = $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
$dump .= " ".$row['Field']." ".((isset($row['Type'])) ? $row['Type'] : $row['Engine']);
if ($row['Null'] != "YES") {
$dump .= " NOT NULL";
if (isset($row['Default']) && $row['Default'] != "") {
$dump .= " DEFAULT '".$row['Default']."'";
if ($row['Extra'] != "") {
$dump .= " ".$row['Extra'];
$dump .= ",".$crlf;
$dump = preg_replace("/,".$crlf."$/", "", $dump);
$result = $site_db->query("SHOW KEYS FROM $table");
$index = array();
while ($row = $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
if ($row['Key_name'] != "PRIMARY" && $row['Non_unique'] == 0) {
$row['Key_name'] = "UNIQUE|".$row['Key_name'];
if (isset($row['Comment']) && $row['Comment'] == "FULLTEXT") {
$row['Key_name'] = "FULLTEXT|".$row['Key_name'];
if (!isset($index[$row['Key_name']])) {
$index[$row['Key_name']] = $row['Column_name'];
else {
$index[$row['Key_name']] .= ", ".$row['Column_name'];
if (!empty($index)) {
foreach ($index as $key => $val) {
preg_match("/(PRIMARY|UNIQUE|FULLTEXT)?[\|]?(.*)/i", $key, $regs);
$dump .= ",".$crlf." ".(!empty($regs[1]) ? $regs[1]." " : "")."KEY".(!empty($regs[2]) ? " ".$regs[2] : "")." (".$val.")";
$dump .= $crlf.")".((isset($tables_info[$table])) ? " TYPE=".$tables_info[$table] : "").";";
echo $dump.$crlf;
return true;
function get_table_content_mysql($table, $crlf) {
global $site_db;
$result = $site_db->query("SELECT * FROM $table");
if ($result && $site_db->get_numrows($result)) {
echo $crlf."#".$crlf."# Table Data for ".$table.$crlf."#".$crlf;
$column_list = "";
$num_fields = $site_db->get_numfields($result);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) {
$column_list .= (($column_list != "") ? ", " : "").$site_db->get_fieldname($result, $i);
while ($row = $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
$dump = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$column_list.") VALUES (";
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) {
$dump .= ($i > 0) ? ", " : "";
if (!isset($row[$i])) {
$dump .= "NULL";
elseif ($row[$i] == "0" || $row[$i] != "") {
$type = $site_db->get_fieldtype($result, $i);
if ($type == "tinyint" || $type == "smallint" || $type == "mediumint" || $type == "int" || $type == "bigint") {
$dump .= $row[$i];
else {
$search_array = array('\\', '\'', "\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a");
$replace_array = array('\\\\', '\\\'', '\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z');
if (get_php_version() >= 40005) {
$row[$i] = str_replace($search_array, $replace_array, $row[$i]);
else {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($search_array); $i++) {
$row[$i] = str_replace($search_array[$i], $replace_array[$i], $row[$i]);
$dump .= "'".$row[$i]."'";
else {
$dump .= "''";
$dump .= ');';
echo $dump.$crlf;
echo $crlf;
return true;
function get_database_size() {
global $global_info, $site_db, $db_name, $table_prefix;
if (!empty($global_info['database_size'])) {
return $global_info['database_size'];
$database_size_total = 0;
$database_size_4images = 0;
if (get_mysql_version() >= 32303) {
$db = (get_mysql_version() >= 32306) ? "`$db_name`" : $db_name;
if ($result = $site_db->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $db")) {
while ($row = $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
if (preg_match('/^(MyISAM|ISAM|HEAP|InnoDB)$/i', ((isset($row['Type'])) ? $row['Type'] : $row['Engine']))) {
if ($table_prefix != "") {
if (preg_match("/^".$table_prefix."/", $row['Name'])) {
$database_size_4images += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length'];
$database_size_total += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length'];
else {
$database_size_total += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length'];
$global_info['database_size'] = array(
"total" => $database_size_total,
"4images" => $database_size_4images
return $global_info['database_size'];
}Replace with:
function split_sql_dump($sql) {
$sql = preg_replace("/\r/s", "\n", $sql);
$sql = preg_replace("/[\n]{2,}/s", "\n", $sql);
$lines = explode("\n", $sql);
$queries = array();
$in_query = 0;
$i = 0;
return $queries;4. Start installation process.
!IMPORTANT NOTE!Dont change Database Prefix. Must be:
4images_5. Last operation to make
4Images functional. Open file:
function split_sql_dump($sql) {
$sql = preg_replace("/\r/s", "\n", $sql);
$sql = preg_replace("/[\n]{2,}/s", "\n", $sql);
$lines = explode("\n", $sql);
$queries = array();
$in_query = 0;
$i = 0;
return $queries;Replace with:
function split_sql_dump($sql) {
$sql = preg_replace("/\r/s", "\n", $sql);
$sql = preg_replace("/[\n]{2,}/s", "\n", $sql);
$lines = explode("\n", $sql);
$queries = array();
$in_query = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach ($lines as $line){
$line = trim($line);
if (!$in_query) {
if (preg_match("/^CREATE/i", $line)) {
$in_query = 1;
$queries[$i] = $line;
elseif (!empty($line) && $line[0] != "#") {
$queries[$i] = preg_replace("/;$/", "", $line);
elseif ($in_query) {
if (preg_match("/^[\)]/", $line)) {
$in_query = 0;
$queries[$i] .= preg_replace("/;$/", "", $line);
elseif (!empty($line) && $line[0] != "#") {
$queries[$i] .= $line;
return $queries;
function get_table_def_mysql($table, $crlf) {
global $site_db, $tables_info;
$dump = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;$crlf";
if (get_mysql_version() >= 32321) {
$site_db->query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 0');
if ($row = $site_db->query_firstrow("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table")) {
$dump .= str_replace("\n", $crlf, $row[1]);
echo $dump.";".$crlf;
return true;
$dump .= "CREATE TABLE $table (".$crlf;
$result = $site_db->query("SHOW FIELDS FROM $table");
while ($row = $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
$dump .= " ".$row['Field']." ".((isset($row['Type'])) ? $row['Type'] : $row['Engine']);
if ($row['Null'] != "YES") {
$dump .= " NOT NULL";
if (isset($row['Default']) && $row['Default'] != "") {
$dump .= " DEFAULT '".$row['Default']."'";
if ($row['Extra'] != "") {
$dump .= " ".$row['Extra'];
$dump .= ",".$crlf;
$dump = preg_replace("/,".$crlf."$/", "", $dump);
$result = $site_db->query("SHOW KEYS FROM $table");
$index = array();
while ($row = $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
if ($row['Key_name'] != "PRIMARY" && $row['Non_unique'] == 0) {
$row['Key_name'] = "UNIQUE|".$row['Key_name'];
if (isset($row['Comment']) && $row['Comment'] == "FULLTEXT") {
$row['Key_name'] = "FULLTEXT|".$row['Key_name'];
if (!isset($index[$row['Key_name']])) {
$index[$row['Key_name']] = $row['Column_name'];
else {
$index[$row['Key_name']] .= ", ".$row['Column_name'];
if (!empty($index)) {
foreach ($index as $key => $val) {
preg_match("/(PRIMARY|UNIQUE|FULLTEXT)?[\|]?(.*)/i", $key, $regs);
$dump .= ",".$crlf." ".(!empty($regs[1]) ? $regs[1]." " : "")."KEY".(!empty($regs[2]) ? " ".$regs[2] : "")." (".$val.")";
$dump .= $crlf.")".((isset($tables_info[$table])) ? " TYPE=".$tables_info[$table] : "").";";
echo $dump.$crlf;
return true;
function get_table_content_mysql($table, $crlf) {
global $site_db;
$result = $site_db->query("SELECT * FROM $table");
if ($result && $site_db->get_numrows($result)) {
echo $crlf."#".$crlf."# Table Data for ".$table.$crlf."#".$crlf;
$column_list = "";
$num_fields = $site_db->get_numfields($result);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) {
$column_list .= (($column_list != "") ? ", " : "").$site_db->get_fieldname($result, $i);
while ($row = $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
$dump = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (".$column_list.") VALUES (";
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) {
$dump .= ($i > 0) ? ", " : "";
if (!isset($row[$i])) {
$dump .= "NULL";
elseif ($row[$i] == "0" || $row[$i] != "") {
$type = $site_db->get_fieldtype($result, $i);
if ($type == "tinyint" || $type == "smallint" || $type == "mediumint" || $type == "int" || $type == "bigint") {
$dump .= $row[$i];
else {
$search_array = array('\\', '\'', "\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a");
$replace_array = array('\\\\', '\\\'', '\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z');
if (get_php_version() >= 40005) {
$row[$i] = str_replace($search_array, $replace_array, $row[$i]);
else {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($search_array); $i++) {
$row[$i] = str_replace($search_array[$i], $replace_array[$i], $row[$i]);
$dump .= "'".$row[$i]."'";
else {
$dump .= "''";
$dump .= ');';
echo $dump.$crlf;
echo $crlf;
return true;
function get_database_size() {
global $global_info, $site_db, $db_name, $table_prefix;
if (!empty($global_info['database_size'])) {
return $global_info['database_size'];
$database_size_total = 0;
$database_size_4images = 0;
if (get_mysql_version() >= 32303) {
$db = (get_mysql_version() >= 32306) ? "`$db_name`" : $db_name;
if ($result = $site_db->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $db")) {
while ($row = $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
if (preg_match('/^(MyISAM|ISAM|HEAP|InnoDB)$/i', ((isset($row['Type'])) ? $row['Type'] : $row['Engine']))) {
if ($table_prefix != "") {
if (preg_match("/^".$table_prefix."/", $row['Name'])) {
$database_size_4images += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length'];
$database_size_total += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length'];
else {
$database_size_total += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length'];
$global_info['database_size'] = array(
"total" => $database_size_total,
"4images" => $database_size_4images
return $global_info['database_size'];
Thats all
Greetings from Poland