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Messages - Horvath

Pages: [1]
Thanks.. I cant read that thou...I can only read English.....

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Move Previous image and Next immage Buttons
« on: September 24, 2009, 11:22:05 AM »
Is there anyway to move the Previous image and Next immage Buttons from the bottom of the screen to the top ? We have over 800 images in our gallery and scrolling down to the bottom of the page slows users down to see all the images. . .

Thanks For your Help !

OK I will check all the steps. . .

I get the error if I edit a Catagory all ready made. . .  If I make a new catagory, I dont get the error.


I did everything in the Install.   .   .    I didn't do any Tweaks.   .   .   .    But when I tried to make a password for the Category.   .    I get this Error.   .   .   .   .   

Any tips whats wrong? or where to Start?


DB Error: Bad SQL Query: UPDATE 4images_categories SET cat_name = 'Videos', cat_description = '', cat_parent_id = 0, cat_order = 55, cat_hits = 81, auth_viewcat = 0, auth_viewimage = 0, auth_download = 0, auth_upload = 9, auth_directupload = 9, auth_vote = 0, auth_sendpostcard = 0, auth_readcomment = 0, auth_postcomment = 2, cat_password = 'meangreen', cat_hide = Array WHERE cat_id = 7
Unknown column 'Array' in 'field list'

Maybe its just me. .  BUt I cant seem to see where you download this MOD. . . ? Could anyone point me in teh corect direction for the Download?


Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [Mod] Random image / Zufallsbild
« on: September 06, 2009, 05:05:34 AM »
Is there anyway that when using this mod. . . . .  When the thumbnail is clicked the page opens up in a New/blank window?  Setting the Target for the link to blank ?

I am guessing setting the target to blank in this line somewhere. . .  Just not sure where. .  Any thoughts?

document. write('<a href=\"". SCRIPT_URL. "details. php?image_id=$image_id\"><img src=\"". $full_src. "\" border=\"1\" alt=\"$image_name\"></a>');

Installation, Update & Configuration / Updated From 1.7.6 to 1.7.7
« on: May 24, 2009, 12:59:51 PM »
Updated From 1.7.6 to 1.7.7 but the version still says 1.7.6 on the front-end of the site and in the Admin section still says 1.7.6 as well. I followed the Dirction in the Update English file

Any tips or thoughts?

I got it to work, just use this code as your random.php and edit you part to where your image gallery is
Code: [Select]

$site_db = new Db($db_host$db_user$db_password$db_name);
is_remote($file_name) {
  return (
preg_match('#^https?\\:\\/\\/[a-z0-9\-]+\.([a-z0-9\-]+\.)?[a-z]+#i'$file_name)) ? 0;

$sql "SELECT COUNT(*) as total_images
        FROM "
        WHERE a.image_active=1 
        AND a.cat_id = b.cat_id 
        AND b.auth_viewcat="
        AND b.auth_viewimage="
$row $site_db->query_firstrow($sql);
$total_images $row['total_images'];

mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
$number = ($total_images 1) ? mt_rand(0$total_images 1) : 0;

$sql "SELECT a.image_id, a.cat_id, a.image_name, a.image_active, a.image_media_file, a.image_comments 
        FROM "
        WHERE a.image_active=1 
        AND a.cat_id = b.cat_id 
        AND b.auth_viewcat="
        AND b.auth_viewimage="
$number, 1";
$row $site_db->query_firstrow($sql);
$image_id $row['image_id'];
$cat_id $row['cat_id'];
$image_name $row['image_name'];
$image_comments $row['image_comments'];
$full_src = (is_remote($row['image_media_file'])) ? $row['image_media_file'] : SCRIPT_URL.ROOT_PATH.MEDIA_DIR."/".$cat_id."/".$row['image_media_file'];

document.write('<a href=\""
.SCRIPT_URL."details.php?image_id=$image_id\"><img src=\"".$full_src."\" border=\"1\" alt=\"$image_name\"></a>');

Then edit this and place it where you want your image to be displayed
Code: [Select]
<SCRIPT language='JavaScript'  src=''></SCRIPT>
Also replace replace MEDIA_DIR with THUMB_DIR if you want the thumbnail to be displayed instead

Thanks I will check that out,

Thank you for the fast reply ! ! !

EDIT: I am not sure what to put at:  define('ROOT_PATH'  and     define('SCRIPT_URL'   

Could you give an example?

Hello all, First off, I lovethis image gallery, Great job.

I am having a issue trying to get a randon image to show up on a seperate page.

I read some about random.php, but most was in a lauguange I cant read. Any one give me tips in English, I would be so greatfull.

Thank Eric

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