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Messages - singtel22

Pages: [1]
Language Packs / Chinese GB files?
« on: April 27, 2003, 09:17:49 AM »
Any simplified chinese (GB) versions?

Users can click view source and find the exact url to the image and loads it in a new window. Is there a way to prevent this?

Quote from: Aaron
Nevermind, got it working finally after two days.
How? I never got mine to work....  :(

Beta release anyone?

Problem is I can't open it even with winace, seems corrupted! Can anyone be nice enough to extract it and offer a zip version?

do you have a zip version? can't seem to extract the files. thanks!

Can someone translate the following thread?

There is a link to a file which seems to be an integration of 4images with IBF.

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