Author Topic: MUST READ- Guidelines (forum rules) for posting questions in this forum!  (Read 194252 times)

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Offline Jan

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This is a must-read for all users posting to the 4images forum, especially if you're looking to get help. A lot of you are posting in a manner that makes it extremely difficult- if not impossible- to respond to. Below are a list of posting guidelines and tips we ask that you please read- and FOLLOW- when asking for help:

1) Type in a subject that summarizes your question!
The fastest way to turn off other members wanting to help you is to type an incomplete or silly subject for your post. Examples of poor subject titles include:

- "Help!"
- "I'm a newbie...please!"
- "Is this possible using 4images?"
- "error"
- "DataBase"

The above subjects either have absolutely nothing to do with the question itself, or are grossly incomplete (ie: "DataBase"). When asking for help, enter a subject that summarizes your question, period! Don't use silly, incomplete, or "bait" subjects.

2) Be descriptive and articulate when asking your question!
Some of you are posting as if we're all psychics, and are supposed to grasp your question with the little or confusing information you've provided in your question. We cannot read your mind, and putting up a post like "Can someone help me with the script?" is not nearly enough information to go by. What exactly do you want to know about this script? Set us up with some crucial background information, what you want to do, and what the problem is. Be concise and precise.

Also when posting, understand that you're trying to convince others to help you. Check for spelling/grammar mistakes, and try and format your question and code in an easily legible manner. Big tip: Use the preview button often.

Bottom line- put yourself in our shoes, and try and phrase the question so it's clear and easy to respond to.

3) Use the search feature often to make sure your question isn't already answered!
The longer this forum has been online, the more solutions it accumulates. Always search past posts first (using the search link to your upper right) to make sure your question isn't already answered. Use 1-2 keywords as the search terms.

4) Be appreciative and follow up when getting a response!
Everyone here is volunteering their time to help out others. The least you can do is be appreciative and follow up when getting a helpful response. If you've solved your problem, let people know so they don't continue spending time on your question. Saying a little "thank you" goes a long way.

5) Reply to the appropriate thread if you have questions regarding MODs
If you have questions regarding a MOD/thread, please DO NOT START A NEW TOPIC, post a REPLY to the MOD/thread.

6) Do NOT send unsolicited PMs (Private Messages) to moderators or administrators
Please do NOT send PMs (Private Messages) with just 4 words: "Can you help me" and a link to the post where you already asked a question. This is just rude and here's why:

Many people on this forum (definitely moderators/administrators) are reading every new post since their last visit. If nobody has replied to your question, that doesn't mean they didn't read it, it just means they don't have an answer. You can expect any such PMs sent to moderators/administrators to be deleted WITHOUT being read.

Also, keep in mind, if you ask for help/support via PM, you are limiting your chances get the answer to that person alone, instead of thousand people who could possibly answer if you'd post your question at the forum.

7) Always mention your 4images version that you are using
Since there are more then one version of 4images and people still using old versions, its a great help to know which version you have question/problem with.
So, either always mention what version do you use or update your forum's profile and insert this information into your signature (the later is preferred). Also, in some cases it could be useful to know more basic information about your server (OS, type of web server (Apache, IIS), PHP version, MySQL version, etc), so if you put all that in your signature, you might get better and faster support and avoid a simple question getting scratched on few pages of the replies.

8) Do NOT "push" your thread if there are no answer to your question
Many people on this forum (definitely moderators/administrators) are reading every new post since their last visit. If nobody has replied to your question, that doesn't mean they didn't read it, it just means they don't have an answer or do not have time rightnow to find an solution for you.

- "push!"
- "up!"
- "noone?"

You can expect any such posts to be deleted.

9) Netiquette
Please keep the Netiquette in this forum.
A post begins with salutation, and a post ends with a signature. Especially if you open a new Thread, or if your first post in one Thread.
If you don't do this, don't be upset if you get no answer.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 12:20:49 PM by kai »
Your first three "must do" before you ask a question:
1. Forum rules
2. FAQ
3. Search