Yes, nice template! I recognise iceberg template structure in them )))) with color chanes and loosing some good fetures like hover effect on thumbnail_bit.html etc. ))
I took it and now adopting for myself, removing/adding additional things. But color perfectly matches my website!
many thanks to "Photo Community"!
P.S. If you would like to blend thumbnails while pointer is on them, you can do it easily in this way:
add to your style.css (at the end for example) file code:
.thumb {
padding: 10px;
.thumb a:hover img {
And secondly place your {thumbnail} between div tags adding him style name thumb:
<div class="thumb">{thumbnail}</div>
This effect can be used with any image file as well as thumbnaisl, if you like. Works on all browsers.
Example you can see
here, site by now under construction, but on-line.