English Translation
Create your own header2.html and put it in the your templates folder
Find the code below in template.php (includes/template.php)
function print_template($template) {
if (strpos($template, $this->start.'header'.$this->end) !== false) {
$header = $this->parse_template("header");
$template = str_replace($this->start.'header'.$this->end, $header, $template);
Now add the following code below it. You will see that you are just adding another template, in this case it is for header2
if (strpos($template, $this->start.'header2'.$this->end) !== false) {
$header2 = $this->parse_template("header2");
$template = str_replace($this->start.'header2'.$this->end, $header2, $template);
Now you can change in details.html {header} to {header2}
You can add unlimited headers or footers, just repeat the process, and replace the appropriate {header*} in any page you want.