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Topics - hippi

Pages: [1]
First, sorry for my English

1. When I check thumbnail: Warning: getimagesize(./../data/media/1/Chrysanthemum.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/content/l/u/a/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/4images/admin/thumbnailer.php on line 134

2. When I upload image: Warning: move_uploaded_file(./../data/media/2/Chrysanthemum.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/content/l/u/a/luazo/html/i2uvn/4imagescopyok/includes/upload.php on line 117

Any solution????
I tried all solutions on this forum but not solved.

I read Installation.english.txt & followed & almost instructions on this forum more than 1 week
But that error didn't want to disappear T_T

What should I do? When I install on localhost, everything is OK, but when I upload to happened

First, sorry for my english  :oops:

When I uploaded an orignal image (1000 px x 1000 px) in "Image" and "Thumbnail file"
"Thumbnail file" did not auto resize to small, it was still too big O.o

What should i do? I found many solution topics on this forum but not solved.
I used GD library

Many thanks for smart person :P

Pages: [1]