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Topics - pietg

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This post is to separate the MOD [Cat name in clickstream->to the page# where image i] from my request.

Instead of a complete clickstream I only want one button/link that leads the user back to the thumbnailpages on the page# where the picture he looked at was located.

The {clickstream} is to complicated for the users. They don't want to search, just click and view ...


Could somebody help me with this?

Kind regards,


Is it possible to upgrade a subcategory to a main category?

One of the subcategories is getting very big and is now entitled to be a main category (to my standards).

Maybe I can edit the sql-database but I would like some feedback from more experienced users first  :wink:

Hope somebody can help me with this.

Kind regards,

Hello All,

Just wondering.
Is it possible to tweak 4images to make it able for visitors of the gallery to rotate the picture on there screen?

So if a picture is oriented the wrong way, people can "rotate" it and view it the right way.

Hope somebody knows a trick to do this.

Kind regards,

In the adminpanel I can create a new category.
This will create a directory in the web-dir of my site.

Now I wonder whether it is possible to let the program make an additional directory (with the same number) on a different (fixed) location.

So if the program makes a category 45 in

I would like the program to make a same dir in

Could somebody help me with this?
I know it has something to do with admin/categories.php but my knowledge of php is not good enough to understand the function create_cat_folder

Kind regards,


After coping pictures to the directories on my server, I do have to do 3 steps to make everything available.

1. Check new images
2. Resize images
3. Auto thumbnail

Now is my question.
Can I integrate these 3 steps or at least step 2 & 3 ?
So that the system automatically checks for new images in a category I select, then resize the new images and makes a thumbnail of them.

This would elimate a lot of manual work for us.

Kind regards,

Hello ,

I would like to modify the function "Check new images".
At the moment you have to select a category in which you want to check.

Isn't it possible to let the script go through all categories?

Kind regards,


At the moment I am trying to restyle categories.php a little bit.

Part of it is the following code:
Code: [Select]
$categories2 = get_categories($cat_id);
$site_template->register_vars("categories2", $categories2);

I am searching for a way to fill the $cat_id in this code with the value of the cat_parent_id of the category

cat_id 1 = category A: Soccer Game  
cat_id 2 = subcategorie 1: Team 1 (cat_parent_id 1)  
cat_id 3 = subcategorie 2: Team 2 (cat_parent_id 1)
cat_id 4 = subcategorie 3: Team 3 (cat_parent_id 1)

So if people are in the cat_id 2, I would like to fill $cat_id with value "1".

Does somebody know how to do this?

kind regards,


The function {categories} doesn't work in details.php. I know this is because there are no more categories "left".
But I would like to have a category listing of one level up in details.php.
Can this be done?

Kind regards,



In home.html there is a section that calls for the function {categories}.
This will show the categories available and displays them in a number of table cells as set in the settings.

I want another category listing in the home.html but now it should be in only 1 tablecel and there should not be any decsription under it.

So how can I make a {categories_fixed} that give a listing of categories without description of 1 cell 100% width ?

All suggestions are welcome.

Kind regards,

Hello all,

I have the following problem.
If I replace the code in the description table (details.html) with some code to make a form, then the rowheight doubles.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Hereby a pic to example it.

And this the code used:
---- begin description box
                  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
                      <td class="bordercolor">
                        <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
                            <td class="head1" valign="top" colspan="2">{image_name}</td>
                            <td valign="top" class="row1" colspan="2"><FORM method=POST action="">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="postmode" value="SINGLEPOST">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="order" value="Afdr_{image_name}_10x15----[img align=left src={cat_id}/{thumbnail_file_name}] Bestandsnaam: {image_name} ----3.50---0.01--1">
10x15 cm; € 3,50
<INPUT type="text" name="quantity" size="1">
<input type="image" src="" width=33 height=17  border=0
alt="Click Here to Add To Cart">
                            <td valign="top" class="row2"><b>{lang_keywords}</b></td>
                            <td valign="top" class="row2">{image_keywords}</td>

All suggestions are welcome. This thing is driving me wild.

Kind regards,

Feedback & Suggestions / All stastics needed
« on: November 07, 2002, 10:44:39 PM »
Hello Jan,

Is it possible to get overall stats of the hits on categories?
And not only the top 5

Kind regards,



I would like to have the following feature in 4homepages.

If a user has the detailed picture on screen, I would like to give hem/her the possibility to add a border to the picture.

This would a list of borders placed in directory on the server. Every border in 2 flavours (landscape/portraits).

Can this be done?

This way people can order a picture with a border they like.
This functionality is available in but this system is a little bit expensive.

Any idea/tips etc are welcome.

Kind regards,

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Path to thumbnail in detail.html
« on: July 17, 2002, 02:09:15 PM »

I am about to finalize the intregration with MOFcart (very basic).

The ordering info is pushed from details.html to MOFcart. One thing I haven't found yet is a way to push the path the thumbnail of the image to mofcart.
Is there a variable in details.html/php that contains the url to the thumbnail of the picture that is viewed? A url to the picture itself would also be good.

This way people can see what pictures they ordered.

All tips are welcome.

Kind regards,

Feedback & Suggestions / back to thumbnails
« on: July 15, 2002, 08:40:56 PM »
Hello jan and Nicky,

One thing I am missing is the following.
Is it possible to have a link in the middle of previous and next image.

This link should get the user back to the thumbnailpage he was coming from. This would make the navigation a lot more userfriendly.
Now you have to click on the back button of the brower or on the path in the yellowbar which isn't easy to understand (It took me 15 minutes to find it out, but I am not so quick  :oops: ).

Kind regards,

Piet Gerritsen

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / buttons needed
« on: July 13, 2002, 01:40:25 PM »
Hello Jan and Nicky,

To make the integration of 4images and mofcart complete I need some extra buttons.

Is it possible to get extra buttons in the same style as the default button? I would need a BUY-button and a View Cart-button.

This would give it a professional look.

Kind regards,
Piet Gerritsen

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