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Error Messages / Fehlermeldungen / Re: Probleme mit 1.10 und PHP8.1
« Last post by Buspilotin on November 06, 2023, 08:01:57 PM »
Habe ich eben versucht, nun kommt der Fehler aus einer anderen Zeile....

Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Data too long for column 'session_ip' at row 1 in /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/db_mysqli.php:81 Stack trace: #0 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/db_mysqli.php(81): mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'REPLACE INTO 4i...') #1 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/sessions.php(244): Db->query('REPLACE INTO 4i...') #2 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/sessions.php(137): Session->update_session() #3 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/sessions.php(95): Session->demand_session() #4 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/sessions.php(429): Session->__construct() #5 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/index.php(31): require('/is/htdocs/wp10...') #6 {main} thrown in /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/db_mysqli.php on line 81
Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: Weblinks hilfe
« Last post by Mathias1984 on November 06, 2023, 07:17:49 PM »
wo finde ich das genau?
Error Messages / Fehlermeldungen / Probleme mit 1.10 und PHP8.1
« Last post by Buspilotin on November 05, 2023, 05:45:03 PM »
Hi zusammen,

ich habe vorhin meine Galerie von 1.7 auf 1.10 geupdatet.
Funktioniert soweit auch, allerdings ist mir eben in den Servereinstellungen aufgefallen, das 4images dort weiterhin php8.0 nutzt.
Dieses wird aber zum Monatsende abgeschaltet. Also habe ich die Einstellung eben testweise auf 8.1 geändert, mit fatalen Folgen:

Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Data too long for column 'session_ip' at row 1 in /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/db_mysqli.php:76 Stack trace: #0 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/db_mysqli.php(76): mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'REPLACE INTO 4i...') #1 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/sessions.php(244): Db->query('REPLACE INTO 4i...') #2 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/sessions.php(137): Session->update_session() #3 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/sessions.php(95): Session->demand_session() #4 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/sessions.php(429): Session->__construct() #5 /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/index.php(31): require('/is/htdocs/wp10...') #6 {main} thrown in /is/htdocs/wp1032560_J2NAVG7S4K/www/html/4images_2/includes/db_mysqli.php on line 76

Hat jemand eine Idee, wo das Problem sein könnte?  :?
Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: Weblinks hilfe
« Last post by Jan-Lukas on November 04, 2023, 08:28:08 PM »
Hallo Guten Abend,

Nach einer Zeit wollte ich neue Weblinks Einfügen,leider habe ich das Passwort Vergessen,wie könnte ich das Passwort Herausfinden,gerne würde ich das Passwort auch ändern.

viele grüße mathias

in der Datenbank nachschauen, so einfache Skripte verschlüsseln selten die Passwörter
Installation, Update & Configuration / Weblinks hilfe
« Last post by Mathias1984 on November 01, 2023, 09:54:19 PM »
Hallo Guten Abend,

Nach einer Zeit wollte ich neue Weblinks Einfügen,leider habe ich das Passwort Vergessen,wie könnte ich das Passwort Herausfinden,gerne würde ich das Passwort auch ändern.

viele grüße mathias
Templates & Styles (Releases & Support) / Re: [Template] Prodigy Responsive
« Last post by on October 17, 2023, 11:30:00 AM »
Have you tested this with 1.10?
Do you have an updated version of your theme?

Hello, i didn't tested, will try this month.
I'm quite busy at the moment and can't dive deep in to this problem here.
But as the error mentioned, the SQL Syntax is wrong.
mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'REPLACE INTO 4i...')
Is the wrong statement.
I can't see the details after "4i..." there must be something wrong.

Here you can check the syntax:

Btw. here in the case could it be wrong to user_level and user_name to ''. So check if it is really correct

What is happen, when you remove the fix for the variables? It is working then and just the warnings occur?
It was several pages, but I seem to have fixed it by declaring the varibales blank if not used, for example:
$user_info['user_level'] = isset($user_info['user_level']) ? $user_info['user_level'] : '';
$user_info['user_name'] = isset($user_info['user_name']) ? $user_info['user_name'] : '';

Everything seems to work fine except I'm not able to login. If I try to login from the admin panel I get this:
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ' '', '')' at line 4 in C:\xampp\htdocs\4images\includes\db_mysqli.php:76 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\4images\includes\db_mysqli.php(76): mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'REPLACE INTO 4i...') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\4images\includes\sessions.php(138): Db->query('REPLACE INTO 4i...') #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\4images\includes\sessions.php(179): Session->start_session('1', 1) #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\4images\admin\admin_global.php(105): Session->login('Frankie', '4rtttyggh5757DD', 0, 0) #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\4images\admin\index.php(6): require('C:\\xampp\\htdocs...') #5 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\4images\includes\db_mysqli.php on line 76


Thanks for taking the time to share this!

It seems to work for the most part except i keep getting warnings:
Warning: Undefined array key "user_level"
Warning: Undefined array key "user_name"

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

On which pages to get this warnings?  (see URL in browser).
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