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Topics - rene99

Pages: [1]

is it possible to get an email when some register, and is it possible to make something so members can send a private message, there is something in it, but when some has his email hidden, you can't send is it possible to when people have their email not visible to send a private message, but the sender must not see the members email?

thanx in advantage

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Possible voting? I got smart visitors
« on: June 11, 2002, 07:48:40 PM »

Is is possible that when someone vote for a image, that the user isn't allowed to vote for 1 month.
Voting is only for registered users.

I noticed that someone was voting for an image all the time I saw the rating go up and up, so I tried it and everytime i get an mesage you already voted for this image. So I asked that person how he does that and he says:
Ok when I vote i see this in the urladress:

So I delete the sessionid and refresh the page, and I can vote again.

So my question is is there a way to protect this ??
please advice.
best regards:

Pages: [1]