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Messages - trez

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 ... 41
Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Edit top menu
« on: February 04, 2007, 10:14:28 PM »

Check again your home.html where it says:

Code: [Select]
<a href="{url_top_images}"><b>{lang_top_images}</b></a>&nbsp;
<a href="{url_new_images}"><b>{lang_new_images}</b></a>&nbsp;

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: utf8 and mysql 4.1
« on: February 04, 2007, 04:29:17 PM »
well, did you change your language settings in your phpMyAdmin to your language? I had that issue a while ago, but i remember fixing it that way

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Reale User kennzeichnen
« on: February 04, 2007, 04:11:30 PM »
ich glaube dieser thread wird ihm mehr weiterhelfen:

PS: Rotate images function will be added as an extension to this tweak tomorrow

Tweak MOD: Admin CP Validate Images Section

Supported versions: 1.7.X
Supported browsers: IE5+, FF1+, Opera 7+
Publisher/Copyright: 2XG Media ( /
Credits: drJeckyll, treZ

What was wrong:
Well, this MOD is more for big sites, where your users upload 100+ images daily. It's a mess to validate those images fast, since there was no good enough default sorting, preview was too small, no rotation function for the images, and if you wanted to check an image in it's original size it opens in a new window. Maybe the biggest problem was that 4images was loading the original images instead of the thumbnails, what slows down the validation enormous.

What does this MOD

- instead of loading the original images, validation is loading now just the thumbnails what makes it 10 times faster
- instead of opening the image on click in a new window, now a popup with the image opens when you move the mouse over the thumbnail. It fits automatically to the image size, showing the image and the image name. It changes when you move over an other thumbnail, so you'll have only one popup opened.


open your /admin/admin_functions.php
and search for:

Code: [Select]
   <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="<?php echo ROOT_PATH?>admin/browserSniffer.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="<?php echo ROOT_PATH?>admin/calendar.js"></script>

insert ABOVE
Code: [Select]
// ===============================

// Set the horizontal and vertical position for the popup

PositionX = 10;
PositionY = 10;

// Set these value approximately 20 pixels greater than the
// size of the largest image to be used (needed for Netscape)

defaultWidth  = 500;
defaultHeight = 500;

// Set autoclose true to have the window close automatically
// Set autoclose false to allow multiple popup windows

var AutoClose = true;

// Do not edit below this line...
// ================================
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion.charAt(0))>=4){
var isNN=(navigator.appName=="Netscape")?1:0;
var isIE=(navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1)?1:0;}
var optNN='scrollbars=no,width='+defaultWidth+',height='+defaultHeight+',left='+PositionX+',top='+PositionY;
var optIE='scrollbars=no,width=150,height=100,left='+PositionX+',top='+PositionY;
function popImage(imageURL,imageTitle){
if (isNN){'about:blank','',optNN);}
if (isIE){'about:blank','',optIE);}
with (imgWin.document){
writeln('var isNN,isIE;');writeln('if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion.charAt(0))>=4){');
writeln('function reSizeToImage(){');writeln('if (isIE){');writeln('window.resizeTo(100,100);');
writeln('window.resizeTo(width,height);}');writeln('if (isNN){');      
writeln('function doTitle(){document.title="'+imageTitle+'";}');writeln('</sc'+'ript>');
if (!AutoClose) writeln('</head><body bgcolor=000000 scroll="no" onload="reSizeToImage();doTitle();self.focus()">')
else writeln('</head><body bgcolor=000000 scroll="no" onload="reSizeToImage();doTitle();self.focus()" onblur="self.close()">');
writeln('<img name="George" src='+imageURL+' style="display:block"></body></html>');


Edit the settings if needed after that save and close your admin_functions.php

open your /admin/validateimages.php
and search for:
Code: [Select]
     echo "<td><a href=\"".$image_path."\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"".$file_src."\" border=\"1\" height=\"50\"></a></td>";
      echo "<td><b><a href=\"".$image_path."\" target=\"_blank\">".format_text($image_row['image_name'], 2)."</a></b> (".$image_row['image_media_file'];

replace it with:
Code: [Select]
     echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:popImage('".$file_src."','".htmlspecialchars($image_row['image_name'])."')\" onMouseOver=\"javascript:popImage('".$file_src."','".htmlspecialchars($image_row['image_name'])."')\">";
      echo "<img src=\"";
      echo "../data/tmp_thumbnails/".basename($file_src);
      echo "\" border=\"1\" height=\"50\"></a><br></td>";
      echo "<td><b><a href=\"".$image_path."\" target=\"_blank\">".htmlspecialchars($image_row['image_name'])."</a></b> (".$image_row['image_media_file'];

search for:
Code: [Select]
   $orderby = "i.image_date";
and replace it with:

Code: [Select]
   $orderby = "i.user_id";
save & close your validateimages.php

Go to your admin panel and try the validate images section, everything should be all right.

consider a highly paid mod ;)

well, just try it :D

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Downloading Problem
« on: February 03, 2007, 07:11:48 PM »
sorry, i cannot help you, i forward the issue to my programmer on monday

Leider habe ich absolut keine Ahnung von was für Preisen man bei so etwas spricht.

Ich denke 30 - 50 EURO minimum

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: utf8 and mysql 4.1
« on: February 03, 2007, 05:14:41 PM »
you need to update the table encoding in order to use utf8 in your 4images tables,
in order to do that you have to run the following SQL for every table

Code: [Select]
Where "table_name" is the name of your table, f.e. "4images_users"

Requests for paid modifications / Jobbörse / Payed MOD's from 2XG Media
« on: February 03, 2007, 04:46:41 PM »
16 MOD's, more are following soon.

more information on


Ignore User
Get bored of a user? Ignoring him will result in an "You are ignored" message if he tries to send you a PM. "Ignore Buttons" for pm.php , memberlist.php, and profile included. MOD comes with additional "Ignored Users" page, where you can cancel and add ignored and unignored users.

Gender Colors
If you installed the user-gender MOD, and have more than a hanfull visitors on your site, the overview in your whos_online doesn't look so good. Put some color in it! For example light-red for women and light-blue for men. Of course, the gendercolor takes effect on all pages in your 4images installation (if you want) such as in the profile, pm's etc

Search Box
"I'am a ..., searching for a ..., between .... and .... from .... , with photo" - Where the dots are gender/gender/age/country(city). This little box points directly to the (modified) memberlist, more explanation isn't needed right?

Welcome PM

"Hello you freak, welcome to our exiting site :D", oh i'am sorry - that wasn't a good example. Well, after a user registers this simple MOD sends him e predefined personal message (Welcome text, first steps) - as simple as that.

Who viewed my profile
Yet another important MOD, shows the logged in user on a seperate page who viewed his profile, fields are "How many times, last time viewed, send personal message and last but not least - userpic"

User Categories
On of our "most buyed" - Creates automaticly a user category for each new user. With direct link to "My Category" for viewing or uploading pictures. We use a better code than V@nos free mod since there were to much errors and security problems.

ADDON for User Categories

"Create Sub-Categories" ... you can limit how many each user can make, they can name their own categories, moving images from one to another etc.

User Profile Comments
Works like a guestbook for each user. Accessible from his profile, 3 new links (add/view comments) and for the logged in user a link (my comments)

ADDON for User Profile Comments
Comment notify, when a user posts a comment to a profile the user gets a PM with a link to the comment.

User Profile Rating system
Rating images is boring? Try rating users, increases hits by 20%! User rating is made from the user profile with a scale from 1 - 12 (or 1 - 6). Vote for the profile is displayed numeric and with a picture. Only registered users are allowed to vote to keep the reiting free from manipulation. Comes free with user male/female top100 statistics.

User Friends Module
(Add/Remove from friends) + on request with authorization for friend (3 sites, awaiting authorization/ friends / rejected offers). Friend's are shwon in Profile with small userpics. Additional showing of how much friends are online is possible.

PhpBB integration
Dreamboard sucks, PhpBB rules - full integration, everything stays the same, no doubble logins, troubble with sessions etc.

Total males/females
Total Females/Males stats with direct link to your memberlist

USERONLINE (extendet)
The whos_online is good, but not good enough - Useronline.php shows the user with userpicture/age/location, profile/pm/comments/add to friends/ignore link and much more. Sorting by gender/location/age is included.

Userpic shown in every PM page
This addon shows the userpic (from) on every private message page (e.g., message view, folders etc)

2 Random userprofiles are choosen (if they contain userpic) and are "going to battle". Please view the demo for more information because it's hard to explain ;))


more information on

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Downloading Problem
« on: February 03, 2007, 02:11:00 PM »
well, your details.php seems to be ok  8O
Attach your details.html pls ... i really get confused now :D

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Downloading Problem
« on: February 02, 2007, 11:56:50 PM »
it seems you use a transparent gif

I think there is the problem, pls post your details.php

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Downloading Problem
« on: February 02, 2007, 11:27:55 PM »
well, since downloading is restricted to guests i will be good to provide a testuser login

Sorry, but i dont understand you :)

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