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Messages - gom79x

Pages: [1]
Discussion & Troubleshooting / ah forgot to write info
« on: March 26, 2003, 03:28:43 PM »
Was gonna write how korean language looks like but won't support :)
so i had to delete it.

my website is on

had to install all over casue of my Bad habit T-T

rm -Rf h + tab + enter 2 sec all web site is gone..
i was gonna do rm -Rf g + tab + enter ..

well! have a nice day.

i installed 4image gallery in my web hosting..
and i had change all charset to euc-kr ( korean )..
and it seem fine and displaying all with corret language..
i can see all korean properly but today i found out one problem..
if i try to upload korean language file it won't allow to do it..
it's saying not an JPG image IMAGE/pjpeg something like that
if i change name to english.jpg it works doh..
anyone have any clue? on What i have to look over?
i am dumb at php or computer language but I will try to look over ..

thx very much ..

P.S thx to V@no with language help ;)

Language Packs / thx very much
« on: March 23, 2003, 11:50:37 PM »
just changed header.html and it works very well :)
thx very much... seems fine now.
i will look over .php files and delete htmlspecialchars( ... )
when i get back from school ..

thanks very much

Language Packs / question regarding lang change
« on: March 23, 2003, 04:35:50 PM »
Hi  i have question about change language on 4images gallery

i been searching for language stuff but can't really find out from
this web site so I am posting it in here..

What i did is installed 4image1.7 + language-english pack.
and i edited install.php, some other *.php and changed
charset to "euc-kr" and after installation it worked very well and supporting and displaying all korean languages.. But
after i got template (4blue_orange2)
and after i change it.
it keeps loading page with english only.
so i have to change lang type to KOR ( in I.E) everytime
i move on to next page.
it Keeps loading with "charset=iso-8859-1" should be
charset=0 or charset="euc-kr" is my web site

What do i have to do? if I want to change language.
What do i have to edit?


I was looking for error that I got when installing 4image..

and I found same problem .. but I can't understand -_-;;

Wahrscheinlich hast Du PHP ohne mySQL Unterstützung installiert. <---

What is this saying? thx..

refer to


Pages: [1]