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Messages - demontech

Pages: [1]
Hello Vano,

maybe i'm stupid but i don't understand in witch file and how i shoud write to explain for the gallery that
lattvia=lettland in swedish. And in this case is for my catigories i want to change to the swedish name when someone choose "swedish" on
\me has no idea what do u mean....

Well I mean as you have on your site
When i change the language to russian your catigories change to russian.
I have add all phpcode to all files functions.php and so on. But i don't know what todo next to proceed.
and get it work.

Okey i can even donate a few $
to 4images crew if they help me with this
as free help feels out on this one.

can anyone help me?
look @ the buttom of the page...


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Hmmmm Vano
« on: April 28, 2005, 09:01:48 PM »
Hey Vano

Why have you not answer this
Its the last pussle in my gallery to make it perfect.



Hello Vano,

maybe i'm stupid but i don't understand in witch file and how i shoud write to explain for the gallery that
lattvia=lettland in swedish. And in this case is for my catigories i want to change to the swedish name when someone choose "swedish" on

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / REQ category translator
« on: April 21, 2005, 07:59:16 PM »

First off a big thanks to the crew behind this cool gallery. This gallery really rocks is the best I've seen.
And another thanks to all the people that make the mods.

Now to my request.

I want an function that can translate my catigories. If someone thoose swedish under "language"
The catigories will be showed in swedish. Ofcourse it must have an configfile to exapain what the catigories are in swedish.
my site is

All help to this is pleased i got this idea from people who are not so good at english.


Pages: [1]