also, has anyone been able to solve the problem of the category drop-down form?
If I install this mod, my category drop-down no longer works
It just redirects to
whatever option I choose on the dropdown
I searched through the 27 pages but didn't see a solution
have the same problem....
I can't reproduce on my local server, everything works fine here, with the code from first page. Perhaps it's a server-related?
I dunno, but I have had this small "bug" on all of 3 hosting servers I've moved on lately... And your local server, is it Windows or still Linux/*nix?
And another one - if someone uses search or clicks on "new posts" - all the thumbnails have the links like "/" which is a duplicate for "/img2139.htm", and thats not good for search engines.... Can I have those links without the word "search" in them?
This has been discussed here so many'll need deny bots via robots.txt from accessing anything search related.
And to anyone asking questions regarding search engine bots: control what they can and can't access via robots.txt.
Search the web for more info.
Thanks, Vano, yeah, I know about the possibility to bar SE bots from indexing some types of links on the site by means of "disallow" strings in robots.txt file.
But nonetheless I would still like to know if its possilbe to get rid of those "search" inclusions into the "img....htm" URLs, cause not only search engines dont like those thinhs, but me actually as wel
Those pages have no distinctions on them, and therefore are simple detail-pages with duplicated content and different URLs, so I cannot understand why that "search"-word should stay there
Or maybe it has some original explanation and logical grounding?