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Topics - me4u

Pages: [1]
Hi >

I could not Activate the Automatic resize
see this /URL /

you can see in the index the pic is too big 

I have tried to Activate it but did not work >>
  i know the topic in Misplaced 

so can any one HELP ME 


Chit Chat / how can i Activate the Automatic resize ???
« on: November 20, 2009, 07:00:51 AM »
Hi >

I could not Activate the Automatic resize
see this /URL / >>>

you can see in the index the pic is too big  :evil:

I have tried to Activate it but did not work >>
 :oops: i know the topic in Misplaced  :!:

so can any one HELP ME ?


Hi >
i am using the last verson >>  :!:

and i wan't to use the default template  :P
but i dont like the css >>
 i want it to be colorefull >> like red green .................and the lite colors >>  :mrgreen:

I hope you knew my idea >>  :cry:

Powered by 4images 1.7.7

thank you



[EDIT by V@no]
removed some useless annoying text formatings

Pages: [1]