Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / [MOD]HTML Sitemap
« on: March 17, 2012, 04:04:20 PM »
Hi All,
An another MOD from me, HTML Sitemap for 4images Gallery.
Installation::3 Minutes
1.Go to Yourwebsite/lang/main.php and look for ?>
And paste the below code above ?>
//--- Html Sitemap --------------------------------------
$lang['htmlsitemap_images']="Images Sitemap";
$lang['hrmlsitemap_cat']="Categories Sitemap";
2.Download the htmlsitemap.php and upload the file to the root directory
3.go to yourwebsite/templates/your templates/error.html and save the file as htmlsitemap.html [copy the error.html and save it as htmlsitemap.html]
find {lang_error} in htmlsitemap.html and replace with
3.b find below code in htmlsitemap.html
and repalce with below code
<!--HTML Sitemap -->
NOTE: htmlsitemap is nothing but copy of your error.html
thats it and now submit the sitemap to google wemaster tool
Currently it is hitting the database twice[ images and categories ].I will try to optimize it
An another MOD from me, HTML Sitemap for 4images Gallery.
Installation::3 Minutes
1.Go to Yourwebsite/lang/main.php and look for ?>
And paste the below code above ?>
//--- Html Sitemap --------------------------------------
$lang['htmlsitemap_images']="Images Sitemap";
$lang['hrmlsitemap_cat']="Categories Sitemap";
2.Download the htmlsitemap.php and upload the file to the root directory
3.go to yourwebsite/templates/your templates/error.html and save the file as htmlsitemap.html [copy the error.html and save it as htmlsitemap.html]
find {lang_error} in htmlsitemap.html and replace with
3.b find below code in htmlsitemap.html
and repalce with below code
<!--HTML Sitemap -->
<table border="0" width="500">
<tr align="left">
<td width=250>
<table width="250">
<td width="250" valign="top">
<table BORDER="0">
<td width="250" >
NOTE: htmlsitemap is nothing but copy of your error.html
thats it and now submit the sitemap to google wemaster tool
Currently it is hitting the database twice[ images and categories ].I will try to optimize it